If they took Disney out of KH it would just be another boring old game because you would go to traverse town and destiny island a couple of cut scenes through then to the end we go end and in the same in the second one but twilight town and hollow bastion, but seriously take the disney out of the kingdom hearts is like taking the apple out of the apple pie not going to happen. KH is great just the way it is if it didnt have disney in I'd give my'n to the blender.
*Sorry I havn't been on in a while* Demyx Walked along the icy hall ways slipping a couple of times looking for his room, I can never find it he thought to himself. Finally tripping over once more he slipped into his door, he turned the cold handle and walked inside. He lay on his bed picking up the controls he turned the T.V. flicking through the channels seeing if there were any good christmas movies onto watch.
can I be namine please?
"okay see ya" she said walking back to the house.
Destiny was a little unsure bt licked it anyway. "I got to say that ain't half bad, it is kinda weird how its salty yet sweet at the same time" she said looking at it then licking it some more. Destiny noticed it started to melt and put her hand over the top of it in a clawing position the started moving her fingers slowly inwards so it would freeze again.
"thanks" she said to scrooge and Sane in a sort of shy voice.
She was standing behind Sane and peered round before standing next to her.This scrooge seems more cheerful than the one's in books and stuffshe thought to herself. enyway she had no reason to complain about anything. She started smiling to herself again watching them both joke about with each other.
Destiny followed Sane to see Scrooge.
"dead danger?...you know what I dont even want to know, and the sea salties sound great" She said looking over to where Sane as looking.
"sea salties?" Destiny looked at Sane a little confused. "And why do they need a towns security system?"
"No we just moved here a couple of days ago and it seems pretty quiet and the peopleseem friendly" She said gazing about as she was talking.
"thanks, I'm Destiny" she said getting back to her feet and brushing herself down again.
"it's ok she's cute" Destiny said looking at Sane then smiling.
Destiny heard a voice but couldn't quite make out whose it was. All that she knew was that it was coming from the direction of merlins house.
Destiny looked at Fawn and tilted her head to the side slowly, then lightly stroked her soft feathers.
Destiny was startled by fawn and fell backwards letting out a little squeak. Her shoulder length hair now covered her face she huffed and blew on her hair before moving it to the sides with her hands. "You scared me for a second" she said standing up and brushing herself down.
Demyx watched Marluxia laughing "your a joker" he said leaning against a wall.
As usual Destiny wandered out the house without sayin a word to anyone. She looked up at the sky and smiled. She wandered about the town for a little while looking to see if there was anyone around.
"get a warm by the fire if your so cold" Demyx said said turing to look at luxord and then turing back.
"that wouldnt be a bad idea this place does need to be a bit christmasfied" Demyx said standing up and walking over to marluxia "And maybe while were there we could get some food and stuff."