you're right...there is nothing going on in here... *ish totaly bored*
*listens to mp3 and continues to sip on water*
*sits by self sipping on water for the past 10 mins...*
Natalie finally caught up to the castle...She flew over to her window and flew into he room..She saw Xandor on the floor... "Xandor I need your help," she said placing the human Nicole on her bed..She walked over to Xandor and helped him up... "She's sick..not just regular sick but really sick..." she said pulling him over to where she put Nicole... Nicole was pale....No color seemed be in her face...She looked like she was on the verge of death...
"I'm going right now....I know shes out in the strom and I'm gonna save her...Even If I can't, I will..." she said then flew out her window and over the forest..She flew over the forrest and saw two figures about half a mile away...They were in a tree... "That must be them," she thought then flew into the tree to see them both... "Well Nicole..looks like a found you," she said to the demon.. " might've found me...but that doesn't mean you can just take her back.." She said getting her rope out... Natalie looked at the human half which looked very sick to her... "Nicole...if you continue to kepe her out here in this weather she's gonna die!" Natalie shouted... "Thats the idea," Nicole said evily... Natalie cut the ropes which held the human half and caught her before she fell out of the tree...She then kicked the demon Nicole out of the tree.... She landed on the ground knocking the breath out of her...She stood up... "Take her and see if I care...I'll be back for her though," she said dissappearing.. Natalie held the human Nicole in herarms and flew back to the castle...
*sighs* I tink I just might go off for a while...idk...I'm just so sad for somereason...but this site makes me happy..and all the friends I've made here are so cool... but I think I just might stay off for a few days...take a break...That and I got volleyball practice coming up and I'm an upcoming'll be on here a lil les than I would be... Well, I might see you in a few days...unless I just come on to see whats up for a few mins... :(
"But what if she is? I'm too afraid for her right now..I'm soo...Scared that she might be hurt....The demon was planning on killing her so we couldn't get to her..." she explained as she surled up and still sobbed.. Meanwhile The human Nicole and the demon Nicole were out in the storm. ..The Demon Nicole was trying to find a place to take shelter...but she never found one...She just climbed up a tree, with one of her ropes around her human side... Her human side had shown sympotoms of sickness....She was cold and shivering... Natalie stood up... "I'm gonna go find her," she said then opened her window...
"Don't worry...Nicole isnt' going anywhere...I just hope her demon half doesn't hurt her...If she does..I don't know what I'll do," Natalie said as more tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed
Namine started breathing heavily...trying to get over the fear...She hugged him back...
Natalie looked at Xandor...She smiled at him and gave him a hug... "Nicole was kidnapped again...and I'm sorry for scaring you with all this thunder and lightning," she said trying to stop herself from crying...
Namine looked at Roxas.... "The line is getting shorter at least," she said seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the front....She was shaking and trembling with fear.but she wanted to go with Roxas for some reason..She felt safe with him...
I sooooooo forgot about this drawing lol...
Natalie looked at Xander... "Sure....It'll help a bit I guess," she said as she let a tear escape down her cheek..
She looked over at the door and wiped her years...trying to hide that she was crying... "Come on in," she said putting her hands up to her face
In most of these I look so :censor2:ing ******ed
ooc: it happened to me today..I had to read alot of pages cause I was gone for 3 days....*stupid internet screwing me over and stupid cousin with a paintball gun shooting me T^T*
paintball guns......I hate em soooo much right now..I got a big knot a few inches away from my ear...
Natalie looked out the window and saw how much it was raining..She could see the river rushing...the clouds turning dark...the rain pouring...the thunder rolling and the lightning striking... "the perfect storm," she said softly as more tears rolled down her cheeks... "Nicole...I'm so sorry," she said softly...
yepp Yesterday I was playing arounf with a paintball gun and I cocked it and put it off the mom took it form me and put it on the counter...So..I decided to make some pb & J...I make me one then my cousin asked if she could have one..I was fixing it on the counter where the paintball gun was...She picked it up and was probabbly 2 feet away from me...I was spreading the jelly on a piece of toast when I heard it shot and a large pain a few inches away from my right ear...(she was standing on my right) I stood there and didn't feel any pain cause I was in too much mom was in the living room...I put my hand over that side of my face and walked into the bathroom....trying not to cry...but when I got in the bathroom...I started to mom knocks on the door wanting to see what she cleaned all the paint out of my hair and face...and I went to finish the P B & J
Natalie walked out of the forest and into the castle with tears going down her cheeks...It started to become a lightning storm..She headed on up to her room..She slammed the door and dug her face in her pillow sobbing...