hey how is the game treating you
i don't really like it but my friend donte is really good
i have been reading king Arther
for you who know me it is obvious ..... sword fighting
i know its freaking awesome
i have heard lots of theories about this but I'm just going to Waite for the game to come out although it is a interesting theory and could be real
hey man you haven't been on for a wile
she may not have wanted to act in it because kairi only has a couple lines in it
ice cream always helps if it doesn't help you then your just a big emo and need help
yes both those count i don't really like fencing though
you know looking at birth by sleep it seems like it will go on for some time
that would be cool but it probably wont hap in
robin hood would be cool
no it was not sad just more of a cliffhanger
cool i love the sound track and that as they say is that
so how is the game treating you
hay I'm one of the phoenixes
how do you know that do you skydive?
for the entire game a week and that as they say is that
i have my own world too ya I'm not alone