Hi CtR!!!! How are you today? *eats cookie*
Hi family, I'm back!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I'm good! How about you? *eats cookie* :D
Yup, that I am!!!!!!! :D *hugs*
OOC: I agree...... I'm terrible at starting, though........ *hides in corner*
Hello Random Family!!!!!!!!!! :D
May I join? name- Katex age- 17 number- 16 parent- Demyx power- Water/Nature apperance- Long bright pink hair, guitar pick earings
Ok, I will!!!!!!!!! Tori-san says hello!!!!!!!!!! :D And that she's gonna kill me for interupting her shower again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thanks!!!!!!!! I'll tell Tori-san!!!!!!!! :D *whips out cellphone*
Can I do that as well? :D
Well, that's depressing...... But worry not, for I am still here!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I don't know, Gure-san, are we? :D
Why yes, I am still here!!!!!!!!! :D
I agree, it IS a rather nice avatar!!!!!!!!! :D I've been here all along, Gure-san!!!!!!!!!!!
aw, Tori-san left!!!!!! *cries*
:D :D I'll be your friend!!!!!!!!! :D :D
I'm right here!!!!! :D :D :D
Hello!!!! :D Yeah, I love Furuba!!!!! :D My friends do, too, wherever they are......
Hi, I was wondering if I could join this family! :D
Hello and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!