I hate this godbedamned hellhole. So yeah. Leaving. Forever. BAIIII.
So... Deviantart... i herd u liek mudkipz.
I was looking through my Sakuracon booklet, and in the back where they list other conventions nearby and the events in them, they all had really long descriptions, except for this one which made me laugh like crazy: 4chan - it plz be mudkip tiem nao, desu? <333
But I never gave a damn about the weather. And it never gave a damn about me.
That convention was great.
Clicky, yes? Proof that in Washington, it does indeed snow in the spring.
ran out in the snow with not gloves, shoes or even a coat. omg i feel so alive though =] and i can't type cause mah hands are numb.
I love this state. If you don't believe me I'll take a picture of a Sakura tree with snow on it.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=D6h-aCpKzpM WHAT THE ****.
Sakuracon is this weekend =]
And everyone lived happily ever after.
What would happen if a member signed up with the name 'Chuck Norris' Then got as much rep as CtR? Lol, Chuck Norris is almost as cool as Chuck Norris.
Please take a moment every day to post an epic and brilliant thread.
Fanart for my own fic? I am freaking conceited. Yeahhh. After writing chapter six I got this HUGE burst of inspiration to design the characters. So I chose my two favorites. Madi and Remmis. I also did one of Vivi but that one needs a little more fixing up before I upload it. Madi: -Linky link link- Remmis: -Linkity- Yeah, that's how I see em in my heads when I'm writing for B& Note. Remmis is always adorably cute to me. I have NO idea why. And Madi is... a self portrait. LOL. Oh yes, and I came up with this freaking awesome idea for Spammigami. They have Rep Gems above their heads =] COOLIO, RIGHT?! I mean... it fits. They feed off the stuff. Smudge effect was added for awesomeness and attempted on both though it failed horribly on Remmis. Yeahhh. I may do more in the future.
Omfg, it's alive. Sorry for the massive delay, guys. I haven't had the time to write lately, as I DO indeed, have a social life and need to get some time with my guy >3< Not to mention I've been sick lately. Anyways, here it is... chapter six. Ban Note - Chapter 6 Hissora gasped. Ghetto gasped. Kitty gasped. Shadowjak gasped. But Xaldin gasped the loudest at the sight before them. A young girl stood before them, scratching her leg with her left foot. She was pale, her face looking generally lazy. Dark bags hung under her dialated blue eyes, and she was slouched over with her hands in the pockets of her black and red trip pants. She wore a long coat, never zipped; with a plain black and red T-shirt underneath. Her hair was ebony, black as the shadows of the night; and the oddest thing of all? Ears. DOG EARS. Pointy, fluffy, black, dog ears sticking straight out of the top of her head. I guess it wasn’t too unbelievable, considering KHV was indeed a place where anything could happen, but the staff members had never seen such unique features, and continued to stand in awe at the young detective before them. She allowed the staff members to register her abnormal features for a moment before introducing herself in a simple manner, not making eye contact with any of them. “I am Madi.” “Bullshit.” Shadowjak said in disbelief. “Talking about yourself again, SJ? You sure are conceited.” Madi countered. “You’re… so young…” Xaldin observed. “I mean, come on! How old are you?!” “Twelve,” Madi replied. “But do not underestimate me—we all know that I am what many would call the world’s greatest detective, and although my features among other things may be a bit shocking, I have solved countless cases in the past. Please keep that in mind. I’d prefer it if you treated me like I was no younger than you.” Xaldin, realizing he had not introduced himself, quickly pulled out his ID. “Xaldin.” “GhettoXemnas.” “Shadowjak.” “Hissora.” “Kitty.” Madi stared at them for a moment, before putting her hands into an odd position, as if she was holding something thin and slender. She quickly raised her arms above her head and brought them down with crushing force, shouting. “KAZE NO KIZU, TETSUSAIGA!!!!!!!!” She screamed as she faked a Japanese accent, almost in a comical manner. “What the hell was that?!” Shadowjak asked. “If I were Shika… or InuYasha… you’d be banned now, Mr. Xally-admin.” All the members gasped in confusion. “Shika needs a name and a face to ban, I’m sure you know this. Do not give out your names so carelessly. Instead… let’s value our lives.” She said, walking away. “I knew he needed a face,” Ghetto said “But I don’t remember any evidence suggesting he needed a name as well.” “This may be unrelated, but all the high profile n00bs whose Usernames had been spelled incorrectly or who had been falsely recorded have not been banned. We briefly went over it at one of our meetings.” Xaldin explained. “That’s enough small talk for now, please come this way.” Madi ordered. “Um… okay…” Ghetto replied, in a bit of a daze. “Please turn of all cell phones and other handheld communication devices as you enter the room, and leave them on the table.” “What, are you saying we’re going to use our cell phones to leak information?!” Shadowjak accused. “Let’s just do as she asks for now.” Xaldin ordered as he placed his cell on the table, along with the other staff members. “I know she’s been cautious from the start, but I still don’t know if we can trust her or not…” said Ghetto. “No, I just find it distracting. I can’t stand it when people’s cell phones are ringing while I’m talking.” Madi assured as she sat—with her knees pushed against her chest in an odd position-- on one of the chairs in the room. “Let me just say that no one takes notes here. That means everything is simply to be committed to memory. Please, take a seat.” She cautiously eyed everyone in the room as they all sat down. “Uhh… Madi… one question,” Ghetto asked. “If you know Shika needs both a name and a face to ban, why don’t we just hide information from the public boards?” “If we do that, we’ll only be putting the general public at risk.” “The general public?” Kitty asked “Why?” “Shika is childish and he hates to lose,” Madi said. “I am also childish and I hate losing. That’s how I know.” “Madi, could you explain that a bit more clearly?” “When I used that broadcast to challenge Shika, despite the fact that he had only banned n00bs up until then, he had no problem taking care of my stand-in, even though it wasn’t announced that she was a n00b who had been banned multiple times.” Madi explained. “And when I disclosed the fact that I knew that they were from the Spamzone, she only banned n00bs from the spamzone, as if to say ‘so what’re you gonna do about it?’ Instead of backing down, they’ve been aggressively returning my provocations.” She altered her voice, attempting to imitate what she figured Shika would sound like. “’If you choose to withhold n00bs from me, I’ll ban petty phailures. I’m holding the forum hostage, so whose it gonna be? I’m not the one who’s evil here—but those who oppose me; they are the ones who are truly evil!’” She paused, going back to her normal voice. “That is Shika’s line of thought. If anything, we should be thinking of ways to use the media to our advantage.” “Like what?” Shadowjak asked. “How about something like this…” Madi bit her thumbnail, looking upwards in thought. “’Role-players angered by the banning of several good members. All of them agree to send in 1500 Rpers to catch Shika!’” She paused, lowering her head and making eye contact with the others. “Shika will have quite a lot to deal with this time. He’ll begin to perceive everyone as his enemy; he’ll start to feel cornered… and will have no choice but to give us some type of reaction.” “T-That’s amazing!” Kitty admired. “They’ll think that there are 1500 people after them when there’s really only seven… and since none of these people exist, they can’t ban anyone!” “This could really work!” “In that case, let me tell you my thoughts regarding this case.” Said Madi. The others nodded attentively. “Shika works alone. He had access to information from the taskforce headquarters.” She bit her thumbnail again, and narrowed her eyes in thought. “How do you know this, exactly?” SJ questioned. “Hold on Shadowjak, let’s listen to her entire theory before asking questions.” Xaldin ordered. “In order to ban, Shika needs a name and face. They can also manipulate the time of banning, and to some extent, the victims movements prior to the ban.” She looked up at all of them. “I’d like you to keep in mind what I’ve just said…” She paused, and pulled the cap off a pen she had been holding. “…and listen carefully to what I’m about to tell you.” “On the 14th of December, 12 role-players entered the spamzone,” Madi said, holding the pen with her thumb and index finger, and drawing equations on the table of the hotel. “The on the 19th, Shika started using n00bs as test subjects. During these 5 days, Shika became aware of the Role-players’ prescence in the Spamzone. From this, we can deduce that in order to ban the RPers’ whose names and faces he didn’t know, he found it necessary to experiment and see how far they could manipulate someone’s banning. And then, on the 27th…” I got access to a file containing the names and faces of all the Role-players, and didn’t hesitate to ban every one of them. It’s impossible to tell whose files I looked at in order to ban them. But… the fact that I encountered Finalform must never be found out by anyone. December 19th to December 27th… I’ve been most active during this period. “During this period, as far as we can tell, 23 members have been banned due to Spamming in the Spamzone. These members were all either trolls, or previous phailures, but it’s safe to say they’re much lesser on the phail scale compared to Shika’s other victims.” “That’s true…” Xaldin agreed. “This suggests that for Shika to ban the Role-players, it was necessary to manipulate these members. They banned 23 people to make it harder for us to indentify who was actually banned as part of the plan. In reality, it’s likely that Shika only needed a few of them. The fact that there were 8 days between the tests preformed and Shika’s acting indicates that they allowed the role-players to investigate as many people as possible to draw suspicion away from themselves. Because of this, I suspect that Shika has to be someone who was investigated between the 14th and the 19th of December.” She took the pen and scribbled out part of the equation. “In fact I have no doubt.” Madi held a large stack of papers in her hands, showing them to the other members. “This is the data I’ve compiled from the RPers and other important information. For obvious reasons, you’re not permitted to take this information outside of this room, however—“ “Amazing!” Ghetto said in awe. “There may only be 7 of us, but with this much information, we could cover a lot of ground!” “First let’s check the movements of the RPers and the Banned victims. We’ll split into two groups.” Shadowjak said confidently. “There aren’t too many people who were investigated who had access to staff information during that time…” “Yeah, yeah!” “Now then, “ Madi said, narrowing her eyes. “Does anyone have any questions?” “Let me ask one thing, Madi,” Xaldin replied. “A minute ago you said you hate to lose. But by showing your face, by simply being here—are you admitting to defeat?” “Your right,” Madi told him. “By showing my face to you all and letting those RPers get banned, I have lost the battle,” her expression tensed, a raging fire burning in her sapphire eyes. “But I’m not gonna lose the war. Unlike you all, this is the first time I’ve staked my life on a contest. I want to show Shika that we aren’t going to give up so easily…” The fire in her eyes died, replaced with confidence and determination. A grin spread across her face. “…and that justice will prevail no matter what.” “Y-Yes, that’s right!” “Justice will win!” “We’ll try our best!” “Yeah! Let’s do this, Madi!” Well, I had my doubts at first… Xaldin thought, smiling. But it’s the simple truth—this girl is Madi. “Well, before you get too excited, there is one more thing,” Madi requested. “I must first determine that Shika is not among us by interviewing each of you.” All the members leaned in towards each other. “What, she still doesn’t trust us?” Shadowjak accused. Xaldin reassured them. “No, I think it’s a fair request,” He said. “Try to put yourself in her position. If Shika really does have access to staff information, it’s highly likely that he’s one of us.” “And if he was here, he could see Madi’s face… then she’d end up banned.” “She’s risking her life to be here…” Things are going well… Madi thought, her gaze fixed on the bright city shining out the window. Just one clue, a simple decisive fact is all I need… Just one oversight… it could cost me my life. Just one clue… ***“That moron’s been working non-stop lately…” Vivi groaned. “Perhaps it’s time for a change of scene… I should go see what the hell he’s doing.” “Hm? You’re gonna go down to the staffie section?” Remmis asked. “You know… calling them staffies isn’t very respectful.” “Hell if I give a damn.” Vivi turned away from her, obviously expecting an answer like that. Though he didn’t care much for the staff, he did want to be one. Calling them staffies seemed like something only Remmis would do. He pushed up the fake bottom of his desk drawer and slid out the Ban Note, eyeing it confidently as he ripped out several pages. “Oh, so you’re taking a page with you,” Remmis stated. “Planning to ban someone?” “I’ve made a habit of doing this every time I go out…” Vivi assured. “Just in case. ***The number you have dialed is currently unavailable… Beep------ Vivi hung up his cell phone, putting it safely in his pocket. Xal’s cell is turned off… He pondered. He paced slowly towards the staff headquarters, but stopped in his tracks when he heard a voice—most likely that of a younger woman. He saw a flash of ebony as the light shone on her dark hair. The woman’s voice was sharp; but at the same time, Vivi heard a tinge of sadness in her voice. It was as if she was in mourning, as if she had just lost something, and the ferocity in her speech was there to make up for the hole in her heart. “I’m begging you, please let me speak to the staff in person!” 2Foxxie4U stood at the reception desk, (obviously, she had moved jobs again) her eyes filled with both authority and sympathy. “I’ve already told you, no one is there at the moment…” Realization hit Vivi in a pang. No one at HQ? “Is there any way in which I can contact them?” The woman asked, getting more desperate. “This is extremely important; it regards Shika!” Shika?! Vivi suddenly realized the possible importance of the situation and stepped forward, lurking eerily behind the woman. “Excuse me,” He said to her, “My roomie heads the Shika case; if you want I can pass on a message for you… though his cell is turned off, so I can’t give it to him immediately.” Her expression grew softer as she gazed at Vivi. “I’m sure you’ve heard about the banning of the RPers…. A lot of people have been resigning because they fear Shika.” Vivi stated. “I can imagine it must be pretty hectic for them. Because of what happened to the Role-players, you’ve realized that there’s a problem within the staff… and that’s why you want to speak directly to the staff, right?” The woman said nothing, she simply continued to gaze at Vivi, but her expression said everything. Like two warriors on the battlefield, they walked out of the building together, conversing deeply about the subject. “I figure Xal will eventually have to pick up his phone,” Vivi explained. “I’m sure you can speak directly to him then.” “Are you sure that’s okay?” “Yes, of course I can’t give you his number, but you’re welcome to use my phone to talk to him. You’ll have to trust us, so I hope that won’t be too hard for you.” Vivi let out a comical, almost forced laugh. Remmis watched in horror behind him. Who’s this friendly guy…? “Thank you.” The woman said as she bowed in thanks. Remmis cackled as she stood next to Vivi. “Looks like you fooled her, Vivi!” ***“You sure are brave if you’re the type to get involved in the Shika investigation.” Vivi complimented. “Mmm… well, not really…” The young woman said modestly. “So according to your theory, Shika…” Vivi’s voice trailed off. “Um, I just realized, we’ve been talking this entire time and I don’t even know your name… I’m Vivi’s Dark Side.” “Call me Array. It’s simple but I think it fits.” “Well, Array,” Vivi said as he continued to pace away from HQ, “According to my theory, Shika can manipulate people before banning them.” “Me too!” Array quickly turned right to him. “It’s funny that you’d say that because I have the exact same theory! Shika can manipulate people before banning them… but that’s not all. If I’m right… he can also ban people for reasons other than Spamming in the Spamzone.” Vivi’s expression tensed involuntarily. Who is this woman? He thought. Array continued to walk next to him. “I don’t think anyone’s realized it yet, but if we assume this to be true… I think Shika knows they’ll be caught.” “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet… but if that’s true, the bans that Shika wants to hide will be for reasons other than spamming in the Spamzone?” “Yes, and I think someone I know has met Shika before.” Vivi stopped, and let out a faint laugh. “MET Shika? I’m sorry, but if you go to the staff saying you know someone who met Shika, they’d be a little skeptical, to say the least.” “Yes… that’s why I need to speak to someone directly and explain myself.” “But in that case, wouldn’t it be better if the person who met him talked to them?” Array stopped, her expression growing softer as sadness creeped into her eyes. “It would, but that person is no longer here. He was one of the role-players who came to the spamzone to investigate.” Vivi’s heart stopped. A roleplayer... who MET Shika? “You see… he was also my fiancé. He said that he was randomly caught up in a bus hi-jacking… and if my theory is correct, he met Shika on that bus.” F…FinalForm! Vivi had stopped dead in his tracks. “Something wrong?” Array asked. “No… I just feel very sorry for your loss…” He began to walk again. “So what makes you think he met Shika on that bus?” “8 days after he was caught up in the bus jacking… he died, along with the other Role-players. Two days earlier, the man who jacked the bus attempted another n00bish attempt at spamming, and in the end, he ended up being banned. I can only imagine the hijacking was set up so that Shika could obtain information on who he needed to ban. What I’m saying is… Shika has a wide range of reasons for banning.” “So… because this guy was banned for a different reason, you believe that Shika can ban for several reasons?” Vivi questioned. “Yes.” “I don’t mean this the wrong way… but that sounds like a bit of a leap of faith.” “No, the only explanation is that the culprit was being manipulated by Shika.” “Why’s that?” “Ever since the hijacking, something has been on my mind. When he calmed down, I asked him about it. Although he didn’t give me a name, he clearly said… that he was put into a situation where he was forced to show his ID. The investigation was kept secret from the Staff… so the fact that the role-players were in the Spamzone must have come from that.” This one is sharp… Remmis thought as she watched the two converse. I guess this is the oversight Vivi was talking about… “I see… a truth only you could know,” Vivi said, walking forward across the street. “The person your fiancé met on that bus… it HAD to be Shika!” Array’s eyes lit up with confidence and a bright grin stretched across her face. “Yes.” Vivi turned forward. This woman… if she had found out the truth any sooner… He paused, shaking the thought from his mind. But it looks like there’s a god on my side after all… and not just a god of spam! ------------------------------------ Alright, some random notes. On Madi's design: Guys, I HAD to do it. I have never made a character based on myself and not given them the damn ears. They stick with me, I've never drawn myself without, written for a character without them, or done any piece of creative work without MadiYasha's original design. Her clothes are based off of my every day outfit, of course. I'm also making her obsessed with InuYasha (lol, back in the day...) as this story is based off the anime I'm obsessed with now. On 'Array': She needed a nickname, so I took her UN initials and made a word out of them. Most people already know who she is, but if you don't, take a wild guess ;D
Leave me alone. I don't like you. You freaking piss me off. It's okay to like me. It's okay to talk to me. It's okay to say "i think madiyasha is a pretty cool guy, she likes death nowt and doesn't afraid of anything" Hell, you can even call yourself a 'fan' But for christ's sake. There's a limit. The stories, the songs, the knowing everything about me, the STALKING, the declaring your mad love for me... It's freaking me out and making me look bad, because it makes people think only creeps like me. I'm gonna be selfish and say, yeah, I do give a damn about my reputation (not that kind.) on a damn KH fan forum. yeah, I do like this place and all my friends here. Just leave me alone. Stop. I refuse to tolerate it any longer. ...lol.
Guys, you're going to have to trust me on this one. Stephanie Porter, sister of Codey Porter, the young boy who died under the influence of Gaara came back to school today. She wasn't crying, she was optimistic, and received many words of sympathy from everyone. She came up to me today in 7th period and told me her dad was taking action to sue Naruto. I asked her where she stood on the whole thing, and she told me she really didn't want it to go so far, but she did think it was under the influence of the show... she also told me that her brother did have a large imagination. She said she wasn't on anyones sides. So there you have it, like I said, I have no actual proof, and you'll just have to trust me. Really, I'm not too disappointed as long as it continues in japan... and I also think this is going to go NOWHERE in court =/
Naruto is on the verge of being banned from my school. All because of that damn kid's friends. They thought they were Gaara, now he's dead. Buried. Please tell me this hasn't made national news and no one knows what I'm talking about...
Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to phail? I try but it hurts my brain. A lot.
The only kiss is a kiss that's tasted~ Kisses spread germs and germs are hated~ So kiss me baby, cause I'm vaccinated~