Peace people! Please don't argue...Really your opinions differ..And no matter how much you guys argue over it you're not gonna make the other change his mind. Neither of you are right, neither of you are wrong, that's what it means to have an opinions...We all believe different things for different reasons and trying to accept that is a part of life :) Mike created a "Pick-me-up" thread, something to make people smile....Makase was simply trying to breath his opinions into the thread, ot to cause trouble or strike up a debate, neither of you tried to do anything wrong so try to keep the peace ^_^
Doctor Who is beautiful, I doubt anyone has any objections to a few good DW fics ^_^
I'm no doctor so I can't really offer anything besides the possibility that your irregular sleeping patterns may be messing with your body clock. Though if I were you I would got to a professional doctor and get a real educated opinion rather than the internets guessing. Sorry I coudn't be more help...But I wish you all the best anyway!
I wrote this in class when we did a topic on homeless people, it's one of my favourite poems of my own work and I'd like to hear what you guys think (Be as critical as you like ^_^) "Homeless man out on his own Homeless man sleeping on stone Homeless man has lost his life Homeless man with bloody knife Homeless man smiling and free Homeless man, family and key Homeless man with job and money Homeless man eating sugar and honey Homeless man's life was stressed Homeless man, fights, violence and all the rest Homeless man finds an escape Homeless man's addiction starts to take shape Homeless man on the street Homeless man has lost his beat Homeless man cannot be found Homeless man finds a new crowd Homeless man looks back in hate Homeless man's life that sealed his fate Homeless man misses it so Homeless man who fell loose from the flow Homeless man is pained Homeless man's addiction leaves him strained Homeless man is finding it hard Homeless man got himself barred Homeless man has had enough Homeless man doesn't like sleeping in the rough Homeless mans new escape Homeless man, don't worry, it's just a scrape Homeless man has knife in heart Homeless man's time to depart Homeless man's final beat will cease Homeless man finally found some peace."
I'm not sure if I'd be any good at CnC but I could give it a try ^_^
Welcome to khv!!!! Do make yourself at home! Read the rules and have a whole tonne of fun ^_^ I'm relatively new-ish myself but in my time here I've learned that everyone's friendly! ^_^ I really hope you enjoy your experience here ^_^ If you ever need anything just ask~
This could be a number of things...Though I don't think insomnia just comes out of nowhere...Is there anything worrying you at all at the moment? Are you under any stress? Or perhaps you're simply coming down with an illness, a cold or something?
Follow your heart, if it steers you wrong then it's a mistake that you'll learn from...But when you find someone you truly want to be with you'll know it (Or at least I think so) Just do whatever comes natural, if you feel your heart is telling you to be with the girl, be with her. :) I wish you best of luck!
That my friend is where you are wrong! man cereal bars don't use "fake milk stuff" (Or in the UK anyway) but instead use chocolate~ Okay then so how about mixing things up a little? Like...Using combinations of different cereals in one bowl? Or-or-or using melted icecream or cream or milkshake instead of milk?
Wow what a situation... Well I say you shouldn't be in a relationship if you don't have feelings for the person, it's not fair on the guy if you keep this from him, especially if anything happens between you and the girl you like. You should let the guy down lightly, try to maintain a friendship with him and be completely honest :) As for the money situation...Is there nothing you can claim from the government or anything like that?