After you get the National Dex. Which I have. (Thank you lvl 100 Blaziken....)
I can actually tell you all of what you seek. BUT! You will have to PM me.
Me too. Especially when I was playing the entire game on launch day in best buy. People were shocked to see a 97% on Misirlou, Expert.
That's why people have cheat devices.......
A Heaven's Pipe? Or an Azure flute? I really need one. Some people know why.....
Possibly a few more if you count the events.
Nice. chip very funny.
Well, it's DARKRAI vs. PALKIA vs. DIALGA. And about GIRATINA..... I caught 5 min. ago.
I want to leave with a bang. Like it's so random, it hits you in the face. You be like "Hey let's go to Starbucks!" and you get hit by a Plane. You'll be like "WTF? That was random, oh s***, I'm dead."
BALLS! I got to the Elite 4, but I'm not ready yet. So i'm catcing legendaries.
1. Misty lookie nice. But I don't wanna sound like a pedophile. Even though I'm 16. 2. LEGO CHEWY!!!! 3. I ran out of things to say.
Your face! Get Pearl, and start off with penguin.
Believe it or not, Before the new and half of the other KH vids forums, I was actually "Micro-Man." And now I am the half-known "General Grievous."
Whoa. Someone who is farther than me. But my Infernape's lvl 50!
I knew about this before Wii came out.
I'm fo shizzle gettin' this game.
True. My Infernape's lvl 42!!!
That's not the first one. Mystery Dungeon is the first one. I should know....when I picked that game up, they asked me If I wanted to reserve Ranger.
I'll post mine later till my Monferno evolves.....6 more lvls!
Hell yeah I went early!!! I was the first one to get Diamond.