there arent gonna be any zombies in KHVR II. roxas came over last night and pretty much explained most of KHVR II to me, and there were no zombies.
ever since he found out he was bi, and that was around three years ago. you can read Roxas: A Biography in the spam zone/playground and you will find answers to 30% of the questions you have
guy fawkes! i live in michigan, but i still celebrate the holiday, ever since i saw the movie "v for vendetta"
the university of michigan fight song lol
well just because you use them doesnt mean you like them.
... roxas... i honestly have no idea.
well, it was more than three, but i guess it wasnt really constant. it was annoying though. and when i saw how worked up he was because his parents kicked him off the ps2 for one night i sort of thought he was pretty pathetic actually... unless he was joking. i couldnt really tell since we were talking on AIM.
i made mark hoppus from blink-182 with my keyboard _\|/_ ('.') /_A_\ ||_|| /_|_\ || || his head is a little off center but w/e
i will tell you what happened to Roxas's old friendships: he pretty much ended up annoying me so much with all his kingdom hearts talk where it got to the point that i was continuously yelling at him to shut up because i honestly dont care that much. about obsessions, i think they are bad, because they seem unhealthy.
well, i agree, what Roxas did wasn't nearly as bad as NRA and vivi, thast just disgusting, stupid, and immature, and they should get a bigger punishment than Roxas.
he doesnt have any friends either... all he has is me. lolz jk
you dont have any brothers... all you have is a sister.
3rd grade makes it even weirder
it may seem suprising, but most of it is actually true.
roxas didnt write it xD. i did.
This is a 85% true biography of Roxas, my best friend, and avid user of KH-Vids. The parts that aren't true are parts that I don't know exactly what happened and had to make stuff up. I hope you find it enlightneng. (Roxas knows about this, and he said its all okay for me to put up.) Roxas was born on January 13th, 1991. He lived in England for several years, in which he learned many lessons that overall didn't help him later on in life. He moved to America around the early to mid 90's. He met a dashing young boy named Atticus in first grade. They became best friends quickly, and had many nice adventures and storiez. When Roxas was in 4th grade, he had his first girlfriend, a girl named Joelle. She was fat and ugly and I don't know what he was thinking. Then, he had a girlfriend named Jackie. She was skinny and ugly and I don't know what he was thinking. Roxas and Jackie did many things that normal 5th graders dont usually do. He described them to me in detail but I won't put you through those, but let's just say I didn't know tweezers could be used that way. These two years were years he would very much like to forget. In 6th grade, Roxas realized he felt an attraction for boys as well as girls. He first noticed this when he saw a boy named Jared. Their eyes met, and Roxas blushed sheepishly. Jared gave him a warm smile and Roxas looked away, embarassed. Unfortunately, their love could not unfold, as Jared was shipped to Vietnam as a part of a mail-order rape victim deal. Roxas was heartbroken, but moved on. Roxas also met a boy named Donovan Garmo. This boy was Roxas's first official "boyfriend". Roxas was madly in love. But due to insecurity in his sexual orientation, Roxas ended the beautiful relationship, and was once again heartbroken. Roxas turned to music as his sole refuge. He started a band with Atticus, and Roxas decided they would be called Oblivion. Atticus thought that was dumb from the start but Roxas was enthusiastic about it and Atticus didn't want to hurt his feelings after his breakup with Donovan. Oblivion was heavy metal, they played music in the style of Children of Bodom, Metallica and Lamb of God. But Roxas and Atticus decided they liked punk rock a lot better than metal, so with their good friend Joel, they changed their name to Connection Failed and are currently recording an album and playing shows. In 6th grade Roxas played a video game that would change his life. He first saw the commercial for Kingdom Hearts on TV, and thought it looked pretty dumb because of all the disney characters. But the first time he played it, he pulled an all nighter. He then sold his gamecube to buy a Playstation 2. At around this time he was viciously beaten by a 46 year old German transvestite who pretended to be his dad before violating him in several areas of the body, but Roxas is still a little shaken up and hasn't gone into much detail. Roxas is now obsessed with Kingdom Hearts. He has admitted he has a problem and has admitted himself to rehab. He hopes to complete rehab soon so he can return to his normal life. I also have heard that he is engaged to Cin. 0_o That was the story of Roxas: A boy, then a man, then a boy again. Biography written by Atticus.
snakes on a plane was massivley entertaining. It was just a great movie. A lot of people said it was stupid without seeing it, all they know is a lame title and Sam Jackson, but I loved it.
Amen to that. BLINK FOREVER!!!! As for dead people, I would like to have dinner with "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, guitarist of Pantera/Damageplan
Travis! well weve got 2/3rds of blink on here so far...
Tom DeLonge