Sit 'em down and talk to them about this...And if worst comes to worst and they really can't get along then you'll have to make time for them seperately...There's gonna be no need to choose...and if they care about you, they won't make you :) Everything will be okay, just talk to them about it, see what everyone thinks and feels...I mean maybe try having a day out with everyone...something that involves teamwork to get them all working together, something fun...Maybe then they'll see through helping eachother out and such that they can get along and can have a good time :)
I really like this~ Noone ever said a poem has to rhyme or has to have a rhythm :) Sometimes the best poems are written free-verse :) But this poem is lovely...It's kind of sad though..But I do like it a lot ^_^ that last verse really gets me (And kind of rhymes..Heart, start) The way it suggests following your heart gets you nowhere...A very strong poem indeed...Well done ^_^ It's masterpiece~
Thank you so much for your comments ^_^ I'm glad you like them :3 I totally agree with the power of poetry...It truly is marvellous how simple words can create such strong emotions :) But really thank you ever so much <3 any feedback with this kind of thing is greatly appreciated~ EDIT: Didn't wanna double post so I edited this post~ I wrote this (Well I made it up on the spot) For my girlfriend to commemorate half a year of an amazing relationship~ M's Poem You are beautiful You are divine And after all this time I'm still so glad that you're mine I love you so very much More and more After every moment After every touch I made this poem just for you To tell you just how much I love you I don't think it's too bad I hope you think so too <3 <3 <3
What'd you figure it was? xDD I figured some sort of canniblism...I totally ignored the wart if im honest xDD Lets just be glad he's not turning into a snail :P
Digging again! B( Theyre really letting him go back by the pond to dig? B(
Eve if the storm did get her...what did the storm intend to do with her? xDD I cnt imagine storm babies...or mosquito storm babes for that matter B(
The storms all "DOES NOT WANT!"
I like to think it would be a horrendous mess in which everyone dies xDD
Oh no whoever will save her now?
The whole town...The whole freaking town is cursed by spirals B( Wonder what wud hppen if thi was based on a true story
Good luck! :D You're gonna be just fine ^_^
pop goes the weasel~
So today I discovered that cereal does not under any circumstance go well with mashed potato B( I ate 3 cereal bars todayb ^_^ no fake milk stuff at all~ And they were all beautiful!!! AndrewTemari! You shall defend against those cereal killers! *ba dum tss*
Use an IM based client to tell this person you "Need to tell them something in person" That way you've already told them you intend to tell them and you know there's no backing down :3 You should go for it! We believe in you! I hope everything goes well ^_^ (Coming from the guy who's always been too nervous to confess in person)
Sounds like an interesting man...I'll bet hes the type to make it up as he goes along as opposed to actually planning anything xDD
I told my girlfriend about this...all day I've been pointing out spirals xDD This is amazing! :3 imhaving fun reading this horrifyin piece of work~
it's a sunday...well for me its a monday now...I have to be up in 5 hours xDD
Wow what a twist! And when you twist things they turn into spirals..As soon as this chapter is finished im going to bed xDD Nightmares will happen
This plot is SPIRALLING out of control >.>
I was thinking giving poetry a shot...If it went well perhaps moving onto prose...If we did try the collab...I think it would work best if we didn't stick to a specific style...Just letting it run free, if a member wishes to make a line rhyme with the previous line then by all means they may. If they feel they wish to start a new stanza then they may. I figure it's a fun thing to do and could possibly weave in a bunch of different writing techniques and styles and potentially create one amazing poem written by all who are interested ^_^