Oh mah god. This is sweet. :D
What's going on? :)
So what's up? :P
This is disgustingly putrid. What person does this? The dog thing was also creepy. I live like, 15 minutes from where his house was.
Hey! I'm good, thank you very much. How are you? :)
What. The crap. Was Raptor Jesus doing in my closet?
Oh, god. It's NORBERT!!!
On appearance and cool things it can do, I'd say Demyx's sitar. "Dance, water, DANCE!" But on the weapon I would not want to deal with, I'd say Zexion's book. I mean, you would be trapped in there forever, and people could open it and say haha, this noob got booked.
No, there's so much crap in my closet they would never fit.......However,,,,maybe in the barn? I'll go check. *Runs out to barn* OH MAH GOD, THERE'S A RAPTOR IN MY BARN! What kind? A baby?
Oh jeez. :D
So where do the dinosaurs live then? In a cave?
But they will always be alive in our hearts.
Jesus loves dinosaurs.
I do. I made them in home ec. They are green with little frogs on them! Hehehe, I'm lame. :)
*Squeals* People like me! They really like me!
Parawhore gave me some for my dinosaur post. :D
Yippee! My rep is back up!
Have you ever seen/listened to "The Sora Song"? Now that is epic.
*Giggles* You're right. But it makes it a tad bit funnier. Your avatar is super cool. :)