alright i made this vid, with it, and it won't upload on youtube, i tried .MPG .AVI .MOV and all the other movie files, and it still won't upload, well it uploads, but dosen't convert, i think it is due to the fact that i am not using an MP3 song, anybody know how to convert WMA to MP3
500 posts, 500 more till i become a prem
bit late, guy that play batman in the dark knight got arrested for beating his mother, but oh well CnC
Really do i have to say it, CnC
with my anger, i can't really control my outbursts, if anybody can help me with this, it would be gladly appreciated, i think it is all the stress i am put through, between, school, chores, and siblings, i really have no time to my self, i think this is what is causing it
i need some of the wanted movie stocks, any of them, and can they have good quality, rep goes to any and all who can give me some
this sun burn hurts, and it is right on my face
for the time being, i don't know what file i save to to put up on youtube, so here is a download or 2 first, if you want to tell me, or know how to can you please tell me here download I;11150092;/fileinfo.html download II if I dosen't work;11150147;/fileinfo.html
do you save in to put a vid up on youtube
Awesome Band, Overdose is a cool song from them too
After a while, i got bored of makeing just tags, now i will make sprite animations also all right, it takes time to make these, and if you don't get them in a while, don't worry Rules no spaming no flaming and the forum rules still apply Form Sprite Sheet: Frames( Circle then in paint): Username:
New Tag, CnC Can't really edit now, scince i am at my dads house
any body wanna guess, and only one of them is active, and another is a noob to this site, but i knew here on another one wait now 2 are active
and i am bored anybody want to be my friend
i just can't spell worth my life
*Wonders* alright i will lay it down straight, i have nothing to do, and why did my Most Wanted stop working, wait can anybody read this, yay, i found something on this site, i don't want to say it, i just found something............................................ ............................................................................................ .......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... alright i will say it................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. .......................................................................................... KILL ALL HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
have you been having trouble with it, i mean i have to restart my comp before i can get on it
one of the best movies i have seen this year, George A. Romano, his first zombie horror film in 20 years, he wrote the original Day Of The Dead, and Dawn Of The Dead, i absolutly love his films. if you have seen this film, post you Critisim, or comments
and here you go, CnC and i cant really edit it, because to do this i had to flatten, and GIMP only lets me undo so far
i am fed up with my stupid allergies, it is every day, i take, allergy medicin, Benadril, Tylonal, and they don't work, i even tried sticking my nose, in salsa, it burned like H3//, anything, you guys could suggest