Always look on the bright side of life~ Check out the brighter end of the hall ^_^
Hmmm well if it makes you feel more comfortable do a google search for pictures of the airport and try to find some sort of landmarks. But really you're gonn be fine ^_^
I have no social life on friday nights...I have the internet! :D
then get someone online to give you directions, jot down the plane times and a set of instructions...make a plan and follow it as you go...Perhaps try arriving at the airport rather early just in case? :3
Awww I hope everything's okay, try to make the most out of things and I hope you enjoy your summer ^_^ Come back to us soon~
Snails huh? Oh dear god you're gonna love this...
I had a best fiend when I was young...Though when we changed schools we lost contact...Nowadays we're just too different xDD I had another best friend 4 yeas ago...Though recently I was kicked out of 6th form and havent had much time to see her these last few months...Though I am really hoping out bond is still strong :) My current best friend...I met him a few years ago...We didn't talk much then...He was just a gu who hung out in the library that I exchanged occasional "Hello"'s with...These days I can trust him with with anything and like-wise, we share a very close bond that goes stong...despite all the time he spends at wok or with his gilfriend :3
I think Shadox petty much covered it...I will say though that even if you do love the lizard...perhaps selling them to a friend or something is the best way to go...That way you cash in a little more and you can visit them whenever you like :) It is hard...That's life...Just keep on keeping on, watch your money, and keep an eye out for a job you do wish to take... You don't need to play an instrument to be a musician...pehaps find a local band o something you can join...write songs for them and see if you can work you way into becoming a singer :) best of luck! I really hope things pek up for you~
Oh trust me calling for help is VERY bad....I couldnt resist...I read the rest of it last night D: very unexpected...
Hey there! ^_^ welcome to kh-v!"The basics" Read the rules and have fun ^_^ That's all you need to know :3 anything else you need to, you need only ask anybody :) Everyone's really friendly so don't worry about anything ^_^ I hope you have a great time! :3
"Trust me I got this! I am the just kidding im just a reportewr who has no idea whats going"
There's a movie adaption? :O Oh god...All that gore and horrifics is just...Oh god
Oo that's tomorrow :D I can't wait~ Though I'm gonna be sort of inactive until late at night...Hopefully this means time zones will be on my side for once :P
The suspense is killing me! D: Oh by the way!!! The other day I got little mad at my sisters and hit my door...Unintentionally though...But one of the windows cracked...What shape was the crack? Spiral! :O
...The hurricane was worried about competition so it seems...Though I can't blame it...That guy did seem pretty horny- *shot*
HOLY FU- THAT DRILL WAS COVERED IN SPIRALS!!! No wonder it blew up, clearly spirals are the leading cause of death ever.
Thinking!!!! :3
Skin disease huh? xD maybe itll be enough to make the hurricane uninterested...
Thawing? I dont even...
Just out of interest, what is Soichi's haunted house?