We are being killed by a 4 billion dollar pipeline/cannon that shoots atoms and sh*t and was partially made by the French and you are saying that that is not awesome?
... the Large Hadron Collider This is the thing that is to blame if the world ends tomorrow.
Yes kids the Large Hadron Collider WILL kill us all, in fact we won't die by being sucked in a black hole, rather our molecules will slowly be transformed into strange matter, which should be painful, not sure how painful, but I guess we will find out soon enough.
the red names here creep me out.
Well most of the semi normal/nice people left KHI and now longer exposure to KHI will result in asshats flooding you. I swear there aren't 10 nice...
Eternal Sonata, Shadow of Colossus, MGS, FF, Zelda etc., there are a lot of brilliant pieces in a lot of games and I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.
I think you are overestimating Nomuras influence and overall importance... Considering that this is your only argument on why KH should be a PS3 exclusive and is a rather weak one, I think there really is no point in discussing this any further, we should just wait and see what will happen. I also agree with merdxa.
Eh who knows, if it goes multi and Nomura gets fired in the process, we even might get a decent story and perhaps even a... OMG original character design!!! >.>
Well I remember you having 4 rep bars the other day lol. @ daxma, you do realize that SE and Disney own KH, not Nomura?
But... but Muffins, the PS3 has POTENTIAL! D: Also did you just get derepped for saying that KH sucks?
OK topic of conversation, yaoi vs yuri go go go
Eyes are not evened out and this is also the case with the breasts which also differ in size and shape, the ear is too high and too close to the face and the wrinkles on the clothing look rather unnatural. Other then that it is ok I guess, keep working on anatomy and whatnot.
type: [mad] -insert name of anime/game - on youtube and you'll get all kinds of weird sh*t
you're a bit late dear...
If she wore high heels it would be really really hawt. Sup Dark? ;D
I beg to differ. Anyhow this thread is about midgets and Replikus sex life now.
I'll go with it if he seduces midget women too...
I liked it more when it was going in the midget direction >:
I dun even kno hau 2 reply 2 such awesumnes
Haha yeah, but I stopped being active there a long time ago, now I only post once, maybe twice a month.