I'm trying to play lego batman and my PS3 keeps on turning itself off what should I do?
as in the title what if rebliku had won against riku and took rikus place would anyone know the difference. And how would rebliku be different from riku in what he doses.
Thats right the good guys from kingdom hearts are now evil willing to do whatever it takes to keep there cause the main cause. thus the bad guys are now the good guys. If you have questions PM me ok. story intro The wise Ansem wanted to study the darkness and hearts to help the worlds. Soon Ansem was so depressed with all his failure in his research that he decided the only way to save people from darkness was to accept darkness and shun the light, but knowing the damage that would happen to the worlds Ansems 6 apprentices banish their master to a empty realm. Trying to take over were Ansem left off the apprentices tested their latest device to protect people from heartless on themselves. The test failed each apprentice lost their hearts, but they came back as nobodies a gift and a curse. They decide to still work on helping the worlds letting new nobodies join there organization. Years past then a boy lost his island to the darkness, He decided that he would fight for all the worlds to accept the darkness like his did while collecting Ansems reports his name is Sora. Rules(check the this page often as it well change and has the info you need) 1.This is to be a serious RP not a joke. So if you aren't going to take it serious and follow the rules then leave. 2.Keep it PG-13 (Basically if it wasn't in the games it won't be in here.) 3. No one line post; 3 to 5 lines at least please. I know I need more rules give me suggestions ok. character list(send me a PM if you want a character tittle it the same as this Role Play) sora-------Roxas24Sora & BaseSebastian riku--------BaseSebastian kair-------darkblademaster 907 the organization xemnas----(TB)danny865 xigbar------GREE06 xaldin vexen-----nobodynerd100 lexaeus zexion saix-------danny865 axel-------Labomba demyx-----Flamedancer luxord-----(TB)BaseSebastian marluxia----(TB)nobodynerd100 larxene-----yosha-the female warrior_ roxas------roxas95 Other characters(list in order of their appearance) namine Riku replica(Rebliku) Diz(ansem the wise)
I have an this idea for a role play based of the lego sets that have been made what do you say do you like it tell me so this might become one of the most popular role-plays here. character list will be here once I get some replies set base characters original characters name gender description personality
This is for any one who dosen't have a DS and they want to play 358/2 days at stores like gamestop you can give them your gameboy advance SP and you only have to pay about 90 dollors there for a new DS instead of 130 dollors. note this is only good if you have a gameboy advance SP. hope this is a usefull thread
it still works but when I tilt the control neck upwards overdrive doesn't activate what should I do also it's the PS3 version
Don't know if there is already a thread for this but I just thought about this marluxia with his hood up is at the stairway to floor 2 waiting for sora then axel comes and takes over. Marluxia isn't seen again until sora is at floor 10! So where and what was marluxia doing during those 8 floors?
as the tittle says. what power(weapon) and answers(to the questions) at the beginning of the game do you think sora would pick. answers can be two parts what you picked and what you think sora would of picked. If anyone has already done this sorry. weapons(what to use/what to give up) the sword (power warrior) the shield (power guardian) the staff (power mystic) Questions/answers (about you/sora) what do you want outta life? to see rare sights to broaden my horizons to be strong what are you so afraid of? getting old being different being indecisive what's most important to you? being number one friendship my prize possessions
pretty much the title says it all should coded be on the iphone
thats right a brog from each member of the the organization but instead of me doing all of them what if i let 13 members of kh-vids get to brog as their favorite nobody. rules 1.do it as a normal brog except you are the nobody you picked 2.keep it clean 3.one nobody per a member 4.if someone leaves a question try to answer it in character 5.keep your brogs in this thread 6.you will be able to brog when ether you want no deadlines or have to do a certain number of brogs per a _____ none of that stuff just give a explanation in character for your brogs nobodies and the member brogging as that nobody xemnas xigbar xaldin vexen lexaeus zexion------darkblademaster 907 saix axel demyx------Random Angel luxord--- -- keybladeofdarkness4 marluxia larxene-----yosha-the female warrior_ and roxas-------Roxas24Sora
organization 13 (and the rest of KH) bloggin thats right a brog from each member of the the organization but instead of me doing all of them what if i let 13 members of kh-vids get to brog as their favorite nobody. New more characters fewer rules. rules 1. No YAOI please ask me if you have an idea that contains yaoi 2.keep it clean 3.one character per a member 4.stay in character 5.I will let you switch characters(if its a character not let taken all you have to do is ask you'll get that character but lose the current one you have.)(if its a character someone else has you'll have to ask them if they want to trade characters if yes your characters will be switch if no you'll have to wait for them to change their mind or ask for a different character. 6. due to rule 5 we must know who you are. you can say who you are at the beginning of each post or use a certain color only. 7.whats a Tb it means temporary blogger so we can have more characters in the blog some of us must have more than one character until more members join you can ask for a character that's a Tb we will gladly hand them over to you. destiny island/Twilight town resedents sora riku kairi---------Tbdarkblademaster 907 hayner pence olette nobodies and the member brogging as that nobody xemnas-------Tbnobodynerd100 xigbar---------lolermee xaldin vexen------nobodynerd100 lexaeus zexion------darkblademaster 907 saix axel--------Ansem59 demyx------Random Angel luxord--- -- keybladeofdarkness4 marluxia larxene-----yosha-the female warrior_ and roxas-------Roxas24Sora also xion new characters Repliku(riku Replica) namine------------TbRoxas24Sora diz(ansem the wise) ansem(Xehanort's Heartless)
I decided to make this thread for the discussion of the game civilization revolution
what songs would go well with a tribute to each member of the organization
ok i'm going to try to write a story about the realm of darkness. But I need so I'm asking for help give me suggestions and i might put them in the story. The light and darkness are more alike then you think. In fact light and darkness are a lot alike but, still different. The darkness is not as empty as the people of light think it is there are worlds, people, and even hearts. Also the darkness does not hate the light it is actually afraid of the light as the light is afraid of the darkness. A great war between the light and darkness will soon come. How this war started will be explained in this tale of light and darkness. well what do you think was it a good intro?
would that be good for the game 2 players fighting each other as there favorite characters
well what non Disney movies would you like to be worlds in a kh game
what up fans of kh as my name states im a nerd and i wish sometimes feel like a nobody