Same here. I just bought it too. About 4 days ago. I've been busy with the software. Very, very nice software. You could be UNSTOPPABLE with both Vegas & Premiere! Sadly, I just have Vegas, and I can't make streaming files correctly. Probably 'cause I'm too lame or something. Question: Why is the box blue but the program isn't? Well. Maybe it is eyes! They deceive me! Arghh!!!
Either you were dreaming or people have been multiplying lately... Well, maybe you weren't dreaming... let's not "over-freak" ourselves... ..........................................................................weird........
Oh...haha. It was during 1999 when Gackt sang Mizerable. You must of known about Redemption huh? He sang that song during 2006. 7 year leaps cause quite a few changes I guess.
......................that's not an answer..........
Dose anyone in here loves Gackt, Kingdom Hearts, and Roxas to the bottom of their heart?
15752 are we there yet?
Yup. This is my latest vid thus far. As a matter of fact, it's also my 1st vid produced using Vegas. I had a lot of fun making this vid (haha...just developing the vid not building an INet stream file for this site). I hope you all enjoy the vid! Credits belong to... Sony for the Vegas software for the vids (all copyrighted by Square-Enix) Gackt for his song "Mizerable" and... libramoogle for introducing me to the awesome song, giving me the song's lyrics, and handing me some tips during troubled times. (w/ the vid of course) NOTE: The vid seriously doesn't look this bad... could be due to my lack experience of making streaming files or just the bad streaming processing after upload. <embed src="" FlashVars="video=9a433115-b4e6-428b-bb17-99510042fd76" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="428" height="352" name="ePlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed> I hate making people click on links, so I just embedded the vid here. If you wish to rate the vid (you must be a member @'s User Portal), then follow the link. ^ ^
Well. Sony Vegas to put it simple. But I don't know what kind of file to make. By the way. Here are the details. and
Question. Why does all of my vids come out looking funny, even though I try uploading extensions of AVI, WMV, MPEG4, and a bunch of other things?
............ -_______-
...All of 'em seems to bother me, excluding snakes 'cause by pointing out where I live, snakes don't exist. Okay, they do, but not wild snakes or anything way bizarre and dangerous.
Question. How different is Vegas 6 from 7? I see nothing new, except maybe Vista compatibility and more "HD"ness. Hmm... By the way, masking seems nice, but lately. I haven't done any masking at all.
Here's my very 1st vid I ever made. Roxasvsriku inspired me, so I decided to make a vid. <embed src="" FlashVars="video=b3e6f29e-f187-4131-82b3-98fd0076ad12" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="428" height="352" name="ePlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed>
Nice. For a moment, I suddenly remembered this song, which was in that one HALO music CD...wasn't it?
What version of Vegas? I use 7. But 6 and 7 are about the same except 7 has a bit more things added...i guess...
HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Where's "Square Enix Genuine Fan"? I'll vote for that lol = )
Animal or human? I use the bathroom.
I'm gonna make THE BEST looking AMV KH-VIDS has ever seen! The quality will blow up your head. fast. Okay. I have the materials. Just need to think on the Music... This vid will be the very 1st vid that I'll make on Vegas 7 Edit: Well. The quality is prefect, but putting it on Inet streaming makes it look extremely unusual I still have the default HD file. But it's around 1GB.
Got $600 bucks? Buy Vegas 7 & PowerDirector. Done. But I know there are better products out there.
14120 Never! HAHAHA!