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  1. Mr. Mime
    Sounds hot.
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mr. Mime

    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mr. Mime
    Apparently, he was supposed to be one of the best coders in the province of Ontario...I laughed SO hard when I saw the second programmer my teacher called say, "Sorry man, I have no idea what is wrong with your computer, why don't you go try this guy" and he gave some other guy's number.

    The moment my teacher described the problem to the second programmer, and the programmer saw the desktop, the programmer got up and left. THe teacher was like "What the hell?! Where are you going!?", and the guy said, "What, do you think that I am a joke?! Your desktop does not even have any icons, your desktop is a ****ing wallpaper!", and he slammed the door.

    Everyone in my class laughed, but my two friends in my class laughed the hardest, because I told them who did it. ;) Stupid teachers, and their stupid-stupids.
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mr. Mime
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mr. Mime
    Gah, this uplodation is taking forever! Feel the wrath of my Egg!
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mr. Mime
    Ooooooooh...just wait for my pictures to upload on photobucket! I am going to kick your bum-cheeks!! Hopefully....
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mr. Mime
    What, have you turned this into am image war? BRING ON THE PAIN. *Puts on "Pain" by "Three Days Grace"*

    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mr. Mime
    Your real lane is...Mora? Roma? Omar? OMAR! LOL WOW, WHAT A COINICIDENCE...Amor? Armo> Mr. Ao?

    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mr. Mime
    Oh? Did you know that Demyx is an anagram for MANSEX!? Some of the letters are visually...silent... Alright, it is actually an Anagram of...Xymed!? "Xymed" is a "GIRL" name.

    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mr. Mime
    Alright "Mish", if that is your real you remember me? I have been stalking you for about 4 years. I am the quiet, and mysterious guy in all of your classes...and I act if I do not exist at all...

    Wow, that is some deep stuff.
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mr. Mime
    Oh, thanks-a-bunch for that (hand-drawn?) picture. You are such a...(sorry but I cannot help this!) m34n0r p3n0r.
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mr. Mime
    Sorry, but Demyx sucks. Heartless for the win!

    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mr. Mime
    Edit: Oh crap! I am so sorry for double posting...stupid glitch in the system, and the mainframe, and the stupid-stupid!
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mr. Mime
    Uh, it did is called World War II. Team-Ansem (I do not know what they are called...>.>) created concentration camps for heartless, END OF STORY.

    EDIT (it is now KH-related! The chain is broken...ish): I wish that I had not actually called my grade 9 math teacher a heartless for giving us too much homework...then pulling out my house keys, and pointed them at her. >.>
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mr. Mime
    Much easier, "Element-chan"...LISTEN TO THIS PERSON....or read her/him?
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mr. Mime
    Dear fans of fun,

    Well my friend told me this one, and I claim that I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP. Alright, it is quite a simple one:

    1) Take a screenshot of your Desktop.

    2) Open up an image-editing program with the "CROP TOOL". (I will be using PhotoShop as an example).

    3) CTRL+N when you are in PhotoShop, but do not change any of the size settings. In other image-editing programs, you may have to find out the size of your desktop without the taskbar...good luck with that.

    3) Crop the tool so that only the wallpaper and the icons remain in the picture. Save it.

    4) Now copy all your shortcuts and folders...or as many as you can, into your will probably not remember the name of your shortcuts, so it is best that you DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.

    5) I may sounds crazy when I type this, but I need you to delete all your icons, and folders on your desktop...JUST THE SHORTCUTS, NOT THE PROGRAMS. This is why step 4) is so crucial in this prank.

    6) Now hide in the shadows (sorry, I have always wanted to type/say that) and wait for someone to go on your computer (or do this prank on someone else's computer).

    7) WATCH AS THEY STRUGGLE TO FIGURE OUT WHY NONE OF THE ICONS AND FOLDERS WORKS. I did this to my Computer and Information Science teacher once, and he had to call in two other programmers to find out what was wrong...THE FIRST OF THE TWO COULD NOT FIGURE IT OUT! XD

    **Note: It may be hard to delete the Recycle Bin, so you may want to keep it on your desktop...if you figure out a way to delete it, TELL ME NOW....please.
    Thread by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mr. Mime
    I never got anything blocked from the school...but I know the principal blocked the cafeteria once. In terms of computers, the school blocked the computers' GHz, and RAM from the darn computer. Seriously - pardon my french - it is slower than turtles having ES-EE-ECKS in Jell-O
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mr. Mime
    Alright, I have only read the first page of this thread, so I am not sure if this has bee posted yet: at your taskbar (the bar with the green - or grey...or blue- start-button), and look all the way at the right, and you will see these icons. Click that arrow button - if you are running windows XP - and look for the cone-shaped thing that dogs wear when they get stiches or something. Double click it, and see if all the vertical lines have the little module-thing at the top-most thing. Try that!
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mr. Mime
    I'd do anything in your pants. Yeah, I know >.>...IT IS A SONG BY SIMPLE PLAN, I SWEAR.
    Post by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mr. Mime
    Here is a really funny, and easy-to-do prank!

    EDIT: This thread sucks, I AM TRASHING IT.

    EDIT #2: Fine, let me repost it. >.>

    Dear fans of fun,

    You like Japan, eh? Then hear my deductive reasoning! It will both astonish you, and make you feel like you have heard it before! (Warning: I am often known as 'Detective Conan') BEHOLD:

    The Truth
    1) You like Japan
    2) There are men in Japan
    3) Therefore, you like men.

    P.S. Even if you ARE a girl, "girl" is none other than an acronym for "Guy in real life." Coincidence? I think not!
    Thread by: Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone