Everybody who said they're ugly has only proven 1 thing. They have low self esteem.
0215 7266 2361 Camilo Can I give you something crap in return?
Omg....a free Deoxys?..........I DO!!!!!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!! Is it shiny?
Oh trust me, I'll train them well.
Awesome. Hell, a Darkrai wouldn't be that bad.....
Oh, thank GOD you know how to clone. I'm not the only one!!! So uh, let me know when you could get me either a Azure flute or an Arceus. I don't think an Azure flute because it's a key item.
WJAT about them LVL 100's!!???!?!?!?!
Ah didn't get larvitar. WOW, quite a collection you got there. I too have a lvl 100 blaziken. And a Mewtwo, blastiose, Groudon, rayyquaza....shall I go on?
Hang on, my internet likes to be racist, so for now, be patient.
Before we do this, can you get other hacked pokemon? Say an Arceus?
ok. 0215 7266 2361
Ok, you're starting to get a little annoying ranting about boyfriends. I don't think anybody cares. And yes If anybody hasn't figured out, I'm really blunt.
I'll take 'em.
What thread and what shinies?
That's why you MIGRATE FROM YOUR GBA GAMES!!!!!!
Are trying to make me mad? These kinda threads annoy me.
I really hate threads like this. It's just giving out info to a bunch of strangers. And for those who didn't understand, fon't put your social security here...
You people disgust me. I named myself my name and my rival in Diamond "Warrick"
Oohh....Lucian.....he's tough. Try to have some one with "Crunch" on your team. Like Torterra.