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  1. fall_out_girl
    oh thanks =D

    but gay doesn't mean stupid and why should it? why not straight? why should gay be an insault?
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. fall_out_girl
    oh im sorry im kinda new. could you tell me how to move it please?
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. fall_out_girl

    now that i look back on my thread, i agree that i was overreacting. i still think that calling things ******ed or gay can be offensive and you should be aware of who is arround you when you say it.
    Thread by: fall_out_girl, Sep 6, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. fall_out_girl
    yeah i did those too. but somehow i always ended up with a whistle or a jumprope or something like that. >.> i ended up boycotting it for some reason i don't remember... cool though. hope you get a good prize! =D
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. fall_out_girl

    wow you pretty much thought of anything! good job! =D
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. fall_out_girl
    idk have you ever posted on a thread saying that you hated someone or something? they're intitled to their oppions but personaly i feel that anyone who wastes their time posting about how much they hate anything is wasting their time.
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. fall_out_girl
    ohhh poor you. *gives cookie*
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. fall_out_girl
    eep. you are obsessed. i haven't even seen the movie and already im annoyed with it. D=
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. fall_out_girl
    not my favorite but i like them... AND I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WOULD LIKE CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR!!! yay
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Music
  10. fall_out_girl
    yeah i broke two fingers falling down the stairs before my fourth grade spelling bee. i kick people but i've never broken anything. poor you *gives cookie*
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. fall_out_girl
    hello... this is an official first try at anything remotely resembling a thread... so here goes. If you were on trapped on a desert island and you could only bring 5 things with you, what would you bring? basic necessities are provided ie limited food and water. you may bring groups of things to a resonable extent. that means you can't bring 65,000,000 bottles of water and count that as one.
    lots of love and whatnot,


    okay so you might as well leave your yachs and such behind because you're never going to get off this island because my goons will just catch you. or maybe you should bring a boat because i have inefective goons named biff and boom that never catch anything.
    Thread by: fall_out_girl, Sep 4, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. fall_out_girl


    i like some bayside songs cold and blue and lifeless is okay
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Music
  13. fall_out_girl
    OMG he is sooo totally talented not to mention sooo hot. all of them are awesome... best band EVER!!!!
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Music
  14. fall_out_girl
    yes you are SO right the jepordy skit w/ turd furgeson is the funniest SNL EVER!!!!!
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. fall_out_girl
    mine is wild-magic-girl
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. fall_out_girl
    ello viry its katie... my favorite drink is probally juice. i like juice. yay juice! grape or apple... or maybe chocolate milk. yay!
    Post by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. fall_out_girl
  18. fall_out_girl
    hi my name is katie... um i don't know much about kingdom hearts and i joined because my friends wanted me to. i love art and doodle constantly, even on my converse. im random with a capital 47. i loooooove fall out boy (thus the user name fall out girl) i <3 jokes (so tell me one) 6 days til Harry Potta 7. oh yes.
    xD =D XD oh yeah and Sora 13 already told me the rules. and ive been to other forums so i know the basics.
    Thread by: fall_out_girl, Jul 14, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures