fukker got me
New flu is hax and op, not impressive.
herro thar
Biggest problem in your LPs is that you make them like tags. Don't get me wrong, the LP is quite appealing, but if you ever wish to make this more then a hobby you should stop making them like tags and focus more on originality in a piece rather then trying to satisfy the general rules of "graphic art", like positioning and focal point and that kind of crap. You should also try to be less reliant of textures and renders. tl;dr it looks good
Well I had around a 1000 fonts before and I could pull off some nice stuff, but yeah PC crashed and all that crap. Now I'm making tags with 3 wireframe renders, 1 standard render, 2 textures and some glue. I'll check out the LPs, but don't expect any serious critique, because I don't want to start bit ching about tags :v
Requested colors killed me in the 2nd. As for the text, I generally hate adding it to tags, but well a request is a request. Also I only have default fonts and I was not in the mood to search up fonts for 1 request :v And sup Vodka?
Haven't had anything critiqued in a while and since these were requests on KHI I don't feel comfortable having them commented there, so yeah. No ratings please.
Hello there, I'd like to introduce you to Mrs. Light Source and Mr. Focal Point.
Oh them huge eyelashes.
Erm no ratings please. Thanks for the comments I guess, a bit more critique would be welcomed, but oh well :v
Eh request on KHI: after a looong break from PS. Proper CnC please.
You should have left the left shoulder (his right) intact, it would have given an extra depth feel to the tag. The sharpness is a bit eye straining, but I guess you can't do anything with it now, blurring it would just ruin the effects. The tag is still good and a lot better then the generic render+soft brush+gradient crap we see everyday :v And yeah left side > right.
Necro much?
I'm bugged by the lil "sparks", take them off and then we'll talk. edit: Eh just copy paste what I posted on KHI
^Glad to see I've been missed :'D I'm starting to like you.
Fixed it for ya.
Well at least the guy left with some dignity left.... Oh wait looool
Oh, I get it, you're a funny person!
So yeah Neku, a little question. How do you feel knowing that these people care about you so much that they didn't even bother to flame you for the huge amount of bullsh*t that you posted? Hahaha it took them less then 1 page to go off topic, that's how significant you are to them. Indifference is worse then hate, isn't it?
Clean his face up it is too grainy, filter his ass plox. I don't get the highlights on his face >: Also sup Cin?