Because trains totally go "FSSSSSSSH!" it sounds more like a sudden burst of steam xDD
It's a half past midight...I have college in the morning...I so wanna hear this story! ^_^
I'll take a gander later tonight :) EDIT: Sumi: I know it would take some working out...perhaps if a set theme or mood was set it would help things move along...Just an idea for fun ^_^ And adverbs? I'm ot sure how I feel about them~
To be honest with levelling as long as you destroy all heartless and nobodies on sight you should be fine (Unless you're taking on Sephiroth) but really most of it is working with strategy...By the time I finished the game on proud mode I was only level 50 :) But if you do find yourself stuck on any kind of boss then it's always good to go back and level some more :) I assure you you won't have too much trouble...Don't rely on drives though, if you turn into anti-form at a crucial moment you can kiss a victory goodbye...limits on the other hand re much more effective, particularly knock smash :) Good luck :D EDIT: If you're really unsure of levelling though when in the gummi ship and you approach a world it'll say "battle level" if you keep up to par with that it'll be good ^_^
The yellow light is hardware failure...The most common thing to fail is the fan which causes the ps3 to overhet...sometimes it pops up when it gets overheated...Leave it overnight, f its still there in the morning...I'm sorry D: My vey first ps3 did this to me within 10 minutes of hving it running...I bought it second hand for £80...Shoulda known something was fishy xDD It ate my first game too...The company that sold it to me gave it back though~ and since mum knew id be disappointed she bought me a new slim 320 hard drive to make up for it ^_^ had it more than a yer, hasnt steered me wrong yet :3
Sounds like a lot of fun ^_^ I would love to attend a reading...Apparently readings of local writers happen every now and then in a book cafe in town but I always miss it D: By the by everyone! I just had an idea...We should do some collaboration projects! ^_^ For example one person writes a single line for a poem then another person writes the next line and so on and so forth until we have a finished piece of work ^_^ It's just an idea but I think it could be fun :3
I'm Rob! Hi there! So I notice quite of people post around here so I was hoping to gain some CnC for some works of mine? :3 thanks guys and I hope you enjoy my little corner of poetry~I literally just wrote this...I very often take peoples troubles and try to ramble on until they see some sense ^_^ Tonight I was inspired to write about it after a friend of mine threatened suicide (I figured that the best poetry comes straight from the heart...So I figured I'd show y'all where I was coming from with these~ If it just sounds stupid or anything I can always edit it out ^_^) Nattering on about nothing~ My life is fine, my intentions are pure I have an angel, her heart is one with mine I embrace anything that comes my way I take it with a smile And any time a problem arises I start nattering on about nothing As if I confiscate your knife Nattering on about nothing The story of my life I offer you my shoulders I offer you the world To make sure you don't erase yourself To make sure you smile once more So you come to me with your troubles Just like I insisted So I can start nattering on about nothing As if I confiscate your knife Nattering on about nothing The story of my life I watch over you with a smile on my face I watch over you while you smile with grace I can't help but laugh Laugh at how I helped put this smile on your face I didn't do much In fact I just listened Listened and started nattering on about nothing As if I confiscated your knife Nattering on about nothing The story of my life I wrote this one while my dad and step-mum were arguing...I knew my sisters could hear them and I was inspired by sea life so this one is derived from all those factors...It's one of my favourites of my own ^_^ The girl and the beast~ A small girl stands Eight, nine perhaps ten None-the-less arms spread wide Facing the fierce waves Each pillar of harsh water crashes The lightning crack And from the depths rise the tentacles of the mighty Krakken Sailors told sailor stories And mothers told of tales at bed time Yet to none was it more real Than this small girl Battling the waves of watery grave Defiantly waiting for the beast Eternity passed, bystanders in shock Storms raged and fires blazed Cannons fire, guns are popped But the beast could not be stopped It approaches the girl on the rocks The lightning in her eyes sparked It reached for her, striking fear and panic into all those present But the girl, the girl. What happened next was a miracle The girl and the beast Locked together in a sweet embrace And together, together they fall In sweet sweet harmony they sink to the bottom of the deep blue To make their reality last an eternity And to no longer be the girl and the beast I was tired and inspired by lullaby's I totally agree that it's not my best work but I like it ^_^ Hush hush, quiet quiet Hush hush, quiet now A mouse whispers in the night Hush hush, quiet now He received quite a fright Hush hush, quiet now Close your eyes Hush hush, quiet now Hush hush, quiet now Let the songbirds sing their song Hush hush, quiet now Have you heard something is very wrong? Hush hush, quiet now Into my arms and hush little darling Hush hush, quiet now I told a lie Hush hush, quiet now All is fine, I wanted to try Hush hush, quiet now I love you so, let us kiss And hush hush, quiet now So fairly often I'll remember a horrific nightmare...Be it recent or something long forgotten...But when I wrote this I remembered a particularly nasty one where I was pretty bad...And so I wrote about how a dream doesnt accurately show who you are at all ^_^ Curse of the mirror Once upon a time a man found a mirror It was a very peculiar mirror Who is the fairest of all? It did not tell But instead captivated me in it's spell Outwards and inwards Colourless, yet colourfull All in an instant the reflection stares at me While I end up being the one staring back at him Half colour,half a breath, half a sigh, half a life In sweet innocence I am complete But then why does the peculiar mirror show half a colour? The mirror breaks, the man smiles Whistling all the while He is free, he is complete so it seems The mirror was simply a thing of dreams I felt emotional about modern day war when I wrote this...The poor people of countries where dictators and rebels rise up and start killing entire towns of people at a time in their bid to rise to power...Senseless killing is horrific but somewhere out there it still goes on...And I wanted to write from the point of view of some form of victim Stories by the fire~ Join us around the fire As I tell my tale Of a life once lived And a home we once knew We stood our ground Watched the fire burn our homes Watched the fire burn our hopes People screaming, crying for help But none arrive as guns fire overhead Hours passed and the air doesn't clear Smoke passes and atmospheres thicken Death and decay, no longer can we fight I lost a leg I got lucky I lost my family I lost my possessions I lost my home But I have not lost spirit I continue to fight For if I don't more will face my suffering The killing won't end If I do not make a stand now No one ever will So join me by the fireside Warm yourself and eat For tomorrow I lead the way to freedom And a life worth living ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That is the end of my first installment of my very own poems. Any and every comment is more than welcome :) But regardless of any criticism you may have I sincerely hope you enjoyed the poetry ^_^ thanks for reading~
It's beautiful! I do hope it's bigger on the inside...Otherwise it'll be full of trash Glowy sticks and tin can men
I never went to mine because **** the school ^_^ twas all their fault :3 EDIT: But my friends all went, they'd won a free limo for the night...One of them cosplayed as Ciel Phantomhive (Dressed as a woman)~ Sadly though, as lovely as she looked, she got slushied B(
Thank you <3 This is all very helpful :) Thank you so much! :3 You're actually helping solve more than just indecisiveness :) I was considering making a thread expressing my concern for the fact that I have no idea what I want in my future...But your advice here is useful for that too <3 Thanks all three of you :) I do believe that everything is all good now ^_^ Heck I spoke to M...She was surprised that I'd wanna change in the first place then said I didn't have to...I still want to though...Off topic...I was thanking you all for being such a great help <3 <3 <3 I know you were assisting me out of kindness and all but should you ever need anything I'd be more than happy to help :D
Expressing yourself always makes you feel better :3 you can always rely on being creative to help ^_^ It's sad to hear that you have such thoughts...If you ever need anything you can always just inbox me or start a thread in the help with life section! It's really no burden :3 I hope you feel better soon! The poem itself is beautiful <3 despite the depressed nature it's still beautiful...A masterpiece <3
It's not too cliché at all! I really like these ^_^ I like the different moods going on ^_^ I may suggest trying to use happiness and other positive emotions to your advantage too :) And youre not too young to know love...You have family, you have friends...As a human being love is inside us all at all ages :3 You say "Dive to the heart" sucks but it's actually my favourite of these :3 I don't think they suck at all! :D
I love this! It's like a big pep talk! As I read it I pictured a medieval town and a knight running around shouting line after line of this ^_^ I thought it was wonderful~ As far as constructive criticism goes I can't think of anything to say so I apologise...But a title...Something as simple as "the beast" sounds good in my opinion :)
These are all really good! I eagerly await a part 2! :3 I really like these! And looking at the way they're written it seems you've tried something new with each poem :) I really like all them! :3 Keep writing, and remember, poetry is an art and as long as you put your heart to it, it's a masterpiece <3
Mutating Marshmallow! :D
Actually I think that sounds very plausible...My own happiness being connected with hers...A very possible idea :) I'll try to talk to her tomorrow and see if that gets anywhere :3 thank you :D You're right :) Thanks a bunch I'll have to make a note of these questions until I can memorize them...But this is a good start to helping break this habit :3 Thank you so so much <3 Thank you both :D I think with the advice the both of you have offered I should be able to sort this out ^_^ Thank you so so much :D
Monsters Inc. Oh god let there be Monsters Inc.! it's be really interesting to see Sora, Donald and Goofy as monsters~
This is wonderful <3 I love the translation! :) I see it's a real improvement from the original! <3 You have talent :) Being able to trnslate something aswell as adapting it to make it yours :3 that's brilliant ^_^ I really do like this~
These are all so beautiful! :'D I must say I do enjoy childrens books~ And I loved A velentine for princess roo...If I had kids I'd totally read that to them...Sadly I am young...But hey maybe one day I will read that to future children! Maka, you really possess true talent and I have reall enjoyed the pleasure of reading all of these <3
To be honest I really like it as it is (I'm an awful critic, I really just don't see anything wrong with these kinds of things) it's got emotion and feeling in it, it sounds like it came from the heart. I have a few suggestions though but they are just ideas nothing that says "Its better if you do it this way" but ideas on ways to change it a little...Firstly rather than having one flowing verse (Which is cool and all but I think it's easier to break it down in separate verses) have a couple of different verses, unless the point was to not have verses...That works too :3 If you do go along with the idea of verses then perhaps try adding a chorus If you decide to do both of the above perhaps have the chorus from the point of view of the one the poems about...kind of turn it into a musical conversation? Hope I helped if even a little. And really I think your song is great! The above ideas are just ideas just so they're out there...But whatever you do, write from the heart. For a writer, so long as your work is from the heart it's a masterpiece every time :)