sam used potion on gohan "there it heals wounds"sam said falling down
ok ill make a sensai if you want for a aquad 1 but sma must be in it bic:sam sighed as she put the headband on her nect cuase her goggles were on moki had a head band too she was trapped in a dogs body but still i s a ninja
"gohan use this is potion to heal wounds"sam said giving gohan the vial in his hands as he got it
"sam must have protection"the guard yelled moki came "iam here"she said "oh my god moki sry ma;am iam off"the guard yelled dissapearing
sam then gave broly a cut on his leg and the scythe came back she then did a back flip to the backof broly and attacked him there andorid 18 was uncounciouse
qas sam teled to her room it was in weapons and stuff exercise things then another half was a chemicals and sciency thngs sam was smarter then any one else sam walked out her room still lickin her ice cream an walking maxes roo m"hey"she said
jump oin and kill my guard and sam yells at youhahah
sam folowed but then a guard appeared in front of vexneah "hold it"he said putting a hand out with a sword in it sam stopped
sam brings fenir and her scythe out "be right back ahdes"sam said goign at broly with fenir first then hitting him down with her scythe hades looked "wow shes a keeper"he said dissapeaing in fire android18 fell and laid ther unconcoiuse
sa smiled but no one can see it over he hood"me too" she said licking it kaire sat on her bed "hmm"she wonderd
ooc:lets get to the war and maybe riku will in organization bic:sam smiled and blushed too
ooc:Thanks nuli bic:~at the castle~ "wheres my daughter"the qwueen yelled "shes bad now but she agrees to t least have protection and rule the twilight world in good sometime"said a guard bowing "fine!that brat"the queen yelled whiel that some people came in yelleing "wheres our princess" "she will be here later"the queen yelled walking off the guard folowed while more blocked the crowd
sam giggled "round 1 was good but round 2 has a tape to watch and more moves"sqam said then circling rku abbs
"i saw him with krillin watching tv at the island"android 18 said stopping the fall and oging again for the head punching fastly
sam thought "i hope that its still there"sam said moki nodded
"yeah"she said getting him a sea-salt ice cream she got her own and licked hers with her little tongue
"tell me when ever you want round 2"she said circling her finger around his lips
"sam wait for a ansew ooc:hey nuli can i do a twist for sams castle that involve her queen mom of twilight
"haha you csexy when you lush"sam said kissin him back' ooc:hahahahaahah blush
ooc:ohh bic:android18 then hit broly in the balls ith her foot