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  1. Inasuma

    Fml. >:

    Today, this really attractive woman that I've known for years told me that when I can have sex with her standing up, she'll have sex with me. I'm confined to a wheelchair. FML
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 23, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Inasuma
    Over the past few days I've been deathly sick. Just last night, my girlfriend said she'd be here this morning. She did indeed come (indeed). But in the midst of our events, I vomited all over her and she is now at risk of contracting a deathly virus.

    /khv/, should I:

    1. Call her parents and let them know.

    2. Continue sitting here and hope the internet solves my problems


    3. Run away and hope I don't die in the bitterly cold and nippy North landscape of America?
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 22, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Inasuma
    Recently I've been trying to stop biting my nails. It's a tricky thing to stop after doing it for 6 years.

    What are some habits you've stopped or are trying to? How are you managing to do so? :]
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 15, 2009, 46 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. Inasuma


    I'm surprised I haven't made this thread in the 3 or so years I've been here. Anyway, Coupling is a UK comedy show. It's basically one of the most hilarious shows I've ever seen. And it's from Britian, hoorah!

    Anyone else seen it/watch it?
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 12, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Inasuma
    I will nuke you.

    No lies.

    PS. I really don't care... so therefore this thread is pointless.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 9, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Inasuma
    I just refraped a few members for no reason.

    Who wants to be refraped? Offers held high.

    (note: refraped is not an actual word--it is a clever combination of the words "refresh" and "raped." I know, I'm a genius. But that's what gets me up in the morning. ;D)
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 5, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Inasuma


    I have a scar on my finger that looks like Africa.

    What faggotry.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 4, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Inasuma
    So, for my lit analysis class, I read a book called The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. E. Griffin. It has a secondary title that says, "A second look at the Federal Reserve." So you can guess what it is about.

    At any rate, I wrote a paper on the first half of the first chapter (it's not a particularly large book, but there is a ton of information), explaining how from past events and actions of the Federal Reserve, shows how it is really a cartel that doesn't really make public-interested opinions, but instead, private-interested decisions. In other words, how it is a consolidation of power.

    Feedback would be great. <3

    I did read a few other smaller books, not only this one for this, but I only cited Griffin's book as my main source. I also took from other sources which I already knew. Thank Jebus I didn't need a bibliography. <:

    Thanks. :3
    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 4, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Inasuma
    I'm in 2008 still.

    Thread by: Inasuma, Feb 4, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Inasuma
    Somehow this student managed to get an A+... not sure if he convinced the teacher, or if it was just creative.

    Discuss. :l
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 27, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Inasuma
    Remember, this is not a debate. Discuss, exchange idea's and be open about this. I rarely see a thread on this forum nowadays where someone isn't personally attacking and resorting to escapist tactics in order to defend themselves. One's belief is not themselves, always remember that (personal philosophy, too, btw).

    What do you feel it means to "accept Jesus"? Is it allegorical? Literal? Metaphorical? What do you feel is the motive behind this notion?

    From this, I present a quote that Bunterx has quite beautifully laid out in his signature, "Accepting Jesus Is Like Committing Intellectual Suicide."

    - Thoughts on an opinion like this?
    - Idea's on why a person could say something like that?

    Personally, I think to "accept Jesus" could mean one of a few things. The first of which could mean to accept (but not necessarily understand and put into effect)* his teachings and personal conceptions; this includes being nice to others, love thy neighbor, treat everyone with just as much love as the guy or girl before, etc.

    * What I meant by this comment was, a lot of the time, a person will hear or see what Jesus thought and preached for, but will not listen or absorb the very philosophy itself. Too often than not I see a person explaining this ideal and can't necessarily make a basis for it. That's why it should probably be made relevant to sit down and think long and hard about this philosophy.

    Secondly, it could mean you personally accept that Jesus existed (more often than not, as fact, rather than a possibility), therefore warranting foundation to the philosophy presented.

    Quite simply, pointing out that Jesus existed or not is irrelevant. I suppose Jesus would have been a real person... okay. Now what? If it turns out he doesn't exist, would it have mattered? Of course not, it is the message to be understood. Therefore accepting Jesus in this perspective might not always be something to have an opinion on, but rather, be aware of its branches and possibilities.

    Thirdly, and very generally, this applies to an institutionalized perception, of accepting Jesus as a "savior." ** I see that nearly 100% of the time, accepting Jesus as a "savior" is actually an institutionalized paradigm. The Church (whichever sect you refer to it won't matter, many have this either way) seems to have indoctrinated this idea, to create a universal understanding for the general populace to agree on.

    (and on an irrelevant note, for myself, I don't find most of the messages widely believed even remotely correct, for in reality, there seems to be a hidden or occult message behind many of the things said in the NKJV or Old Testament, after translation... so a grasp of subjectivity has been inclined to the writings, originally or newly created (after translation).)

    And of course the "accepting Jesus is like committing intellectual suicide." You know, this is just as subjective OR objective as the rest of the idea itself. If you do it and give your entire life for it, without making an attempt to understand at the very LEAST, and give some effort and "against-the-grain" attitude against the faith concept, I think very much it will be like committing cerebral purging. So this won't necessarily imply the mind-set of "simply disagreeing and listening why it is wrong." Instead, disagree at first, and create an understanding of it.

    And when I use the word understanding, it isn't just knowing. I mean create a foundation, which is what the word actually means. lol

    I'd go on and list more of my thoughts, but my hands are starting to cramp.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 25, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. Inasuma


    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 24, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Inasuma
    When will you get boring to me, kh-vids, when?

    I slave hours a day just sitting here, reading posts. Let me be free! THE PAINNNNNNNNN.

    ...I actually enjoy it, so nevermind.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 23, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Inasuma
    That's just gross.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 18, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Inasuma
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 16, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Inasuma


    The number of posts you have now shows how sexy you are.

    Since that's the case, Evilman is the smexiest member here. Followed by Kitty (again), and then yours truly, with libregkd right after.

    If you have negative posts, you're fugly.

    That is not all, clearly:

    Edit: FU- I just noticed I'm far too smexy enough.

    EDIT: I'm genius am I not? Yeah, I know I'm not. <: But here that's what keeps me comin' back.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Jan 6, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Inasuma

    Repliku :D

    I never got to congratulate you on becoming super moderator.

    So, congratulations!
    Thread by: Inasuma, Dec 29, 2008, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Inasuma

    why is it

    that the girls who are against abortion are girls you'd never want to **** in the first place?

    honestly, I'm stumbled on this one.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Dec 28, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Inasuma


    My lack of conformity and euphemistic values today is the result of two major events:

    1.) I have turned 18. And by law, that means I am magically super awesome.

    2.) It is my birthday. Technically this is the same as the above, but who gives a turd.

    3.) See 1 & 2.

    4.) See (3) for more questions.

    tank yew.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Dec 26, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Inasuma
    For some reason, my iTunes won't let me download the firmware for my iPod to update to 2.0/2.1/2.2. It says...

    I don't even know what the hell it's talking about.

    Any help appreciated. <3 Thanks.
    Thread by: Inasuma, Dec 26, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Technology