Sam stood quit "So hwat we going to do"sam said
ooc:or 5 but i know in the seriesnwith pam
ooc:go to -Edited Link-and thats fma website i lvoe al and no kings or anyhting
ooc:Meany bic:sam walked over to vex"HMmm that lier he workd with the air force"Sam yelled
ooc:you should got new gohan when he gets saiyan 6
"Yes even though we are stronger then them we need them to get kingdomhearts and then we shall kill them maybe"sam said walking with haseo to a ice cream shop
sam then stopped by a store and bought anohter ice cream and ate it
ooc:i like the new zeris he gets saiyan 6 bic:hades walks over to riku "now would you mind if i killed you girlfreinds"hades said to riku sam sighed "i dont like riku hes like a bro"she said android 18 then went to kick broly
"they are joining us then when we kil the others we shall world the galxy"sam said back with a calm look but her hood coverd her face
ooc:oh my almost 100 post and something ahhhhhhhhh
"last nigth was so good"sam said holding riku tight ooc:what is lani came right now and sawshe would get pissed
then all of a sudden hades comes "hello little sam and riku aww you look together"he said smilin a bit sam got a mad face "Shutup hades once sora gets up your @$$ is toast"she said lookign at him
ooc:haha a crab doing anotheer crab would be funny hahahah bic:sam held riku tight too " ihope krystal is ok about you and me and last night"sam said her head ot riku chest
"Look a airport"Sam yelled pointing to it.Moki jumped up
sam and moki then went to the cafetieria
ooc: i was faking it princes not ed and al are prince of shambala when w gete there bic:sam then took a book some papers and a bag "ive gone on weird missions and always is packed "sam said chris sat in a seat and did somes paper work
"EH keep fighting i just kiled them all"sam sad sitting down android 18 looked around "where is he"she thought ooc:we need a krilling hahah
-CLOSE- now
Its alive!!!
In jungle still vexeah and sam think xane is a admiral of the air force he dropped a badge saying name and air force then sam found a airport and moki started fighting with cuddles and won i think!