I think it's cool for Square-Enix..errr......Utada to think of making a song like that! It's pretty unique! I like it.
For those who think Axel is Riku’s nobody, get a hint. Have you ever noticed that Roxas is Sora spelled with an X? Same with all the other org members. Xemnas is Ansem with a X. Vexen is Even with a X. Axel is nothing close to fitting with Riku. Otherwise, Axel would be Rixku or something like that. Note that this only applies to the org members, since Namine is not a Kairi with a X. Maybe in KH3 we'll find out, but I highly doubt that since I believe exactly what ロクサス said earlier.
Neat. I checked it out. It's about $24.99 + $5.00 shipping. I'm thinking of saving that money for KH2:FM+ ... so ... nah. Thanks for the help though.
Just be straight and draw straight! THE END. This needs to go to spam zone...