Right now I am rereading both To Kill a Mockingbird and The Outsiders. I don't get what the big hype is about To Kill a Mockingbird. Yeah, it was okay, but not excellent. But The Outsiders may just be the best book I've ever read.
Oh. Okay! :)
Hahahaha! Hey, does anything happen when you refer someone? Like, you tell them to join and they write your name in the little box?
Hayley Williams rocks! And she is my hair muse. :)
Yeah, I literally squealed with excitement when I got good rep from a premium. :)
Thanks for all that information! What I really like about khv is that pretty much everyone is really nice. I made an account a while ago, but just...
......I like my men geeky and nerdy.......but if only he had Buddy Holly glasses.........then he would be complete........xD
Totally! Who doesn't harbor thoughts about BH glasses? :) Kudos at being a supermod, and I literally laughed out loud when I read "The highest...
Yeah, it is, and thanks! They're new....Oh! I got it now! Are you a.............mod?
Oh, snap....o.O............. :D
Dear Misty, I just wanted to say thanks for being a such an awesome admin. Here, have a cookie on me! *throws a giant massive cookie*
Fair trade: You can have Demyx, but Zexion is mine! XD
P.S. I think I am in love with your Demyx background. :P
Hahaha. What would we do without our friends?
Yeah. This has happened with many things. Hahaha.
Right now I really like A Letter from Janelle (Acoustic) by Chiodos.
Excellent thread, and good eye!
Well, I just sat my friend down in front of the tv and told (forced) her to play Kingdom Hearts for the first time. Before, she said the game was...
I'm good. I just sat my friend down in front of the tv and told (forced) her to play Kingdom Hearts for the first time. Before, she said the game...
What'd up, Moogle?