I will if Misty decides to add me on Myspace. How silly of her. <3
Pffft I'm good enough. I'm never on AIM enough.
You should totally get yourself a myspace or a facebook ad talk to me. It seems I don't pay enough attention to this site as much as I should.
Intelligent member, eh? Give this person a promotion. I like them already.
*smacks* No more hurt.
I've noticed. It's been years since I signed up. Did I miss anything important Misty?
I know I keep showing up after months and months. But I'd thought I'd just say hi.
Hey Mish. Wake up.
Hehe, What's up Alex? I think I still have you on Myspace. Well, I use to be a Moderator, till that was over. Apparently I wasn't "Active". I wonder why....
It's too much WoW.
Hey you. =)
Since I first joined. It's also been a long time since I've been here. So what'd I miss?
Ah, but that's also the beauty of Raiding. I mean c'mon....Black Temple kicks everybody's ass. Well, I guess not anymore with the Nerf patch. but you still got Sunwell.
Golden Axe? I'm afraid I'm not understanding.
Too much? Nah, I think you've got time.
Well I'm glad to see you too... What'd I miss?
Hey Misty, what's goin' on?
WoW game: 20. Monthly fee is 15. BC is 20 or 30. WotLK= 50. I raid almost every freeking day. Its awesome. If any Veteran KHvids forum member wanna try out the game, come to Hyjal and Ill hook you up. Just PM me first.
Hmm.....I remember having that lvl 10 Warrior. But I upgraded. Well, here you go. lvl 70 Night Elf rogue. Realm:Hyjal Guild: Reborn Skinning and Leatherworking Fully Epicced with raiding gear. yes, I raid quite a bit. Well, there you go.