Dark Lancer stood next to Germain. She smirked willing to defend her colleauges.
Did u see his other RP its called "Yet another vampire rp" Its in the normal rp place its awesome
Runs towards Serin. "Im gonna win this!"
Cracks her knuckles smirking. "Lets do this!"
Hinata nodded and tried to smile. "A-Alright.."
Hinata watches worriedly.... "Not again..."
"Welcome..." She said queitly
Name: Drake Element: Ice Race: Elf Weapons/powers: Gender: Female History: Doesnt remeber her past Descrpition: Strong and yet shy hides in the woods all day Looks:
Name: Haily Job: Vampire model Age: 16 Gender: Female Background: Always been a vampire and just became a model Weapons(Only from the list): Scythe
Selene ran through the woods quickly dodging any trees and branches. She followed some white wolfs as they ran off towards the night moon. She stopped for a moment feeling the breeze against her hot face. Suddenly she caught a vampire scent.
Hinata saw Naruto and decided to see what was wrong. "Na-Naruto is something wrong?" Hinata said shyly.
Dark Lancer chewed at her chains though it was no use at all. "Stupid....stupid""STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was queit until she started to scream.
Dark Lancer snickered. "Ah so the two bothers meet up at last?! Kill him Germain hes done with anyway!"
Dark Lancer tried to get up but couldnt as Kyo got closer Kula growled. "Stay away from her or ill...ill" Kula couldnt talk straight because she was so made.
Characters name: Selene Age: 15 Gender: female History: Umm shes been a vampire a long time? Description: Animal you relate to: Wolf Weapons(if any) : A sword and wrist blades Powers(if your a vampire) : Too many to type XD Reason for being a vampire : Betrayal
She started to laugh. "Yea too bad its in no use"
Wakes up awhile later.Onii-chan was in major pain.
Dark Lancer sat down in the lab waited to be rebooted again...
Suddenly Dark lancer fell to the ground. "Kula my chip....."
(-_- okay guys whats my character doing? im lost XDDDDDD just got back from school)