This song was adapted from Sunday Bloody Sunday by Pillar. Monday Boring Monday by Kairi~Sora and Rainbow~Monkey Wipe the textbooks away, wipe the textbooks away Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday I can't believe the schools today Oh, I can't close my eyes and make my homework go away How long... How long must we do homework???? How long??? how long...... 'cause tonight...we cannot do homework Tonight... Buttloads of textbooks under children's feet Assignments thrown across the agendas of students But I will need the tutor's call It puts my book up Puts my book up on the table Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday (Monday Boring Monday...) (lets go!) And the school day's just begun There's many assignments lost, but tell me who has one The homework is dug deep within our backpacks And homework, assignments,papers, notebooks torn apart How long... How long must we do homework???? How long???? how long... 'cause tonight...we cannot do homework Tonight... Tonight... Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday (Monday Boring Monday...) Wipe the textbooks from your desk Wipe the textbooks away I wipe your textbooks away And today the students cry We need some freetime while tomorrow they do homework ... The real day has just begun To claim the victory that the students won Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday Monday Boring Monday
LOL!!!! my sides hurt from laughing!!!!!!!
It's an awesome game but it's creepy at some parts. But i still luvvle it!!!!!!!!!!!
It's addictive!!!!!!!!!!! I luv to play it and my sister and I beat up each other for the game LOL
Is it any good????I saw it at the library and it looks interesting
it's OK. i like it though
Do you like these anime or and which do you like best???? EDIT: EEEK!!!!!!!! sorry i found the Anime/Manga zone LOL i posted in the wrong area sorry Yogurting The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya
So far i've got straight A's two trimesters in a row. what are your grades like???? if you don't want to share them, that's OK
i'm Mexican. one day my friend (let's call her Melissa) told me and my other friend (let's call HER Brittany) that she doesn't like Mexicans. she said "no offense" but that's when i get most offended. she said they're all "gang-bangers". ", no they're not" Brittany told Melissa. "Well, most of them. Except for you guys cuz you're Mexican" ........Mexicans aren't gang bangers. that's only some. she acts like there's no American gang-bangers. And Mexico is a poor country. This really hurt both our feelings. Brittany told me, "that's not even a fair reason to dislike Mexican. and the worst part is the fact that she said it in front of TWO Mexicans (us)" i know, i know. she has the right to like and dislike what she wants. but it really hurt. we told her but she NEVER said sorry. it's still bugging me. what do you think i should tell her????????
I like my friend cuz she's her. tomboyish, sporty, and really funny. but now she's different. and she said she wants to be just like me. but she's all gothic and emoish and not herself anymore. that would be hard to be emo and me at the same time. and i get the feeling she isn't comfortable with herself. anyways, she said she wants to draw like me, write cursive like mine, have long dark hair like mine, and be like me!!!!!!!!!! i already annoy me!!!! i mean at first i thought she just meant to be like me. i didn't know she meant EXACTLY like me!!!!!!! i want to tell her but i don't want to hurt her feelings. she's real sensitive
My sister may have told you that i listen to only hip-hop and that i love it and i make fun of kids at school but it's not true. she lied. Do you lie????? like a lot???? more than most people???? i don't lie THAT much. only if i feel like it do your friends lie to you?????? my friends aren't the trustworthy type. at least not one of them :/
My friend used to hang out with this kid, Connor, and he was such a jerk to us. He was a kiss-up too. the teacher has a picture of him on her desk and it's been there since he left school. she thinks he's a good kid, but he's not. He Cusses at other kids and says really gross stuff and my friend never said anything. at all. he called me a ****** and made fun of my laugh. then he cussed at my other friend and called her fat. he makes fun of kids with "issues" and he's racist. My friend didn't care though. He told her it's just his way of having fun. My other friend and I tried to explain how terrible this kid treated us, but she said she didn't care, yet, I ME MEEEEEE I, stood up for her when he called her ugly. she turned rotten and didn't know it. Yes, she's change now, but do you think she made the right choice by hanging around him????? He was a bad influence on her.
i hope you enjoy it and the results are accurate ^^
it's been more peaceful without my sister here xDDD
sorry if it's not good. it's my first one and i haven't had much experience xDDD it's not ready yet, i don't think but here's the link for when it's done: when it's finally finished prcessing, tell me what you think!!!! ;) EDIT: ok, that one did'nt work out but here's the good link ^^
i've made my very first KH slideshow and if you wanna do it here's the link. thnx!!!!!!
i'm telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rainbow~Monkey was cutting......... pieces of paper and made this REALLY cool mosaic!!!!
some guys "free running" it's really funny but it's not REALLY free running, but it's like kinda making fun of free running. xDDD Enjoy!!!
my first ever video i ever made so don't go all yeah!!!!! my sister helped me with it. enjoy!!!!! EDIT: say something!!!! tell me what you think!!!!!!