well if s/he's using the sims... hes got like, The Sims version 324232552 because we can do a ton of stuff the sims cant... Like in the sims you can only do the nasty in bed or in a hot tub but last night i walked in on my parents and they were doing it on the couch... then 45 minutes later my dad was like "get out out of here!" but seriously, if God did have a comoputer, he would probably have every computer there is. If he's in the mood for early 90s he could snap his fingers and then *poof* its a Windows 92 laptop with all the capabilities of a brick. If he wants to do some sweet recording for all his mamma jams then *poof* its an iMac G5 and he plugs his strat into Garageband. It is interesting to think about what God does in his spare time.
For the record, he has two cats. Louie and Pipkin. Louie is just your basic cat, and Pipkin is just a fatty Anyway, Thank you everyone. I feel accepted. Wait, you're getting married? 0_o
to mish: like, tre cool, from green day? or someone else...
Thank you all for welcoming me in. I thought KH-Vids was one of those sites for people who are obsessed with KH and thats pretty much all they do and they dress up like Sora or Xemnas or something (like roxas XD) but seriously now, this site has a lot of cool stuff. The intelligent discussion threads have some interesting debates going on, and when things get too serious camel and roxas are there with some nice comic relief XD. This is an overall cool site. And for the record, Roxas only dressed up like Xemnas once, and it was for a class project involving the song Jingle Bells, several sex toys, a poster of baseball star Nomar Garciapparra, and his cat.
the camera caught roxas in the middle of smacking his buttocks. so yes, he is smacking his buttocks.
new stuff roxas hasnt updated in awhile... We've got a new song, though its just a techno theme song. It's creativly titled "Connection Failed Theme" www.myspace.com/connectionfailedsound
oops. oh well. this thread is pointless then.
a lot of blink fans were disappointed, but they needed to realize that this band is called Angels & Airwaves, not blink-182. It's Tom DeLonge, Atom Williard, David Kennedy, and the bassist (forgot his name XD), not Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge, and Travis Barker. The fans who were disappointed were expecting the pop punk they have come to know and love from blink-182, and when it wasn't, they just werent willing to accept Tom's new direction.
ive read books that say time travel is metaphoricly possible if you were to alter the placement of a black hole enough with an object that is big enough for a black hole to be pulled into the gravitational pull, then when the placement is changed, it would go into another time period, there would just be no way for you to control where you end up.
I think Roxas posted a thread about our band, Connection Failed, but I couldn't find it, so here's another one. www.myspace.com/connectionfailedsound I'm lead singer/guitarist, and Roxas also plays guitar. The songs recorded quality isn't the best, and we are currently in the process of rerecording the songs so they sound better, so I would appreciate it if you tried to focus more on the song than the production. Thanks.
I'd have to say AVA, since Tom has just shown a side that is completely different than blink-182. Blink is still better, but AVA has some of the most meaningful lyrics I have ever heard, I think Tom succeeded in his goal to create music that was angelic, inspiring and heroic.
1. No, i do not find Roxas "smexy", although he is rather persuasive sometimes. 2. Of course I do, but Roxas has no credit card. If you want his personal info, IM me at MercyofMonsters6 or send a personal message. 3. Not exactly sure about the "ego", but it is true that Roxas has a small... *****.
Its okay for me to insult Camel, we've been friends since 4th grade.
Camel may seem like he's joking... But he's not. I witnessed it once when he was over at Roxas's house and realized he was late, so I drove him home and his dad backhanded him, ripped off his shirt and whipped his chest with a belt... Then he smacked my face with the belt... He told me to leave, but I tried to defend Camel, which only resulted in both of us on the ground while Camel's dad screamed at us... He literally kicked me out of the house and locked the door... I heard Camel's screams but was helpless. It may seem out there, but it's all true. Camel's dad is insane.
Mish is hot. That is all I have to say right now.
do you own this site or something? are you like, head admin?
well this may be intelligent discussion but camel doesnt seem very intelligent
history is boring i fall asleep in that class every day no one wants to go back in history unless they wanted to go pee on someone they didnt like... like i would pee on bill clinton because i dont like him but i dont need to go back in time to do that since hes still alive so you see time travel is dumb sorry im new to this site and im just looking around
here is another pic of me, a pic i found of Roxas and just felt i should put up, and a pic of us playing a show.
Roxas, You need to come clean. You're telling all these people you're straight, why? Do you feel more accepted that way? I've been trying to get you to accept the fact that you're bi, why won't you? You told me you were going to start telling the truth, then I find this KH-Vids and I see you've been lying to all these people. Come on. Roxas is bi. I found out in middle school, and most of his friends ditched him since they were straight. I was his only friend throughout 6th and 7th grade, until people started feeling more open minded. Sometimes he tried to do things with me, and that was a little scary, but I just calmly told him no. Roxas had a boyfriend for a little while, his name was Donovan Garmo. I was so happy for him. But then he started feeling insecure again, and he ended the relationship. It is always so sad to see a beautiful thing get destroyed by insecurity. But Roxas has been here ages. I'm new, you probably want to know about me. I'm straight, and I think Mish is a frickin hottie. K thats all. Roxas, I am very disappointed in you.