Ahhh, so there are brighter bulbs in the box. :D Is she a blonde?
Why? Is future sister-in-law a meaniepants?
Arghhh, I doubt if my brother will ever go on a date with a girl. Hehehe...
Colorado Sunrise by 3OH!3.
That's okay; I suck at it, too. Going on vaycay up north. What about you?
Awww, thanks! :D
That's okay. :) I get kind of defensive, too.
Yeah,,,,,, I wish I wasn't though! :)
1st. I'm a veggie. 2nd. The people on the ice floes that I am referring to that are clubbing baby seals over the head are not hunting them for meat. 3rd. I'm just going to end this here before a flame war brakes out.
Nuttin'. Just getting reputation demerits. :p
Hey! You're welcome!
I understand where you are coming from, but the people who kill them steal their fur. And if they were fisherman, the Canadian government should have already informed PETA that it was fisherman, and that they were mistaken. P.S. The Canada video that you posted was really funny!
But your artwork is fantabulous. People who can draw are so cool; I just wish I was one of them!
My favorite dinosaurs are the ones from Land Before Time. Littlefoot is the shiz.
Thank you! You're pretty awesome yourself! It was about some something I wrote about seals and batman.
I don't know about them, but I do know that *directed at the person who gave me a reputation demerit* I am not wrong on that point. :P http://www.olympicshame2010.com/Default.aspx
I know! I just noticed it, too! Who gave me red???
Yeah, I love all the kh characters in chibi form, but the sea-salt ice cream made it extra-adorable!
Grrr...Canada pisses me off...for this reason (I want to get my Batman on and Amazon says $52.99), and the fact that they slaughter baby seals!
I think dinosaurs are pretty sweet. I mean, yeah, panda bears are cool too, but who would win in a smackdown? Dinosaurs. :)