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  1. namine-kairi
    Played By: Naime-Kairi
    Name: Casey
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personality: She is a pretty outgoing person but can be quite shy when she's around strangers. She can be funny but in her own way, She also tends to have a temper
    Past: She was in a car crash with her mam and dad when she was young, she survived but un fortunatly her mam and dad died. She lives with her nanna in a small house.
    Weapon: anything she can find at the time.
    Element: water
    Other: has a necklace that her mam gave her but she doesnt really know how to use it yet.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. namine-kairi
    Yes you can be namine. do you want to be the oppisite one as well?
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. namine-kairi
    Casey walked through the platform and let her parents bring her stuff through behind her. She looked around for someone she knew.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. namine-kairi
    There is a new world which is exactly the same as the others just with a twist its oppisite.
    sora, kairi, riku and the others go to the new world and find out the people there are not what thy thought. The organization are the good guys and sora and the rest are bad. Sora, Kairi and riku dont like it when they find out that the oppisite them have teamed up with their organization(bad org) and they have to team up with theirs(good org).

    normal world:

    Sora: MajorSeargent
    Kairi: Namine-Kairi
    Mickey: the_king
    Namine: Lost_Aya

    Xigbar: daxma
    Luxord: MajorSeargent
    Xaldin: daxma
    Xemnas: daxma
    Axel: axel ftw
    Zexion: MajorSeargent
    Vexen: daxma
    Roxas: sorafangirl

    oppisite world:

    Xigbar: *hippie jesus*
    Axel: axel ftw
    Larxene: Soranspartanti
    Zexion: Soranspartanti
    Roxas: sorafangir

    Sora: Hexin
    Riku: Hexin
    Kairi: Namine-Kairi
    Mickey: the_king
    Namine: Lost_Aya

    (if I have missed anyone off please let me know and I will put them and if there is anyone you want to be and I havn't put them tell me please.)

    You can have up to 3 characters.
    Thread by: namine-kairi, Apr 11, 2008, 120 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. namine-kairi
    can I be demyx? please
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. namine-kairi
    can I have kairi? please
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. namine-kairi
    Name: Casey jones
    age: 14
    gender: female
    apperence: [​IMG]
    year: 4th
    siblings: only child
    parents: anna and michael
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. namine-kairi
    can I be namine? please.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Apr 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. namine-kairi
    Scrooge McDuck the uncle of Huey, Dewey and Louie
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. namine-kairi
    can I be the unknown character please?
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. namine-kairi
    can I join?

    You lol:naime-kairi
    Name: Casey
    looks: [​IMG]
    crush: Roxas
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. namine-kairi
    NAME: Casey
    GENDER: Female
    PERSONALITY: act like butter couldnt melt in her mouth aroun d teachers but when there gone...lets just say she has a very devious mind. has a bad temper very sarcastic mostly out going and laid back.
    AGE: 14
    PLAYED BY: naime-kairi
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. namine-kairi
    Your Username: Namine-Kairi

    Character Name: Casey Jones

    Age: 14

    Personality: Casey is Quite quiet exept from when she's scared she doesn't have many friends, she's shy most of the time and sometimes takes things serious. If there is one thing that she doesn't like doing it's tempting fate. Casey draws alot and usually carrys around a large drawing pad around in her bag. She cares mostly for those close to her and those around her even if she doesn't know them. She's quite messy but its the only way she can find things. Casey trys to avoid danger at its most and doesn't handle it well when she is in danger.

    Appearance: Casey is quite short for her age and isnt very "Colourful" as her friends put it. She usually has pink converses, navey skinny jeans and a black jumper on. her eyes are are an unusual colour they start off blue then green then yellow around her puple. She has dark brown hair with red highlights in just below her shoulders and a clip where her side fringe is.


    Background: Casey doesnt have many friends but the ones she does have she keeps close to her, her parents died in a car crash when she was eight ever since she has been living with her nanna in a small quiet place next to a beach and as she was an only child it was only them two and things seemed quiet around there from time to time.

    Are you going to die In the story?: erm...not to sure maybe.

    I Agree/Disagree With the Rules: yep sure do.

    well I hope that this is alright.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. namine-kairi
    Exactly when I heard his voice I was like oh my giddy gosh because he sounds like an old wise dude and Xaldin wise dont think so.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. namine-kairi
    I dont no if there has been a thread like this before...
    but which organization member gets on your nerves my'n would have to be Xaldin well because he sounds like an old dude whose going to take you away in the middle of the night and maybe a little Xemans but apart from them two there are ok.
    Thread by: namine-kairi, Feb 9, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. namine-kairi
    aww yeh....
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. namine-kairi
    I was watching a film once and I asked my dad a question and apparently fire can burn under water but I cant remember how :s
    Post by: namine-kairi, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. namine-kairi
    he's know where near gay I dont think. at least I hope he isn't because I'm supposed to be like him.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. namine-kairi
    I'd say kairi she looks much different and looks alot taller in KH2
    Post by: namine-kairi, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. namine-kairi
    I dont exactly know so I'd say both depends how heavy the thing is that I'm holding.
    Post by: namine-kairi, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts