You have to consider the fact that this game is for a cell phone and cell phone games can only be so big. Plus there is several episodes so would the secret ending be at the end of whichever one comes last. If it only comes out in Japan, then the chances are even slimmer for a secret ending and Nomura said that it was just a fun game for fans so who knows if it even relates to the story. If there was a secret ending it would probably be something about BBS, just to add hype.Plus BBS is supposedly going to have Sora and the gang in it too so it cannot be a complete prequel (or they are 4 year olds). The secret ending, if there is one, would probably be relating to KH 3 seeing as how it is the last game (supposedly) before KH3. And 358/2 days would probably have a secret ending about Sora and what he is currently doing I'd think to lead into the next game. But we are just assuming that there would be a secret ending for any of them because COM didn't have a secret ending, but that could just be because the game was for GBA and they didn't have enough room. I think that you may be right. After all, they had data sora destroy bugs in Jimminy's journal to figure out why the message appeared at the end and it probably had something to do with where they went in the games so king Mickey quite possibly was telling them about what they found in the journal. I think it is all very confusing though.
KH1 has the best story I think and I don't like the whole card system as much so #1.
Riku game True. He's been through more then sora. i think a game possibly the first or second game of just riku's perspective would be intresting. But I'd like to see what Riku went through as he went through the shadow realm.
you will like it but if you don't have much money and you already have the gameboy version don't waste your money. the story is exactly the same. If you have a bit of money though, it's a good game to have.
Axel was just pretending. they don't have feelings (I think). The game said that but he seemed to really have the emotions so I guess we'll have to wait and see. I had to pick Larxene. I don't know why but she wa my favorite organization member. She had spunk and she was a girl.
Me too but I thought it was like larks-een. Seemed logical to me, but I'm not going to say them any differently. I went two years saying it like that and I'm not stopping now.
you guys are saying stuff about how older sora has limits and he is stronger but that is just because it is the second game so they had to put new stuff. It has nothing to do with him being older but while it sounded fine before, Sora's voice sounds too young int he first game after hearing it in the second game. I don't think it matters but older has a cooler voice so i'll say older. :)
Nope, but I'm not sure why he's not. I liked COM and RE:COM but they left a lot out that they could have put in. (Well they only had so much space on gameboy but they could have added a lot on RE:COM)
What's the highest level anybody has gotten before leaving the island? I'm trying to get to level 100 before even leaving destiny islands. And for anybody who has the guide, what are the options you are supposed to make to level up the fastest?