I smell huge amounts of manhood in here.
I haven't got the slightest idea, I needed to make it violent, I'm helping out in a clan battle on another site and the theme was violence.
ehhh wrong version, will edit ON in a sec.
you know the drill rite?
Why can't you be normal and have sex with the vampire like everyone else?
Messy, lacks proper depth, has massive color and light issues and has terrible quality.
I'll give you a chocolate chip if you do it.
now really?
Jap copyright law is some funny ****, you can make a NarutoxInuyashaxIchigo comic and sell it and you can't sue them, because they are labeled as parodies and so protected by law. If the author wanted he could have named the char the same and there wouldn't be much DN creators could do.
Don't make me go Spinzaku on you.
Hai guise I join k? Just for the love of God, tell the weird Jap kid to put his willy back in his pants.
lolololol they were active for like 3 days and now sh*ts is dead.
And here I was going homogay for you...
HD sucks ass now, everyone that has a friend in HD can get it, skill isn't a requirement anymore. aV is good, they were always quality team. Moonlight and Air are the best though.
Colors are alright, but both the light and the liqufied effects look too basic. Also over sharpened.
Eh Toxic has a grand total of 2 good members now, such as shame, it used too be a good team =/
Calm down? I just told you that there is a minimum chance of the world ending and that we don't have a thing to worry about. I was only saying that uninformed smartasses like yourself should stop running around saying "lol I told u so", before the actual experiment is conducted, because it's annoying as Hell. Also I see you knew it was only a test.
You people do realize that what they did today was nothing more then a test ride? They didn't actually crush an atom today, they just checked if the machine was working by sending a few atoms for a ride. This experiment when it finally gets conducted has a really really small chance of ending the world, but till they perform the actual experiment please restrain yourself from saying "lololol teh world didnt end, i told u so", it makes you look stupid as sh*t.
Mr. Incredible Hulk, could you please stop being funny, right after you get rid of the 17 miles long underground facility?
It is telling you to stfu before it fires you at near light speed into a brick wall.