407 just plain old 407
405-4:05 a.m....a time where people should be sleeping
403 times i'm gonna kill my friend cuz of her endless stupid questions
i do not know sgh..but... doesn't know what a user title is and is vivi
ok then if you do agree on that, then Fuu is reserved for me.
exactly! i'm not married! and to answer your question...well, it kind of depends on what death feels like. if it sucks, then no. if it's wonderful, then absolutely.:D
Yikes, scary... Anyway, here's mine: internet kh-vids kh-vids royale!! my life babies (especially me brothers) rpg's acting reading i think that's about it
I never played VII, but like Arc mentioned before, it doesn't deserve that much attention. IV and VI were amazing!
ok i WAS gonna ask for another one but it looks like rufus will be pretty busy! oh, and btw sorafangirl, no i didn't play ff12...unless the demo counts (ok i'm going off topic so i'll shut up now.)
Yeah, i own tifa.. (two words)
Hey, sounds fun but...there aren't any characters left. so...can u add seifer, rai, fuu, and vivi?
yeah that's a good idea but i didn't completely get it. anyway, i wanted to do something about yuna, rikku and paine as fairies. is that possible?
ok i'm Qatari, so i'm from Qatar and i'm proud of it. like that?
yeah, it's a bad habit, but i do like what comes out of my head!
I lose concentration pretty quickly. My attention span in class is usually 10 minutes, then i start daydreaming and another 10 min. and it goes that way the whole day. Don't ask me how i get A's, i don't know myself.
1. Yeah, Pence is fat, but not stupid. 2. I have no idea, cuz i never played CoM. 3. I think so 4. yes, he should have, even tho i like him. 5. i don't recall the scene, so... 6. yeah it is stupid. the name itself sounds babyish.
Sephiroth. i don't know most of them, but i would still say sephiroth.
Of course he is! I don't think he's gay (if that's what you're saying) because... #1: Square Enix & Disney would never have anything to do with gay stuff #2: He wasn't really worried about Kairi cuz she was safe on the island, then she was right with him. Riku, on the other hand...well, sora had to worry about him more cuz of him being on the darkside and all that. Plus he's sora's best friend. Good enough?