"i only wish some moments in life would stay still and enjoy it"sam said hugging riku ooc:bring on the dancing crabs
ooc:My head bic:"No gohan let him go you need to help us kill the heartless you brought them heer by attracting fights"Sam yelled slashing more andorid 18 comes and helps "wow"she said
sam walked in after chirs "ed this is my uncle chris he will be taking my spot mustang said i may go with you on your journy but we must chek up on my office every 4 months or so"sam said "yes,iam the third major"he said as he looked at sams papers
ooc:Look,new siggy orion.
as more ghost came then all of a sudden heartless came ooc:then the evil ones are back i call hades bic:sam looked "Stop the heartless you gonna kill them first"sam yelled slashing some
"last night we had some sleep too huh"sam said as she looked up to him
she then turned of the reaper power "ok that is to much might over kill"sam said she then absorbed gohans attack into her sword and formed it with the scythes reaper power and it flew out bigger and it was red "ahhh"she said falling she then glided on the flew "there"she said
ooc:k bic:sam then saw haseo "ok go to your rooms pick any and you can have a roomate"sam said to sora and his freinds walking off to haseo kaire walked with sora to a dorm
Thank,you xiggy gosh your sooo good.
"Yeah and then i need moki too"Sam said giggling kissing riku again ooc:hmm where sora hahah
What,Igot no clue what you say
sam then sent a mind message "get your but to the castle sora and his freinds joined"she said in hr mind to sojiro kaire folowed looking at the castle
sam used her scythe or open a portal in the ground and demons and ghost came "by the reapers name destroy thy island or go to hell"she yelled as the dmeons went after broly
chris put his hood up and walked off sam and moki came out coughing closing the door
sam luaghed and gave riku a kiss "shes my guardian i must be protected or my powers will go away"sam said holding riku in her arms
sam made a even bigger explosion "why does this happen"sam said coughing moki coughed and walked out the dorm with sam
some one give me the url to the diary
"iam a she"moki said walking off "now wheers that crab sam ineed help"moki yelled sam came and bent down to moki "tha crab went that way moki"sam said smiling
I didnt trap you were closing this thread kitty get a mod.
as sam looked at the sun up she thought "wow,we did it that long well we got sleep in it too"sam said munching on some bacon moki ran to riku and smiled