Gah I knows >< I edited the post sort of hoping Flowergothic wouldn't see the original, but it appears I was too late Dx I did try~
[Tumblr|ooc: sorry about the post edit Dx it seems we should be at the auditorium now] "I'm pretty great actually" Chase responded cheerily. He pulled out his phone and glanced at the time "Eep! We're gonna be late! We need to be quick!" Without thinking Chase took Ash by the hand and began running, they made it to the auditorium just as the lights were dimming. "What pretty roses." Chase pointed out with a smile, still holding Ash's hand. A few moments later Chase noticed the hand holding "Ack! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that, it's just we were running low on time and stuff!" He got himself a bit worked up, he liked Ash and didn't want to make things awkward right when they start really talking. "We should probably sit down" Chase said smiling again as if nothing had happened, he sat down a couple of seats in so that Ash could also sit.
I'm British so thanks giving isn't something I do, but happy thanks giving everyone! ^_^ And sorry for not posting and ending the day properly yesterday I fell asleep D:
[Tumblr|ooc: Sorry about disappearing yesterday I fell asleep Dx] Chase awoke, aware it was going to be cold he put on his fluffy flap hat and his blue scarf and contently left the house ready for his first day back at school. After a ten minute bus ride Chase stepped in to the cold air and noticed he could see his own breath. Christmas soon! He thought to himself merrily. After a further five minute walk he arrived at the school building, hearing the general chit chat of students he overheard students mentioning having to go to the auditorium instead of the first lesson. Kind of an odd start to the day but Chase accepted it and began walking the halls. After a minute or so of walking he noticed her at the end of a hall, also heading to the auditorium. "Hey, Ash!" He called out to her and jogged the distance between them. "I'm really sorry about disappearing yesterday, I hadn't realized how late it had got...I kind of panicked about what my parents would say. I wasn't really supposed to leave the house yesterday, I'm really sorry. Maybe we could go for something to eat today? I could pay to make up for disappearing like that." He smiled brightly at her.
[] Chase smiled back at Ash "That sounds perfect, I can't wait!" Chase looked around and noticed Quin talking to Madeline and Tyler "Quintus sure got the crowd going huh? Just you wait, when you and your band plays here the crowd's going to love you too!" Chase grinned "Should we go and congratulate Quin on a great show?" Chase glanced back in Quin, Tyler and Madeline's direction.
I went to the doctors today...Turns out I have glandular fever...Means I'm going to be rather tired and prone to sleeping..So if I stop posting I've probably fallen asleep :\ Hopefully I can keep myself in control but just a heads up, just in case :)
[tumblr] "Hey Chase, few days no see. What's up?" Chase looked up to see a familiar face, Ash. He couldn't help but grin up at her. "Hey Ash!" He patted the seat next to him "Wanna sit? I know, I've actually missed school! I haven't been well, but I'm better now. It's great being able to have a normal conversation again" He smiled "How have you been? Has anything happened while I was away?"
[tumblr|ooc: Sorry about the long time to post I fell asleep] Having been ill for a few days Chase wanted to be out of the house. Go somewhere, see some people, have a good time, catch up on things he had missed. A few days before he had received an odd email, something about having 100 days to live. Though Chase totally believed the email, he was okay with it, just wanted to make sure the other recipients were alright. So it stands to reason he was excited when he heard about the concert down at Sealand Park. He made sure he was freshened up and dressed fairly casually before heading out for the walk down to the park. A good ten minute walk was all it took to arrive at the park. He took a seat and looked around to see who was around him, a few faces he recognized from school were around. Chase considered saying something to someone but shyed away from the idea, if somebody spoke to him he'd welcome the conversation but couldn't bring himself to socialize first.
Is it okay if post too? I just wanted to be sure there were no problems before i start :)
Of course I can:) I'm no good with computer things D: I edited the post, is this better? ^_^
Full Name: Chase Harvey Kelsey Appearance: Age: 17 Likes: Food, music, people, reading, writing, almost anything Dislikes: Loud music, certain foods, mornings Weaknesses/Fears: Shy ness,Heights, spiders, traffic, new people, loneliness a lot of things Strengths/Talents: Facing fears regardless, positivity, friendly Personality: Chase is a generally happy person unless something serious happens. He likes to help other people with their troubles no matter what. He can sometimes get shy but gets really comfortable around people once he recognizes somebody. Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Favorite Color: Changes a lot, currently he likes brown and yellow.
Thank you very much :) I'm really glad to hear some input and would like to expand on the idea ^_^ it wasn't really to make the poem tell a story...the idea was to try to write a poem in a sort of story book fashion :3 I have to agree with your bad points though...It does look messy and stuff...But hey I'll work on it ^_^ I'd try again...But I think things seem to look better at 3 in the morning...I'll try when I have a more critical frame of mind xDD thank you very much for your input though, it's VERY much appreciated
You know if this happened in poorer countries like Africa, everybody would die...And does this mean it's a crime to forget to take inside anything that could catch rain water...I mean seriously "I left my cup outside in the middle of a storm and I'm getting arrested for it" it's just pure shenanigans! Something should be done about this!
Welcome welcome to our humble little thingy~ I hope you're well ^-^ its a pleasure t meet you ^_^ don't hesitate to post ^_^ everybdy's rally friendly so you can talk to anyone more-or-less ^_^ but one little ppiece f advice...HAVE FUN! :D
unless my maths head is dead due to this untimely hour the difference is 46 ^_^
Hey beans! How's everybody been? :3 hope you're all doing good ^_^ I came back to the internet for realsies! :D I see there hasn't been much discussion lately...How about a fun game/inspiration thingy ma jiggy? Grab a dictionary (either online or a solid one) and pick out between 3 and 12 random words (No cheating) and incorporate all of them into a piece of writing...I tried it the other day....It's good fun but my laptop died before I could save it :\ I'll give it another go and edit it into the post when I'm done...May not be until i actually get some sleep but hey :3
So lately I've been experimenting with poetry in my free time...thinking of ideas...such as picking words 100% at random and encorporating each and every one of the chosen words into a poem (that was fun :D) Now today I had this idea...Writing a story...Completely out of poetry :3 I am about to write it here and now...Starting from 2:15 in the morning UK this will go...We will see~ The curious case of Hansel Life is sometimes dull Drifting along like dust in the wind Finding that those "responsible" speak nothing but bull But one man created a trail of blood, one man sinned It was a quiet afternoon This is the spine chilling case Of a man they now call "Hansel" A little sunny A little breezy But very simple Hansel's day went as normal Wake up. Eat. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Frustration was building No excitement, no friends, no fun, no help A man who was lost in the world One day in the office, innocently walking Hansel bumps into a young woman She fell The blood spilled Hansel felt shock Not knowing what to do he just watched Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. The puddle spread beneath Hansel's boots Nobody blamed him, an innocent accident Hansel attended the funeral Many comforted him His lack of remorse was taken as shock But inside he was smiling, laughing He felt alive He looked around and took in the gorgeous nature of life His mind replaying the scene of an acquaintances death Sick thoughts spread through his mind In the few days following the funeral Hansel knew what to do He had plans And suddenly one by one random people weredying Some deaths obscure Some deaths with hidden messages Hansel was desperate Spilling blood made him feel alive yet sick But he knew it was wrong He was desperate to be caught His messages were always hidden too well Five months later Hansel was discovered He made a trail of blood leading straight to his doorstep Sweet irony, a lost man finding his way back home Following the trail of blood He demanded to be known only as "Hansel" In a note left on the door Hansel was discovered However it was his own blood on the walls Hansel, Hansel, Hansel Finding life in death, and death in life CnC is more than welcome for this ^_^ it's just an experimental idea...if you think it went well I ma write more...Perhaps of better quality...when it's not 2:40 in the morning -_- thanks for reading ^_^
La dee da dee da dee dee doooooooooooo~
I don't think what you have for our friends is jealousy, really. Honestly I think you're seeing their traits and not wishing you had them instead...but wishing you had a trait of your own...But what's important to remember is that even if ou don't see it now...You are you, you have different qualities to everyone else. "Fitting in" doesn't mean having a phone like everyone else or having the newest games...And just because you have few friends now because you're not doing the whole "monkey see monkey do" that many people these days try..And as ou grow older you'll find people are more attracted to the individual people who aren't just like everyone else...I understand that you have a lot of questions about self identity...But it's completely normal, it's important to hang in there and remember that no matter what, your heart will always have the answers you need :) I hope this helped~