We are going to do it no matter how many times you little *******s ruin it. *ahem* BACK TO THE STREETS WHERE WE BEGAAAN
Feelin' as good as lovers can...
Ok, so I just lost 150 Rep points completely randomly. I've gotten no notices as to why, and I've been looking but can't find anything. No one has de-repped me lately and taken any more than 2 rep, so I'm horribly confused. Help? I miss my rep... D: Oh, and to the mods, if threads about this aren't even allowed in Forum Assistance, I apologize and you can immediately delete this.
...Yes, that would be dark.
Y...Yay, fun. Ha ha...
Ok, I love adult swim for keeping the second DN opening, but there is one thing that is pssing me off. America fails, if they can turn: Hey Hey, Human sucker, ah human human ****er! Into Hey hey! A Hymn to humanity, all love has gone. People, are you worried?
And for some reason, this time it hit when I saw it. It hit me hard. Maybe it was just the dramatic music, but I have never cried at an anime's ending so hard in my life. And they've definately never been tears of joy.
I think I have the flu D: -dies in corner-
So I'm sitting on the couch with my little sisters who are watching Barbie. And all of a sudden, the Prince starts talking. And after a while, soemthing freaking breaks inside of me. That voice... I've heard it... and then I scream. OMG. IT'S ENGLISH DUB L.
Stoled from Deviantart~ Light [] You have a big aim in life [x] You hate to lose [] You feel that your eyes change colors with your behavior [X] You are obsessed. [x Sadly, yes.] Your intelligence is superior in comparison with another person’s [] You don’t mind hurting others as long it helps you to get to your aims. [x] You have talent to seduce the opposite gender Total: 4 L [X] You love candy [x] You don’t care about how you look [X] You walk/ sit curved [x Compared to most my age, apparently] You are a genius [x YAY INSOMNIA] You have dark circles around your eyes [x D:] You are very thin no matter what you eat [] You don’t have many friends and you are a total failure at love Total: 6 Misa [x] You love someone blindly [x] You would do everything for that ‘someone’ [x] You dress in a very peculiar way [] You can’t tell when people are joking around with you [] You can’t handle alcohol very well [x] You are very jealous [x] You can make people do what they don’t want to do. Total: 5 Mello [X] You love chocolate [X] You were confused at least for once with the opposite gender [x] You always dress dark and tight clothes [] You are always second [] You have a burn/scar on your face [x] You are very intelligent, but sometimes you make mistakes [NO WAI I LUFF HIM<3] Near creeps you out a little bit Total: 4 Matt [X] You are always playing videogames [] You smoke [] You wear streaky shirts [X] You would do anything for your friends [] You use glasses that look like goggles [] You are always relaxed [X] You are very affectionate to your best friend 3 Near [] You are patient to the limit [X] You always win [] You have Peter Pan syndrome [] You love to wear pajamas [X] You are very intelligent [X] You have a lot of ability using your hands [X] Your hair is a weird colour Total: 4 Mikami [] You believe in a god [X] You search for justice in everywhere [] You use glasses [] You are/ want to be a lawyer [] You don’t care about following orders as long as it’s for justice’s sake [X] You support Kira unconditionally [] All your life is perfectly planned Total: 2 Ryuk [X] You love apples (very much <3 ) [X] You are bored [X] You think that humans are… INTERESTING! [TTLY.] [X] You laugh in a weird way… [Oh yesss... ;D] [] You don’t let your feelings lead you [x] When there’ s an argument, you never take one of the sides [XXX] You are a little bit crazy and weird (take out the little. O_O ) Total: 6 Matsuda [X] Some people think that you are an idiot [X] You always see someone’s good side [x] You know someone who is an example for you [] You don’t think Kira is neither good or evil [] You talk about a love life that you don’t have [x] You do stupid things that sometimes are good to the ones around you [] You are pretty, but old. Total: 4 ;_; Lol, I tied L and Ryuk o_O
Though I don't really care. http://youtube.com/watch?v=EqMjsDGLkxM Guess who that young one is.
May(<3) i touch ur bum once?
How to Read 13 is oh so lovely~ Not to mention I cracked up reading certain parts of it.
Sorry for the delay, guys. Came back to moms house and Im in school again, so I dont know when I'm gonna be able to write chapters. But this chapter is pretty epic, so I guess you could say it makes up for it. Anyways, enjoy FF's banning. I know I did. I was smiling the entire time I wrote it =D ----------------------------------------------------- Ban Note - Chapter 5 The remains at the site were horrific. The bus was stopped and the staff were not far away to come and question the witnesses at the scene. Vivi stood there, next to a fear-stricken CtR. He stared into the distance, wondering what he should do next. “lol hay u.” Vivi turned his head and looked at Finalform. “Yes?” “k so like I aculy cam hear on a supr auseom mishun…” He said “so lik cud u not tell the staf that dis happens caus then madi wil hate me and I LOOOOVE HER.” “I understand. I won’t mention this incident to anyone, and of course that includes Xaldin.” “LOLOLOL I STALK HIM TOO U R SO LUCKY TU KNO HIM!!!!” Vivi quickly turned away as Finalform left. Just as I thought. I don’t want anyone to know that I’ve met a roleplayer either. If Xaldin were to find out… Madi would definitely hear about it. Vivi grinned. This incident will be dismissed as a mere accident from the staff. ***In a house somewhere in the middle district of the spam zone, a young woman sat quietly, reading a book on the teachings of the staff. Her hair was a beautiful ebony color and her clothes matched it perfectly. He sat there silently, awaiting the return of an all too familiar face. “Welcome home, Finalform.” She greeted. “Yeah… I’m home.” “Oh my gawd, what happened? WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT?!” The woman asked “lol sry bout dat hun. today wuz prety hectick.” “What happened?” “sum n00b tryed to hijck a bus but ran off and gotz hitted by a car.” “…Did he die?” “lol, I thik so. I didn’t stikk arond caus then madi wud hate meh.” “FF… are you sure that was just a coincidence?” She asked “I mean… you were tailing someone when you were on that bus, right? And somehow, a n00b has ended up dead? That’s—“ “hay u, shutup. ur a woman. i dun hav to listn 2 u.” “…*******.” “shut ur mouth an put sum sugar on dat.” “Hm? You gonna write the name of that RPer down?” Remmis asked “No, he’ll be written in one week’s time.” Vivi answered. “If he were to get banned immediately after encountering me it’d look suspicious. It’s better for me to wait until the investigation progresses further and allow him to investigate as many people involved with the staff as possible.” He smiled. “For now, I think I’ll bait Madi with some more n00bs.” *** “Madi,” Madi turned her head towards her laptop. “There’s been another victim that’s left some sort of odd post.” “Send me the images.” Spam truly is sumthn ausome. its lik a creation of the Godz or sumthin… ya. Madi, doez u kno Spam Godz… Madi thought. Shika… are you suggesting that Spammigami exist? “Lead, tell the staff to continue surveying the spamzone. We may see more n00bs leaving posts behind.” “Understood.” The downtown streets of Anything Else were more crowded than usual today. People walked hastily left and right as Vivi and Remmis stood in the middle of the scattered crowd. “This place is crawling with KHVidians…” Remmis observed “You gonna do it here?” “I’m finally going to be able to show you the results of the experiments.” Vivi assured. He was wearing different clothing for this particular event; a beanie and a heavier coat than usual with a hood. “Experiments?” Remmis questioned “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE REPEATING MY WORDS THING?!?!?! GAH!” Remmis shrunk back into the corner. Vivi sighed in frustration, but immediately regained his cool demeanor. “With the aid of the B& Note, I’ve been able to identify several different method of banning people.” He paused; “For instance, if I write the details of the ban in advance, I can add a username later and that person will be banned exactly as I specified.” Ooh… Even I didn’t know that. Remmis thought. “He’s here.” Vivi said, putting his hood over his head. He immediately walked up behind FinalForm, who had just entered the vicinity. “Mr. FinalForm.” Vivi whispered, trying to disguise his voice in a more ominous tone. Finalform stopped dead in his tracks, and began to turn his head. “Turn around and you’re banned.” He ceased. “I am Shika.” Vivi heard Finalform gasp quietly “That’s right; if you even try to turn around or stick your hands in your pockets, I won’t hesitate to ban you.” This… this can’t be real… Finalform thought. This voice… though I’ve heard it before… “First I’m going to prove to you I am Shika.” Vivi ordered “You see the member at that thread over there? That’s right, the one sweeping the floor. I’m going to ban him just for you.” Suddenly, the man in front of the thread began to fade, pixel by pixel, familiar grey text appearing in his place. People began to crowd around stare at the remains of the member. “I thought I’d at least have to ban one person for you to take me seriously. It couldn’t be helped” Vivi explained “That man is named sweqsora. I think it’s safe to say he was the most annoying member ever to join this site. He got what he deserved.” He paused; “I’m sure that Madi has told you, I need to know what someone looks like to ban them. Simply put, I can ban anyone here. If you’ve got any requests just ask, I’ll ban ‘em.” “stop, dood… I beleave u, k?” Finalform whispered. “Although banning someone here would mean nothing to you. I’m sure it would be much more painful to see someone you love banned. You should consider them the real hostages here.” I-Impossible! Finalform thought. How does he know about her? Vivi noticed Finalform’s expression of shock and grinned maliciously. “I’ve been investigating you, Finalform. If you go against my orders, I’ll have no choice but to ban her.” “lol ok. wat do u want frum meh?” “I take it you’ve brought your laptop with you. Do you have a file with all the Role-Players assigned to the Spamzone on it?” “lol yea, I hav teh labtop but thers no file lik dat.” “Then please take this.” Vivi ordered, handing him an envelope. Finalform quickly grabbed it from Vivi. “First, I want you to take the transceiver out and put the earpeice on, then await my instruction.” A transceiver? Finalform thought, taking the transceiver out of the envelope. This thing’s practically a toy… but with this we can communicate at a close distance, and there’ll be no record of the conversation… he’s really thought this through. Finalform could hear Shika’s voice through the earpiece. “Ok, now get on the Spamzone line. Inner or outer route, it doesn’t matter which one you take. I’ll be constantly observing you from a distance. Even while you’re on the train, look straight ahead. If I see you doing anything suspicious, don’t think I won’t ban your right then and there. Once you’ve boarded, sit in a corner seat by the door. If there isn’t a free one, wait till there is.” The train suddenly came roaring down the track. Finalform quickly boarded it and followed Shika’s instructions without hesitation. “I’m going to ask you several questions.” Shika explained. “If you give me any conflicting answers, I won’t hesitate to ban you and your girlfriend. How many Role-players have entered the Spamzone and how are they organized? Answer in a low voice into the transceiver.” Finalform put the transceiver to his face and spoke softly. “madi told me it wuz 4 teems in groups of 3 so thers prolly lik, 10.” He could hear Shika sighing in annoyance over the earpiece. “In that case, take out the contents of the envelope.” Finalform obeyed; and gasped in confusion at the contents. What the hell is this? He thought, eyeing the odd second envelope with slots cut into it. “I’d like you to write the name of your direct superior who should have memorized the name of your investigators in the top box.” What’s going on?! What’s he trying to do?! Finalform wondered. But right now I have no choice but to listen to him. He wrote the name of the RPer leading them. If he only has their names, he won’t be able to ban them. “Next I’d like you to open up your laptop. Your superior should be sending you some files soon. The should be files containing the names and faces of all the Rpers sent to the Spamzone to investigate. I want you to write each name in one of the slots whilst concentrating on their faces. You’re going to do this for each one.” I don’t get it… Finalform thought. Shika... what are you trying to do?! Finalform closed his laptop and sat back in his seat, awaiting further instruction from Shika. “Good, you’ve finished. Please place the papers and the transceiver back in the original envelope and leave it on the wire rack. Once you’ve done that, remain on the train for another 30 minutes without moving. Once you can be sure that no one will notice you leaving without the envelope, get off the train.” Finalform sat, shocked and silent. Why… He thought. Why can't I remmeber whose voice this is? The train came to a halt. Passengers suddenly flocked out, and Finalform followed behind, only one thought racing through his mind. Who are you, Shika?! And at that moment, the second he stepped off that train, he felt something break inside of him. He ceased, holding his hands in front of his face and watching the pixels slowly disappear. He fell to his knees, straining his hardest to look inside the train. A large, ominous figure stood in front of him, smiling. Perhaps it was from the pain raging inside of his body, or perhaps it was from the shock of the endeavor, but at that single moment, Finalform finally spoke like a normal person for the first time in public, ever. “Vivi’s… Dark Side…” he groaned, looking up at the teenager who was smiling maliciously in front of him. “Farewell,” Vivi said “…Finalform.” Finalform’s last ounce of life was taken from him as he faded from KH-Vids, and the doors of the train closed for him forever. Vivi grinned at the papers before him, the very same ones Finalform had left on the train. Those papers he wrote on were actually torn out pages of the B& Note. Without even realizing it, he was signing a ban warrant for all of his colleagues. Finalform’s superior was banned after sending the files to everyone on the team. All of the Role-Players were banned after they received the file. Vivi’s smile grew larger and larger as he looked over the names. ***“Madi, you’ve got a call from the lead moderator of the RP section.” “It’s me,” Madi heard the mod say. “I’ve just been informed that all the Rpers you sent into the Spamzone have been banned. I can only assume they must’ve been banned by Shika. Madi, I’m sorry I have to do this, but…” there was regret in his voice. “We’re calling the investigation off in the Spamzone.” Madi did not reply; she simply walked away from her computer and stood still. Perhaps she was grieving the loss of 12 precious lives, or perhaps she was just annoyed that her plan wasn’t going well. “Xaldin is on the line for you, Madi.” She finally moved when she heard Lead alert her. “Madi, I’ve just spoken to the Moderator for the Role-play section.” Xaldin told her over the computer. “It seems you’ve hired Role-Players to investigate us and the people closest to us. Is this true?” “Yes,” Madi did not hesitate to answer. “I have.” “So what is the meaning of this? Are we suspects in our own case? “I believe it was needed to narrow down the suspects of being Shika.” “This is ******ed!” Xaldin screamed “You can’t treat your allies as spies!” “I guess we can’t trust Madi, after all…” Misty sighed, back at HQ. “But this means Shika must’ve banned RPers, too.” “He’ll ban anyone who gets in his way, n00b or not.” Lead suddenly brought one more piece of news to Madi. “Another n00b has posted one of those odd notes.” Madi’s eyes widened in anger, frustration, and overall pissyness when she put the posts together. Madi, doez u know spam godz r 1337 h4x0rs? Her expression tensed as she bit her fingernail. Damn you, Shika! ***In the same small house, lying somewhere in the busy streets of the Spamzone, a young woman clothed in the black of shadows sat, gazing into the dark night, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. “He’s gone…” she whispered. “Finalform’s gone…” Her tears suddenly ceased, and her pain and hurt turned into hatred and rage. “No… he was banned… by Shika.” “Shika’s willing to ban and delete those who oppose him.” The voice of Xaldin echoed throughout the room. “We could all be banned. I’d like you to think of your accounts, forum families, and buddies. Anyone who wants to leave is free to do so; there’ll be no risk of demotion, I promise. Only those of you, who have the conviction to fight Shika, even if you have to sacrifice everything mentioned, should stay. That is all. ” Xaldin opened his once closed eyes as soon as he heard the footsteps cease and the door shut. Standing tall and confident in the room were Ghettoxemnas, Sara, Kitty, Shadowjak, and Hissora. “Five, huh?” Xaldin pondered. “Well, 6, including myself. No… in fact, I’d like to think of it as the six who are willing to stand up against evil.” “He’s right,” Madi said over the computer “By being here you have all proved that you have a strong sense of justice. I trust every one of you.” Shadowjak suddenly snapped. “Just hold on one second! Madi may have said that she trusts us, but we don’t trust her!” Sara agreed. “Look Madi, we’re all putting our lives on the line to catch Shika, alright? We’re really sticking our necks out here! “ “But you never have to show your face. You just give the orders!” Shadowjak continued to accuse, “I’m sorry, but we CANNOT work with someone like that!” Xaldin attempted to summarize Shadowjak’s ranting in a more polite manner. “Madi, if you’re serious about this, then could you please come down here so we could meet you face-to-face?” Madi was silent for a couple seconds before she spoke. “The thought had already crossed my mind.” Lead turned the laptop towards the other members, where instead of speaking; she typed IM’s to them. I would like the following events to be kept secret between the eight of us. I would like to meet you 6 trustworthy people as soon as possible. But before that, I want you to leave the building. …and discuss whether you choose to trust me or not. ***“Why is she asking for our help now, at the risk of exposing herself?” Sara questioned. “She’s solved thousands of cases in the past on her own. I don’t see why this time is any different. Besides, judging by her past actions, she may just send a proxy or a stand-in of some sort.” “A proxy, huh?” Shadowjak pondered “Could be possible.” “I believe Madi.” Ghetto said “I think we can trust her. I believe her skills will be invaluable in this case.” “Yeah, me too.” Hissy agreed. “Madi said from the start this investigation would take the full co-operation of the staff.” Xaldin inquired; “Maybe… she was waiting for this to happen.” “’For this to happen’?” Ghetto asked (Sounding quite a lot like Remmis :P) “There were people on this case, right from the start, who were suspicious of Madi.” Xaldin explained, “People were resigning left and right, and information was somehow being leaked. It would have been impossible for Madi to run this investigation without complete trust.” “You mean Madi’s been waiting for only dedicated individuals who she could trust and whom are willing to stand against evil remained?” Ghetto pondered. Sara’s face suddenly tensed up in anger. “If we’re planning on teaming up with Madi, I quit.” She walked away, still talking as she did so. “Don’t worry; I won’t try to follow any of you. I have no interest in finding Madi.” “I trust the lass,” Kitty said “I want to work alongside her.” “Me too.” Shadowjak agreed. Xaldin nodded at the 4 of them, hope shining bright in his eyes. *** I’m currently in a room at the KHV Spamzone hotel. I’ll be switching between hotels in KHV every few days. I’d like to request that my room be the real headquarters of the investigation. If you agree to all of this, I’d like you to split into two groups, and leave within 30 minute intervals of each other. Please organize it so you make it here by midnight. Shika… Madi thought, gazing out the window at the bright lights of the Spamzone. It appears we’re moving towards each other at an even pace. Alright, then. I’ll show myself for the first time. If you happen to find out about this, I can only assume that you’ll try to make a move on me… that’s what I’m hoping for. I’ve done quite a lot these past few days… Vivi sat in his room, the light on his desk shining in his face. I’ve got to think hard… did I make any mistakes? How should I proceed from here? The real battle is just beginning… Madi. Ghetto and Xaldin stood in front of the hotel room. Both of them could feel their hearts beating like crazy in excitement, anticipation, curiosity, and eagerness. Xaldin knocked softly on the door, and heard Madi’s voice call through to him. “It’s unlocked. Come on in.” Without hesitation, they turned the handle, and walked inside, preparing themselves for the truth.
We are standing here As true as we were born on this earth Don't pin all your hopes and dreams on somebody else's life Southern Cross It is twinkiling, and watching us So Beyond So far away from us The Southern Cross is the holy light We are the crusaders of the southern cross So, if you come up against a hurdle Fight, fight for the things you believe in Passion; Joy; Sorrow; Pain; tears They will all be the pabulum of your life Go, if you come under weakness yourself Fight, fight for the person you believe in Destiny is calling me "Obey me, or defy me."
Yup yup. i think this is the longest chapter yet, but I don't like it that much =/ Oh well, you decide how it is :P Oh yes, and Raye Penbar's initials got me thinking... which explains what I did to him in this story xD Ban Note - Chapter 4The dark realm of the Spammigami had its usual atmosphere; void of life and filled with nothing but dead threads. Voices of the Spammigami echoed all around, gossiping about the latest news. “Has anyone seen Remmis around lately?” “Perhaps she was serious about dropping her B& Note.” “She probably couldn’t get to it before some other member picked it up.” “No way! If that was the case, then she’d be forced to follow them until they’re banned…” “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like Remmis at all.” “But wait a sec; I heard she’s got two B& Notes.” “Who knows, I’ll never understand the girl.” “So, in order for me to get the eyes of a Spammigami and obtain some 1337 haxor skillz, I’ll have to give you half of my rep points.” Vivi observed. “Yes,” Remmis answered. “So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” “Remmis… this deal of yours is…” Remmis’ amber gaze burned into Vivi’s. “Out of the question.” Remmis softened her expression in surprise. “Huh? How come?” “Let’s get one thing straight,” Vivi explained “I’m going to become an admin someday and rid this forum of phailure, and in order to do that I need to be as popular as I can. Every admin has high rep, except for Xaldin, but he’s a piece of ****. I need to have as much rep as possible, giving it up is unacceptable. I figured even you would have known that much.” “Yeah, but I thought I should let you know that the deal exists. Better I tell you this stuff early on so I don’t have to deal with your *****ing later.” “This is what you call telling me early on?” Vivi scolded “If you wanted to tell me early on you should’ve said so when me met, or better yet, just include it in the instructions for the B& Note.” “Erm… good point.” Remmis said, as a loss for words. He doesn’t seem the slightest bit daunted by the fact that I’m a Spammigami, She thought. He doesn’t suck up to me, and he doesn’t seem to have any trouble giving me a hard time! “Any other important details you’d like to tell me… Spammigami?” There was a touch of sarcasm in Vivi’s voice. “No… that’s all.” “Oh,” Vivi said “That’s a shame.” He let himself fall on his bed, his hands placed idly behind his head. “You know, Remmis, I would have honestly considered the deal if you had granted me your wings instead of eyes. Just the idea of flying freely through the forum sounds very 1337.” “You’d stand out if you sprouted wings and started flying…” “I’m only kidding,” Vivi assured. “Anyways, if I keep bargaining for wings and eyes, before you know it, I’ll be a real Spammigami.” “I wouldn’t worry too much about that, Vivi.” Said Remmis “Even without the eyes, you’re already a worthy Spammigami.” She paused, her expression growing dimmer. “Right now, the world of the Spammigami is slowly rotting. We live a vague and meaningless existence, only banning KHV members because we’re afraid of fading from the site ourselves. We no longer know why we exist. In fact… I doubt we have any meaning at all. Compared to them, Vivi, you’re more of a Spam god then they’ll ever be.” “Well, it sounds like I’m doing a lot more work than them... but…” he paused; “I don’t want to be compared to a Spammigami. I’m a regular KHV member trying to use the B& note for the betterment of this forum… But I wouldn’t say the world of the Spammigami is meaningless.” “Huh? What do you mean?” “Well, think about it. Once a Spammigami like you comes down once every hundred… no, more like every thousand posts, KHV is changed dramatically.” He encouraged “The existence of the Spammigami is extremely significant. If your realm is really rotting as you say it is, then why don’t you use some of what you learn down here when you return?” “Well, Vivi…” Remmis said “I never noticed this before, but you’re quite the positive thinker.” “Of course,” He agreed “You have to be a positive thinker to even consider using something like the B& Note for things other than your own personal gain.” Vivi began to flip open the pages, realization suddenly crept over him. “That’s it!” “What’s up?” Remmis asked. “Time for the real deal.” “Real deal?” “Stop repeating every last thing I say to you in a sentence.” “Everything you say to me in a sentence-“ “SHUT UP, REMMIS. YOU ARE SO ****ING ANNOYING.” “Yes Vivi.” She timidly sat back down, cowering. “I’ve finally figured how to use the B& Note to my advantage and get the name of the guy who’s been stalking me.” Vivi beamed. “What exactly are you planning?” Remmis asked. “I’m going to use the rules of the B& Note.” He stated “I’m going to test just how freely I can specify the details of banning.” ***“Xaldin,” Ghetto addressed “You’ve received a PM from several other mods on the case. Apparently something about 3 of the 6 n00bs that were killed yesterday displaying odd characteristics before they were banned?” “What do you mean?” Xaldin asked “They weren’t just banned for the usual reason?” “No, they were all banned for spamming in the spamzone, but directly before it happened, one of them posted a thread with a blank topic, and just posted a still picture of a pentagram. Another left an unexplained post. The third managed to escape the site and ran all the way to another site before he was banned.” “What is it, Lead?” Madi asked as a window appeared on her side of the laptop. “3 new banned victims who acted slightly different before their deaths. “ “Different?” “I’m sending you the images of the text and pictures they left now.” Madi read the post on the screen. Madi sur is a ***. I mean, Doez she even exist? U can’t help but wundr. I sorta wana Kno if she haz awesome skillz. Ttly. It sounds like this person is a total n00b who questions my existence… and my orientation. She looked confused, and a bit disturbed. It could conceivably be merely the actions of a n00b, but… if Shika can control the time of banning… perhaps he can control the moments leading up to the ban as well? In which case… “Xaldin,” Madi addressed “Regarding the most recent victims, I’d like to request that the details of their ban are not released. As far as anyone is concerned, they just got banned for spamming in the spamzone. It’s possible that Shika might be using these n00bs to conduct some sort of test, and if that’s the case we shouldn’t be giving them any easy answers.” “U-Understood.” Xaldin agreed. “Performing tests on n00bs?” Hissora asked “…Dark.” K A I R I added. “He’s playing games with people’s lives on this site…” Xaldin said, his rage building. If Shika is really using n00bs as experiments… Madi thought, what is he hoping to achieve? ***“Take a look at this, Remmis…” Vivi beckoned “The results of yesterday’s six tests have already been uploaded onto Xaldin’s PC. The B& Note is even more useful than I thought!” “Whad’ya mean?” Remmis asked. “Having escaped from the site, one of them ran to another dying message board that I had specified, and was banned by the admin of that site. Another one posted the exact thread I specified. And the last one made the exact same post that I requested in the notebook. Those 3 did exactly what I wanted them to. For the remaining 3, I purposely wrote impossible circumstances.” He explained “For one, I wrote that one of them would suddenly gain the status of a regular S. mod. However, everyone knows you can’t just suddenly get such a high position, especially when you’re at the stats of a n00b. As a result, they were simply banned for the usual reason.” “For the next one, I made him draw an exact picture of Madi’s face in the wall. This also didn’t happen; you can’t draw someone you’ve never seen before. As a result, this person was also banned for spamming in the spamzone.” Vivi grinned “Lastly, I wrote for someone to write a note stating ‘I know that Madi is suspicious of the staff.’ I thought that this one might work, but it didn’t. In other words, if someone doesn’t know a piece of information, obviously they can’t think of it, and so it’d be too unnatural for a person to write it down, meaning they won’t be able to do so. Even the B& Note cannot accomplish the impossible. But, as long as it’s within the realistic limits of what they can do, I can control them as much as I’d like before they’re banned.” “I’ve got that much,” Remmis assured “But what’s all this leading up to?” “Madi and the staff will never be able to realize my true objectives. Madi will be too busy investigating the mystery of those pictures and messages. Especially that note… that absolutely meaningless dying message…” ***If Shika is using n00bs for experimentation… it must be cause they’re about to start something else. If they make a move now, it’s possible that their actions may be picked up by the people I’ve called in… Madi sat in silence, lost in her thoughts. But if there’s another reason they’re doing this, other than to run tests… there could be a message in the pictures and text. Realization crept over Madi. Is this it? She looked closer at the note, reading the first word of every line. Madi, doez u kno… “Alright,” Said Vivi. “Let’s get down to buisness.” “Hm? What’s up?” “A couple of days ago, this n00b named Ducky spammed the site with constant threads. They were all pointless topics, not making much sense at all. He got a few warnings and escaped without being banned. I’ll use him.” Vivi pulled out a cell phone and began to dial a number, still talking with Remmis as he did so. “It’s slightly last minute, but I’m sure it won’t be much of a problem. I’ll try asking a few people.” “’A few people?’” “What did I tell you about that repeating the last line problem you have?” Vivi scolded her “Anyways… You’ll soon find out I’m a pretty popular guy, Remmis.” *** The sun in the downtown part of the Spamzone’s streets shone brighter than ever on the quiet, but bustling board. Vivi walked through the brisk air, Remmis following behind him as usual. Vivi looked behind him, only to see the guy who had been tailing him for the past couple of days. Good, he’s still following me. He thought, this whole thing would be pointless if he wasn’t tailing me. Vivi looked ahead of himself to see a quiet bus top with a young woman standing in front of it. He smiled as he made out the figure of Catch the Rain, otherwise known as CtR. She waved to him and called out his name as he casually walked towards her. “A date, huh?” Remmis said, giggling softly. “Yeah,” Vivi replied. “No matter how you look at it, it’s just a normal date. Even the guy who’s following me can see that.” “But it isn’t just a date, is it?” Remmis grinned, her amber gaze fixed on Vivi. “You mentioned something about figuring out a way to find out your stalker’s name. What the hell are you planning?” “Huh? Didn’t you see what I wrote in the B& Note? I explained it in great detail…” “Doing that would take all the fun out of it.” “In that case,” Vivi said as he got closer and closer to CtR, “Just sit back and watch.” “Sorry…” Vivi spoke softly to CtR “Did I keep you waiting?” “No, not at all!” CtR said, running towards Vivi “Anyways, I haven’t been to Movies and Media section since I joined this place!” she pulled him in for a hug “And the best part is, I have you all to myself!” Vivi blushed slightly and turned away from CtR. On the weekdays, he goes to staff school and cram school at night. If it’s a weekend, he goes out on a date. Vivi’s Dark Side, member #20 – no need for suspicion. At any rate, I’ll be finished with my surveillance today. “But Vivi, didn’t you say that you weren’t going to do anything special until your staff exams were over?” “Yeah, well, screw my priorities.” “Eee! Vivi, your lack of interest is so hot!” Vivi started at CtR, not saying anything. He looked out the window, and waited. The bus continued to glide down the road smoothly, couples scattered across it and enjoying themselves. Today, KHV had a wonderful mood to it, one different than usual. Vivi could sense the man who was following him sitting directly behind him on the bus. Everything was going perfectly. Suddenly, the bus came to a halt. Another forum member walked onto the bus, an ominous glare in his eyes. He’s here! Vivi thought, beaming. Seven passengers excluding him, no one’s in the way… everything should go smoothly. Suddenly, Vivi saw a large golden item form in the member’s hands. A large hammer—the word ‘B&’ written clearly on it. He raised it high above his head, threatening the other passengers. “574y 1n y0ur 53475 0r y0u'r3 4|| b4nn3d!” he shouted. Not everyone on the bus spoke fluent 1337, but most of them knew what he was saying just by the look on his face and the fire in his eyes. He raised the BanHammer and threatened the bus driver. A hijacking? Vivi’s stalker thought. At a time like this?! “K33p 17 d0wn!” The hijacker shouted “1'|| b4n 4ny0n3 wh0 7r135 70 m0v3!” He turned to the driver. “H3y, dr1v3r. Y0u kn0w 7h3 numb3r 70 7h3 M0v135 4nd M3d14 53c710n. C4|| 3m!” “Um… sure…” She picked up the phone “This is 2Foxxie4U… Yes, I quit being a news anchor. What? Driving busses around for no particular reason seemed funner at the time! Dammit, stop questioning my choices! I’m on bus 124, and I’ve been hijacked. No, I’m not fighting back; the guy’s got a BanHammer!” “61v3 17 h3r3!” The hijacker said, grabbing the phone. “Y0u h34rd wh475 601n6 0n, n0w |1573n up! 1 w4n7 4 53c710n4| m0d 1n 4 c4r 70 br1n6 m3 4|| 0f 7h3 r3p p01n75 7h3y 34rn3d y3573rd4y. M4k3 17 2 bu5 570p5 4w4y fr0m 7h3 M0v135 4nd M3d14 53c710n, 1f y0u 7ry 4ny7h1n6 funny, 1'|| b4n 3v3ry0n3 h3r3!” he threw the phone on the ground and crushed it with his foot. CtR stood next to Vivi, her eyes closed and her hands clasped. She whimpered in fear at the situation as Vivi held a note in front of her, making sure to go unnoticed by the hijacker. Kay, don’t be scared. As soon as he turns around, I’m going to grab the gun from his hands. The man who had been following Vivi suddenly spoe to him for the first time. “lol… that’s risky. U shundt do it cause if he rly doez turn aroudn I can taek it frum him. Ooc: I lik naruto” Vivi quickly ignored the horrible accent of the person speaking to him and began to write yet another note. “ur stupid. I meen its not lik he can here us over the enginez.” The man said. Vivi crushed the note without speaking and put it in his pocket. “And how can we be sure you’re not an accomplice?” Vivi accused. “A-An accomplice?” CtR asked “Yes, I’ve read about this before. The first guy goes on the bus and hijacks it, while a second one gets on at a different stop, sits in the very back of the bus and pretends to be a hostage, so in case anything bad happens, he can take over the situation.” Vivi explained. He looked at CtR, who had a terrified expression on her face. “What’s the matter?” “You… you really think he’s one of them?” She asked The stalker tensed; I don’t have a choice… he thought. There’s no way Vivi is Shika. If he was, then he’d just ban this guy right now. “hear’s sum proff. Itz mein. Ooc: I stol it frm my frend :) lol” He said. Vivi looked down to see a badly-made, but still real ID. It read ‘departmentz of investimagashen: OFFICIAL ROLE-PLAY REGULAR” So that’s who Madi’s been using to investigate the staff! Vivi observed. His name’s… FinalForm. A grin slowly crept on to Vivi’s face. “I trust you,” Vivi assured, “And for the time being I won’t bother asking what a Role-Player is doing outside of that dump you call a section.” Vivi watched at the hijacker taunted the scared passengers, waving the BanHammer around like it was some sort of toy. It’s alright, he’s not gonna do anything to us. Suddenly, Vivi reached into his pocket, making sure the note he had written before to Finalform ‘accidentally' fell out of his pocket. He reached over to pick it up, only to be noticed by the hijacker. “H0|d 17 r16h7 7h3r3, y0u |177|3 punk!” He screamed and walked over towards Vivi; who froze immediately. “Y0u 5m4r7455!” The hijacker said, picking up the note. Realizing it actually had nothing other than the bustop number and destination written on it, he threw it on the ground. He turned around, disappointed that it wasn’t any good, and walked towards the front of the bus. Got you. Vivi smiled. The hijacker turned around once, his eyes widening as he backed up and trembled in fear. He began screaming in an entirely different tone. The hate and spite that he once harbored now turned into horror and fear for his life as he gazed apon the tall, dark, horrifying creature standing hunched over in front of him. “W-Wh0 7h3 h3|| 4r3 y0u?!” he screamed in terror. Remmis, who was ‘watching the show’ like Vivi instructed her to, quickly became aware of what was going on and started to talk to the hijacker. “Hmmm? You mean you can actually see me?” “D0n'7 m355 w17h m3!!” The hijacker screamed. “D0n'7 m0v3! 1'|| b4n y0u, y0u fr34k!” “lol funneh, he’s ttly hallucinating.” Finalform said. “HAY GUISE DUCK UR HEDZ! THIS IS GONNA GET PRETTI ACTIONY~” Everyone in the bus immediately got down. Vivi put his arm over CtR and held on to her as the craziness continued. “Oh, I get it now.” Remmis observed “That note that supposedly had nothing important on it was actually a page of the B& Note that Vivi had ripped out… and since you’ve touched it, you can see me. That’s so clever!” She said, walking closer and closer towards the hijacker, making him back up in fear. He began swinging the ban hammer furiously as Remmis, but it just went through her transparent body. “Sorry pal, I’m a Spammigami. You can’t ban me.” She taunted “Vivi sure thought this out… though I guess I shouldn’t have expected any less from the top student in the country. He even used this incident as a way to get the name of the guy who’s been stalking him… gotta give him credit!” FinalForm got out of his seat in attempt to chase the hijacker, but this was no longer needed. The hijacker immediately clutched Foxxie by the shoulders and ordered her to let him get off the bus; she came to a stop as he ran off in fear, but did not notice the busy traffic of KH-vids he was bounding towards. The hijacker ran directly into the streets. There was an ear-piercing screech as everyone on the bus closed their eyes, which was quickly followed by the sickening splatter of the impact. Vivi watched as the hijacker vanished from the site forever, the only thing being his BanHammer, left behind. Vivi couldn’t help but smile as he watched the man fade. Ducky – Unintentional Deletion Boards the 11:31 AM bus, bound for Movies & Media with a BanHammer and attempts to hijack it. Sees a horrific phantom and flees from the bus in fear. Jumps of the bus at 11:45 and is forever deleted from the site. The B& Note never fails… Vivi smiled. You will be next… FinalForm!
I love mah new siggy~ Props to anyone who can guess wot the song under it is :3