I find Facebook pointless, Twitter and MySpace are the only sites I find useful I guess.
Baltimore Ravens or Seattle Seahawks (Even though they suck but you have to rep your home team)
I like the way Goofy runs. It always seems to crack me up when he runs, his legs are all flopping all over the place xD
It randomly started snowing where I live near the end of November. I was a bit shocked but yet I played in it like a little 7 year old :D
I like playing COD Modern Warfare with my step brother and we heard that a girl was playing, she was actually pretty good, we talked to her and made "pals" with her. Girls who play games are pretty cool actually. As long as you know what you're doing when you play online games :P
First time I died like twice but that was just my stupidity of attacking the water creatures instead of using the reaction command. 2nd time I fought him he was a bit hard then I figured out his pattern, took me awhile to beat him but I finally did :)
Xemnas for sure, I just liked fighting him in the game.
Re: Chain Of Memories Ape Escape 2 Glamour Kills stuff A new PSP with BBS A laptop.
I just thought it got forgotten, ever since they left it they don't really seem to mention it at all.
Bullet For My Valentine-Bittersweet Memories
Need For Speed: Prostreet made me disappointed myself. I seriously thought it was gonna follow the NFS: Carbon storyline. Having Carbon follow Most Wanted's story.
I always wondered why he knew so much about it. And I am not sure but he probably did encounter a keyblade bearer before Sora. I just always thought maybe he was a keyblade bearer himself, but then I thought maybe not. I'm confusing myself as it is.
Thanks guys, I'll be sure to stay this time :)
Another one I found "hard" was the hammer dude, I can't believe I forgot his name :( (The one who threw rocks at you)
Av: Same :P 9/10 Sig: 7/10
KHI: I actually teared up when Sora rescued Kairi by giving away his heart. KHII: The ending when Riku and Sora met everyone at the island.
I love how it looks. I can't read most the stuff on the site but it still looks amazing.
I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas on ABC. I was happy.
I usually just glide away from Donald and Goofy and wait for them to catch up. It's fun for me xD