Again, not being here i weird...but im playing WoW...what'd i miss?
Oh really? I should be like a veteran here.....
Not Cool!!!!! I told everybody to NOT CALL ME THAT PLEASE!!!!!! Jeezz..... I won't be on often.
I've been gone for quite a bit! A month to be exact. What'd I miss?
Actually, I'd rather sandpaper the butt hole of an Alligator in a phone booth.
In the water. It's freakin huge too.
Psshhh!!!Heck yeah!! Like father like son....
Did you miss me? I was gone for a bit.
I officially LOVE you. You play GH.
I am a proud owner of a pimped out Sidekick 3!
I just commented saying I understand spanish.
You phail. Freaking start playing. I can't 5 star Psychobilly Freakout!
Stupid.....boy....quizzes.......YOU! Are annoying Sce13 whatever. I'm done.
Fo shizzle my nizzle.
You should have been doing so for a while.
That's cool, but now, I wanna see the all sigs and see what I like the best. I'm not turning you down, it's cool. Except I wanna see my other options.
1. I've seen all of the vids already. 2. That's freakin' funny.
Anybody wanna do me a guitar hero sig, an Arceus sig, or an Iron Maiden's "The Trooper" sig? Ask me for questions.
I need for Pokedex, battle, forms, contests, and alot more. As long as you have more than one to give away.
You phail. Start playing. Now.