Why herro thurrr
It happens. WTB couple more words.
<------- = Pro, brah. I've been here for years now.
I see no one really loves me anymore >.< And to answer future questions, I have been on almost every day just about. For a few, just a peep. </3 'Specially you, Misty. You make me sad.
Wuddup. And becuse there's a rule that there has to be at least six words in a post, I have posted many of tem to make Misty happy. Snip-snap, Misty!
By all means, let me know.
Let me ask you this, If you didn't want us to bother you in any way, shape, or form... Why'd you make a thread in the first place?
Getting ready for a raid. How's your life?
What's up girl?
Is that so?
I faction Transferred to Human. And haha, you don't make a valid point, sorry, try again.
I'm running a 24 inch iMac, and It's the best purchase I've made in my life. Yes, you can run Windows on a mac, if you ran Parallels or Bootcamp, although I just mostly use Snow Leopard. However, i wouldn't sugest getting a Macbook Air. It's the design that kinda gets me. Not exactly sure why. And as for the USB slot and other problems... It has 4 slots. Same as a PC, or most that I see. Soem Macs have 2, because IT'S A LAPTOP. USB hubs are your friend. Overpricing? Nullified, why? You're getting what you're paying for. Macs don't F*** around. Great system overall.
I suggest not spending 10$ on a new pair. If you want quality, go about spending a bit. For example... I bought $350 Headphones from Bose, Noise Cancelling, freekin' amazing. From the Same company I bought $100 Ear-Buds which provide great quality sound, bass, acoustics and what-not. But If you can't afford Bose, I personally belive Skullcandy is the next best thing. I use to have 30$ ear-buds from them which were In-Ear. also provided excellent sound. But if you choose not to take my word for quality, then by all means, spend those $10.
And again, I've upgraded. Axlrose, Human Mage, lvl 80. Camilo, NE Rogue, lvl 80. Plantronics, BE Death Knight, lvl 80. All on Hyjal, and all geared out from 25 man raids. People should post more in this topic, IMO. Ugh, and yet again, no one wants to post here. How sad! < YOU'RE BAD
Refer to this in the future.
Hmm, alrighty then. *apply 3 words here.*
What's up?
Is it now? Then please, move it if you will.
I'll be the next person to tell you that's true.
Welcome back, to stay on topic? Very slick.