Do you want me to get someonme to kiss all of your boo-boos? Let me play the world's smallest violin for you.
This was made using Windows Movie Maker. 0.0
Signature compiliation? Sure, I volunteer Murai.
Sorry, I just cannot believe Kingdom Hearts is going to be on a PHONE. What the hell do you think you have to do in it, "call" your keyblade? Or "call" the final boss and ask him for directions to kick is ARSEenal of skycrapers or something? YES, I FOUND YOU, NOW I CAN USE YOUR SIG FOR A PROJECT! BWAHAHAHA. My plan worked. ;)
Fans'o'fun, I am so ******* pissed right **** now, be*****cause of all the ***** and more **** *** ***** **** ASTERISKx4 ****. I just ****** learned that ******* kingdom hearts is going to ****** be on the phone, and I am proud ***** to say that I am ******* quitting ******* Kingdom ******* Hearts, and I am ***** off to burn ***** the ******* disks. P.S. CLOUD, RIKU, SORA, AND EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS. Discuss. EDIT: OH I AM SO SORRY KINGDOM HEARTS, I DID NOT MEAN TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS. >< Let us never split again!
Gomez Addams..from the Addams Family suddenly just got a lot colder here. I feel shunned for some off reason.
Is this some sex-orientated joke? If so, it sounds hot...?
LOL You look like you are having too much fun. I wish I was more like you, the only good pictures of me, are when I am not even paying attention.
I DOWNLOADED A PSP EMULATOR!!!! YOU SUX! Now I do not need to spend my money on some stupid sony thing! BIRTH BY SLEEP IS MYNE!
Do I seriously need to post my picture again?! Ugh. GAH, THE DEED IS DONE. P.S. The phot has been retouched, the lighting-stuff, and the tan was Photoshopped. My abs ARE NOT THAT CHISLED ANYMORE. THey are there, but I need to go work out. ;-;
THIS ONE IS CUTER. (Yeah, I made it. c[=)
Lucky you, for the last month, my post-count has stayed at "50"...and I have been posting a LOT during the last month. My interweb hates me.
Wow, thank goodness that you are. If you have not noticed already, my forum-name is Mr. Mime. People in real life call me Mimey...but for future reference, call my Mr. Anderson.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete, end thread....CRAP, IT DID NOT END. ;-; Edit: Ctrl+Alt+DeleteV2: Alt+F4...WHERE DID MY INTERWEBS GO!? EditV2: Ctrl+Alt+DeleteV3: this some sick joke!? I WANT MY MONEY BACK.
You do not "take" rohypnol, someone slips it in a drink and gives it to you. xD ( sound a little offended, and before this gets out of hand I apologize for offending you; I was only trying to have a little fun)
I "speculate" that the "good pictures" you were looking at are not approriate. (NO offense)
The website? It is the world's fastest-loding website, and it saves energy. I do not mean to promote it, but I have been using it for my progerct for the last year or so, and my electric bill went down 10%. XD