Well, today my friends and I went to the mall and one of my friends got chasticized at Hot Topic (where I bought an awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja...
Wow, you're serious! That's so cool, and I can tell you really like it. :) Anything interesting happen to you lately?
Cool, I have always admired people that can draw/paint/sculpt, etc. What is your medium?
Well, fine, sassy pants. xD Idk where that came from. And you like to draw?
Haha, I am stealth.
Hey! What's up? Whoa. ***Still kind of dizzy after spending five minutes staring at your background***
Do you actually do like, karate?
I don't know; I guess some people just don't like it. I don't have a problem with it...but don't try it! I did it before I knew what it was (noob), and got derepped, and warned and shot down. It was not a good scene.
Howdy! Welcome to kh-vids! :)
^^ So you are a ninja?
8/10. Makes me think of raccoons. And I love raccoons. P.S. As soon as I become premium, I am changing my name. :P
P.S. I am in love with your background.
Hi, new buddy! Thanks for the add. :)
Sure! What's up?
Howdy. Welcome to kh-vids.net!!! :)
Lyrics! And synthesizing.
I love Tegan and Sara! They are sisters/musicians from Canada. My favorite songs of theirs are Nineteen and Back in Your Head.
Freakin' A! If it was anything like the animation in Advent Children, I would totally go see it/buy it.
I have a lot. I don't really say "favorite movies", just movies that I could watch over again. It's really random, like Rocky Horror, to Chicago,...