Yes! This is a game that i am starting! It collides characters from Kingdom hearts, and Bionicle. You play as Toa (still deciding for sure on which toa team), and various KH Characters. --PLAYABLE CHARACTERS-- KH: -Sora -Riku -Donald -Goofy -King Mickey -Kairi? Bionicle: -Tahu, Jaller, or Jahu -Gali, Hahli, or Gacku -Lewa, Kongu, or Letau -Pohatu, Hewkii, or Pehuki -Onua, Nuparu, or Nupenua -Kopaka, Matoro, or Koparo --ENEMIES-- KH: -Various KH world bosses -Heartless -Nobodies -Organization XIII -Ansem -Maleficent Bionicle (UNLESS TOA MIVA ARE DECIDED): -Bohrok -Vahki -Rahkshi -Makuta -Roodaka -Sidorak -Piraka -Barraki --GAMEPLAY-- I plan for this to be a side-scroller, like the first 4 Mario games. Liek Kingdom hearts: Chain of Memories, getting near an enemy will engage you in battle. There will be no card-play. So, abssically, it's a combiner of KH: Chain of Memories and Super Mario Bros. 3. --WORLDS-- -Mata Nui (UNLESS TOA MIVA ARE DECIDED) -Voya Nui (UNLESS TOA MIVA ARE DECIDED) -Various Koros (UNLESS TOA MIVA ARE DECIDED) -Mana Nui and its Konos. (Similar to Koros) (IF TOA MIVA ARE DECIDED) -Various KH Worlds -Twilight Town -Destiny Islands -Castle Oblivion -Traverse Town -Hollow Bastion --STORYLINE-- Makuta and Maleficent have teamed up. Surely, this means doom. But unfotunaltley for them, Sora and his team discovered a Toa team. They eventually agreed to team up to save the worlds. (Thats all for now) --CONCEPT ART-- --PTBFAQ-- Q:WIll there be cutscenes? A:Possibly. If so, only COM-style. Q:Who are the Toa Miva? A:My toa team. Q: WIll the Toa have elemental powers, and mask powers? A: Elemental, yes. Mask, not sure. Q: When can it be expected to be released? A: Approx. May- July 2007. Q:Why Bionicle and KH? A: Because both are awesome. Q: WIll there be any FF Characters? A: Yep. Any that were in COM will be there. Q: Is Namine and Moogle playable? A: No, i put them on the poster to replace Donald and Goofy, whom's sprite sheets werent available at the time. Q:What worlds will be there from KH? A:Any from CoM, and if i can, i might put in POTC. Q:Are there summons? A:Of course! Even for the Toa. Q:When can we get more info? A: I will psot some new info.. um.. once a week. Or whenever i feel like it :P Q:Will it be a platform game? A:LOL. I wish. Q:Will there be any music or sound? A: Music- Yes. I plan to have Creeping in my Soul and Simple and Clean be the two Songsongs, and Music will be the music from COM. Sound will be either Mariogame umping sounds, or the voices. I would post a screenshot of progress, but for some reason, the screenshots i take are messed up. Sorry...please don't close. Official Site: Coming soon. The First Irken Keyblade Productions Production (maybe :P) ALSO: I might, strangely enough, have Mario and Yoshi as summons.
He knew they wrere safe on the islands. >_> He looked for Kairi because he.. you know. ;) He looked for Riku so he can be his maid. Yup.
Nope, amde it up all myself. And get on topic please D=
My god. I just found out some info about the next KH installments!!! Platform: DS Release Date: Late 2007 1."Kingdom hearts: Touch of a Heartless" Storyline: Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey have been turned into heartless and kidnapped. Mickey sent out a letter to inform Sora of it (See KH2 ending). Sora, Riku, and Kairi must set out to save them. But worse- there are dusks and ehartless roaming the worlds! Together, they must fight to save Donald, Goofy, and Mickey, and stop the heartless and dusks. Features all the worlds from Kingdom hearts II, and a brand new world. Also said that they are considering putting IAWW characters in Hollow Bastion, and a Spectrobes world. Gameplay: The DS is great for a game like this. Using the touch screen, you can pick co mands, change forms, and much more. They said they originally considered moving the stylus across the touch screen for keyblade movement, but it seemed too difficult to battle. 2."Kingdom Hearts III" Platform: Nintendo Wii (WOOT!!! Expected Release Date: Early 2008 Storyline: This picks up right after "Touch of a Heartless". The King wants Sora, Riku, and Kairi to work together again, after a new evil being (See KH2 Secret ending) is causing danger, and controlling heartless, dusks, and two brand new enemies! It features every world from KH games, except for Traverse Town. Worlds confirmed for this game are: *The area seen in the secret ending *Spectrobes world *Incredibles world *Lilo and Stitch world And that was only a few new ones revealed. The knights from the secret ending are a part of agroup that is in a way like a "good" Organization XIII. Various ones become party members at points in the game. Gameplay: The Wii is a Revolution in gaming. They could not resist using the Wiimote. The Analog stick is used for moving, and you swing the Wiimote to swing your keyblade. If this isnt comfortable for you, you can change the settings for playing with the CC. You will egt special forms and items (keyblades) if you wirelessly connect your DS with KH:TBH in it to your Wii with KH3 in it. They are trying to figure out if they can use Miis in the game. Platform decision:They were deciding what 7th Generation platform to put it on. They were considering the PS3, but they looked at the WIi,a nd experimented with it. They liked the Wii experiment better than the PS3 one, and then they discussed it. They agreed that the PS3 was good for graphics, but most of their target audience is likely to have a Wii, plus they could get abigger fanbase. So, wow. I can't wait. I'll likely have a WIi by Early 2008, so woot.
Its simple. Equip Cloud and SImba, 3 Heal cards, and sneak up on him. Keep ehaling and you'll survive.
''You put nintendo and then square enix wow 2 companies lol eh it did take you half an hour so 6/10 im just being nice." Wth? I can't understand what you are attemptin' to say. "advise: GET PHOTOSHOP!!!!" Advise? o_0 I have Photoshop. and it for some reason wont move images. "1/10, you get that for even putting wii next to a great title like KH." Was that a typo in the score? SE should be honored if Nintendo agreed to put KH on the Wii. The WIi is a great sucess and revolution in gaming. "As for the box art, it's really choppy, the rendering wasn't very good, there are white marks all around it, it reccomend using a smaller brush and taking more care." This is about the only good review so far. I can't help the white marks. Appleworks does that for some reason when i crop it.
>_> A sign at a Video game show had the KH logo. and under it it said "New project begins in 2007" or something like that. Why would they be refering to a FINAL FANTASY game?
yes, a "nnew project" begins 2007. 2007= This year. And Sora is in KH3, because Nomura said KH is Soras story. And besides, i'd like a new voice actor or two.
As we all know, The main voice actors for Sora, Kairii, and Riku are almost 20. I assume production of KH3 will start this year. I have heard HJO in a interview recently, and he sounds nothing like sora. At All. Im not sure about Hayden Pantierre or however her name is spelled. Makes me wonder- Will they have to hire new voice actors? Kairi- Miley Cyrus? Uhh.No. Maybe Emily Osment (HJ's sister) will get a role in the next game, small or otherwise. Discuss away!
Then scratch the first one. And this means sor ais back.. hopefully taking place after KH2- not too long after.
Marluxia Takes that spot. What a girly man.
Just keep hitting the dice. It will give you a Mickey card, which will open the gates for you to attack him. Just keep doing that, and dont forget Summons and card stocks.
Dont waste your money on a PS3. for the same price, you can get a Wii with 7 games (or whatever amount you want..also ps2 games?).
See? lack of good games, and a small amount of games in general, is why the PS3 is failing. yes, it's failing. It's been outsold by the PS2, DS, everything, and that's in a month. It's currently the wrost-selling of this generation.
I try equipping decks and it says i dont have enough CP when i leave.. >HELP? Also, tips for beating riku rewplica 1st battle? (Rikus story)
>_> I did. It only showed Games, Manga, and other stuff. No Books.
Im not talking about the manga..
An idea JUST popped into my head. 1.The Knights are part of Organization 13 ressurected somehow. One of them might be Larxene, because of one of them being feminine. 2.They are a new organization-style group that has taken control of Heartless and keyblades. I just hope Sora and co dont leave. it would suck without Sora, Kairi, and Riku, as much as i hate Riku.
Many times, i have gotten Luxord and Ansem the wise confused- by looks. Is Luxord his nobody, or is it a coincidence?