thx for accepting my frawn request ^^
OCC- well i gtg
Xion- ^^ so were are you going?
Xion- yea i cn see tat *laughs again*
Xion-..............ok?....y is every one confusing me with others?......'s black hair.....
Xion- well tats a first time i hear tat.......
Xion- .....the names Xion ^^
Xion-*looks at goku*.......someone
Xion- *pops out of nowere*.........*thinking(its beucefilous.....)* OCC-...havent been rping for a while
OCC- thanx XD but i gtg bye bye Xion- thx Xikru:D
OCC-haha jus now lol
Cloud-....*still meditating*... yea
Xion- *happy* really?!?!?!?! thanx so much :)
Xion-........*walks out of alley*..uhhh....*some how gets back to were she met Xikru*
Xion- *in an alley* were am i...?
Xion- *looks for it 2**gets lost again*..........
Xion-hm....... i dropped a picture of my frawns somewere around this part of town.......
Xion-.......i was looking for something until i got lost