Wow this is really deep :) It's really rather a sad poem huh? I assume you wrote this about a friend? From the way it's written with all that emotion I can only assume you're writing from experience :) Such a passionate piece of art, I really enjoyed reading this :) I liked the way it kept a steady rhythm and everything, you seem very talented :3 Though if this was written from experience then I do hope that you and whoever was concerned are okay...Or will be okay :)
I quite like this ^_^ It's such a free poem and has such a wonderful concept :'D I also like the heart you added on the end :3 very nice poem ^_^
I haven't been around for previous awards though I'm sure they were perfectly fun and need little or no change ^_^ EDIT: Though I have no idea weather it's ever been considered or not but how about mixing some games into it? For example running some sort of themed quiz or perhaps an online scavenger hunt (Example: Find a picture that symbolises ____ or Find a quote that emphasizes the feeling of ____, etc, with certain rules such as only being aloud to use a picture once meaning only one person may use the picture) and giving awards based on that such as "Best answers" or "Most interesting answers" or "most artistic answers" or "funniest answers" and so on and so forth ^_^
ALWAYS wait! Trust me..I always find it good to wait a few months then start sniping the pre-owned yet perfect condition ones~
Yeah I know what you mean about being easily pleased x3 I mean in my sunshiny rainbow bubble most of the time I'm just happy when other people are happy so I really don't mind...But there's been rather a few times when I'm told that I should mind and that I should have a say in what goes on. I'm pretty sure M understands that and all...But the whole "I don't mind, whatever you want" to her sometimes sounds like I'm trying to say "You know what? I don't care about my personal happiness I just wanna make you happy" which isn't really the case...I just thought that maybe I should be more assertive with things...Not to the point where I demand things but to the point I can say "Well I thought we could go swimming but I like your idea better so we should!" rather than "No really I don't mind, we can go for a walk" Geez I can ramble on huh? x3 Though maybe the whole indecisive passiveness isn't something I can just get over...Maybe it is simply a part of my character...Hmmm that is something to mull over...I any case thank you berry much for taking the time to listen to my troubles and offer the advice and I assure you it has helped! It's helped me look at it from other perspectives and that is good~
View attachment 32288 Seems legit
So excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited so excited Did I mention I'm excited? It really looks worth the wait and appears to provide another refreshing and new experience! And we'll finally have some move-along with the story...There are a lot of questions yet unanswered~
This isn't really urgent or anything...It's just something I really wish I could fix so if anyone can offer advice then I'd really appreciate it. :3 So I've come to a sudden realization that I am very passive and/or indecisive...A lot of the time I find difficulty arriving at a decision...sometimes even when one option is much more dominant. I hate to ask but I feel like it causes problems...especially as of late. So the main problem is within my relationship...Both me and (Let's call her M) are aware of it...But it can cause misunderstandings and such...Particularly when we talk about current problems, opinions, intimacy or the future and I find myself saying "I don't mind" or "I don't know" very often...And she will insist that I must have an opinion...But the fact of the matter is that if I'm asked if something's right or wrong...I'll immediately start weighing out different factors and find myself unable to reach a sudden decision on my opinion. But the thing is that when I struggle to find an opinion M automatically assumes that I'm uncomfortable with the topic when I'm not and it's a bother for her. I have spoken with her about this and the only thing she could suggest was to try and make little decisions and work my way up to big ones...But I struggle with something as simple as "what do you feel like doing?" or "Do you want to go to the park?" So please if any of you pretty pretty people have any ideas on getting over passivity (Auto-check didn't correct that...There I was thinking I'd invented a work xDD) or indecisiveness then pretty please could you offer them? <3 thank you duckies~
Ooo interesting theory! So which boss do you think? I'd love the irony if it was one of the heartless that roxas defeated with axel in 358/2 days xDD
View attachment 32287 Spiderman thread!
A theory about game prices...He says that to him a game is worth the hours on the game clock...So if he spends 30 hours playing, then the game is worth £30 So using my friends theory how much is the kingdom hearts series worth to you? For me I can only work on a rough average since i lost some of the games and reinvested and such...But I believe it's about £301 so far
I actually just finished a personal social development course at the moment...That covers most of the basic life skills...Not really cleaning but most everything else. It's not a mandatory course though I've learned quite a bit from it and everything...To be honest they make it out to be a course for drop-outs... But I think that society would benefit a lot from a more mandatory life skills course...Or even a variety of courses...For example "You must choose 2 from the following: Cooking and cleaning Money and independant living Health and hygene etc."
Ah but it probably was~ You must remember that Sora was simply turned into a shadow heartless, yet pumped out one of the strongest members of organization XIII...So in that case it's extremely possible that any one of the random heartless you destroyed may have been Lea's...I mean at the very least we know that Lea's heartless has already been and by whom nobody knows~
Hey there! I hope you have a wonderful time here and meet many new friends ^_^ And don't worry about being a "high level" there's no hierarchy here...We're all friends ^_^ there aren't any "Hurr we're staf which makes us better than you" or any such shinanigans ^_^ Just have a good time here with your mind at rest :3
Hey Shane! Welcome to our humble abode! Make yourself at home, fetch yourself a cup of tea and do enjoy yourself! :3 You ever need anything just ask and I'm sure someone, anyone can help you
And in Canada they call it Justin Bieber...This video...The face eating about 2 years later...It must be connected! Clearly this is a much less farfetched ide than zombies! [video=youtube;MVLmC8Motfg][/video]
Honestly I admire it~ I mean a lot of quotes in kingdom hearts have kept me going in the past, I mean it can be so inspirational...I rather look up to the quote you gave aswell ^_^ Though one of my favourite quotes from kingdom hearts has to be That quote...It helps when I miss people...Even the dead...I can look up and be sure that somewhere out there...Whoeer it is I miss is somewhere under the very same sky~
Good luck with you exams! You'll be FINE :3 caps for emphasis~ and I hope you hae a positively wonderful time in croatia~ ^_^
It may not have been drugs o zombies...might be aliens or vampires trying to frame the zombies! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Or y'know...mental disease or something along those lines >.> In honesty this just brings me to think of this [video][/video] I BLAME LLAMAS!
I've known my dad and my grandad for about 3 years...both of which live by the motto I myself find that in life that's extremely good advice, it teaches not to meddle with things that dont need to meddled, dont stir up ancient dust that's already settled...Be happy rather than try and find fault in things. :3