holy lol I remember that
I will only approve an AMV if it's a Breakfast Club style montage that captures our memories and is set to the song "Don't You Forget About Me" (This is don'tbanme by the way)
The majority of my time is spent in either the spam zone or the real world. ily NRA.
Atticus is back. The day none of you awaited is here. But this is a monumental thread for me. **** yeah. EDIT: This is don'tbanme, AKA Nathan Hall for those who don't know
i dont care if i get a warning, because i hate fall out boy enough to do this. fall out boy is sooooooo ******ed. they dont deserve one millionth of the success they have earned. they are a terrible band. though really i shouldnt call them a band. they are more like "orgy buddies" who decided they would try and write music. the story of fall out boy: Four friends had been participating in gay orgies for quite some time. They saw a video of a musical group and said: "Hey! Lets write songs about our sexual and sensual experiences!" then pete wentz said "Ok, but only if you rub my ***** with gasoline" they thought about it and agreed to the terms. Thus, fall out boy was pooped out someones ***.
no. i wont stop. this is my opinion. neener neener neener fall out boy sucks large ***** neener neener neener well... i guess i will stop ive insulted them so much they probably could feel it wherever they are... probably in a hot tub naked rubbing eachother with lotion
fall out boy has not shown me anything worth respecting. terrible live preformance empty, emotionless music (in a genre called "emo") tight pants whining vocals and talentless musicians. what is this bands purpose? do they just want to piss on the music industry? they take a beautiful thing like music and destroy it. i hate the world after listening to FOB
THEY ARE COMING TO DETROIT!!!! WITH +44!!! that way we wont be totally wasting our money, since +44 is amazing. and we can film it and beat up emos because 10,000 emo kids couldnt beat up my grandmother
i must concede. blink sucks live. but at least they make up for it with funny jokes and music that doesnt hammer nails into my ears. fall out boy is just... bad. and when blink is on, they are ON. and when they aren't... well.. they suck. but still they make an attempt to be intersting
i'm not even kidding though. that show sucked! what were they thinking as they played it? they should apologize. apologize for existing.
.............................. theres not a lot more i can say do they even practice at all? or do they say "well, we could rehearse so we arent completely terrible, or we could **** ***** each others ***** all night long until our *** hurt so bad that we cant **** any more and well have to just cuddle in bed naked." and from that vid it sounds like the singers *** still hurts
jesus christ that was bad i didnt even watch hte whole thing just wow wow. wooowww. can they do anything good? wait. they can lock themselves in a freezer and never come out again. that would be good.
to darky first: i said i dont "see" how anyone could like them. i know people like them, but i just dont see why second: i borrowed the album from my friend and i dont think he uses much variety, and i dont see any thought provoking lyrics that you might see in an angels & airwaves song or a led zeppelin song. third: umm... i forgot fourth: its not ignorance. i listened to the whole album and didnt enjoy any of it, not even one second. its just when you said they were epic... well.... i just completely disagree.
im sorry i just dont see how anyone can like FOB their lyrics dont have much meaning (or at least none that i can see) their music videos are just ******ed (in their "arms race" video those black people would be beating the **** out of them in reality) pete wentz is a ****ing ****** and their singer is just like every other emo singer, there is no variety in his vocal styles and emo is a genre. it used to just stand for emotional or whatever, but it has evolved into a genre where people complain and whine about how they have no balls
im sick of emo music with their emo kid "musicians" wearing their little sisters jeans while whining about stuff no one cares about and then making $239458729 because of it. the only emo bands i like are my chemical romance (and i only like the black parade because it was more rock than emo) and taking back sunday (because they do cool double vocal things) fall out boy is my least favorite band of all time the only band that even come close to competing with FOB is panic at the disco. the only reason i dont hate panic more is because they at least put on a respectable live show. fall out boys "music" is all the same to me, the only song i know instantly when it comes on is "dance dance" because it was in madden NFL 2006 and i played that game nonstop when it came out. bottom line: fall out boy makes me bleed from the ears and ***
All new songs up, quality (except for the vocals, not thrilled with them, and im the singer "/) but they are good, and you should definetley go check them out. www.myspace.com/connectionfailedsound i dont give a **** about double posting
FOB deserves everything Roxas said. they suck ***.
i think my chemical romance is more epic and angels & airwaves is even more epic than both of them together personally i think their singer is too whiney, like he's just complaining and his pants are too tight
yeah the vocals arent good at all, but were heading into a studio this weekend, so keep an eye out for updates, we should have quality recordings up in the next week or so.
except you didnt write it "/