u know what u guys besides Daxma r losers if u dnt believe me idk y i even bother freaking being on this thing i thought u guys would care if someone in ur family died i would comfort u guys by talking to u guys. just because someone joked about another persons death doesnt mena i am jokeing i mean get real i am not sick like that. get real if u dnt believe me idc if this gets me banned it just ticks me off that u guys think its a joke
i am depressed i was crying all night and still do. i am rlly depressed guys i just dnt like to think about it because it makes me cry and i dnt like crying
y dnt u guys believe me i wouldnt post something like that for a joke omg but thnx Daxma for the support =]
amanda was visiting Texas for her family and when she was visiting her friend and she walked home all by hersself home at 1 oclock there and when she was halfway out of her freinds driveway right nex to the bus stop to go home he grabbed her and just killed her idk how probably stabed her, but he ran far away so the cops couldnt get him, she lay their bloody and halfway dead when her friend saw her she screamed and yelled for help when somebody came they called the ambulance but by the time they got there it was too late she was gone the guy is still out there today and i will give anything for him to die seriously this is not a fake story her mom called me and i was soo pissed i was shaking, because of two reasons 1.she was my everything and she meant everything to me. and 2. i knew the guy who did it and i am looking for him till this day, i cnt remember exactly what he looks like but he has black hair and a lip ring. i hope she will be in ur hearts forever as she is in mine forever. she was 14 and the guy was 16 my age. i hope u read this and take it to heart as she was my everything and i made a promise that nothing will happen to her well i broke that and its my fault. This is a true story no myspace stuff no joke this actually happened my gf the one i loved for 2 straight yrs died and i am gonna find the guy.
because skating and just got job and driving so dnt have time for computer so if u dnt know who i am well sucks for u i am a nice guy too so tough luck if u dnt know dnt know me. ill miss being on too
i am a flow skater for 4 teams who r u
avvy:7:10 sig:8:10
from the Dominican Republic for my team tour i actually went this yr hella fun and skating all day i miss it here lol well PM me or something i am bored
sexy can i-ray j
were not gonna take it-quiet riot
it is a good one got stuff from sponsors and clothes from zumiez lol i am happy and a truck
haha =] i am 16 now lol yay
so happy bday to me lol well whats up guys?
my level when i left was 5 couldnt get to level 6 lol took too long
lol what ppl who guesed mine im 16
lol ya god of war 2 is tight lol well ya i dnt rlly am interested in it either
i got sucked in now im out haha
when i come around-Greenday
Iheard its gonna be better then Gears of War but idk. im not in to those shooting non realistic games.
this is a little fun game that i play with some friends who dont know my age. is what you do is post something like a hint or something to guess the person above you age, then you guess and post your hint. Heres mine. i have been skating for 16 yrs and i strated sitting on one till i was almost a year old.