Welcome to the forums! Have a very great time on kh-vids.
I really don't know, I guess that one is fine.
I have no clue about this suggestion because I don't understaid.
Keep it as Roxasvsriku, I like that username.
I have them in every room.
I don't know if I will every get it.
Welcome to the forums! Have a great time.
I really like this sig!! The affects are very awasome.
I have to say this is horrble suggestion because they can just go to a diffent area and still flame people, so No.
Very nice idea Arc and also I will try to help if you need help provide the fanfics, if help is needed.
I have so no..
I dont think we need it.
Welcome to kh-vids! If you need any help just pm me and I will be glad to help.
I disagree with this, there is called a spam zone.
See ya!! Have a great life.
I heard about this one week ago. I dont really like HSM. I didnt think she would do that though.
I like the colors and yes try to get the text more blend in.
I like the drawing!
Oh sorry, but like I said I would be very glad if you stay, I want to meet you.. And if someone is flaming you just tell a moderator or someone. Don't let them get too you.
Dude don't worry about those flamers. I am the same age and there is no way I would flame anybody here. Also I want to meet you more, You seem like a very cool guys. So please stay!! I would be very happy.