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  1. Dark Lancer
    Drake heard singing and wondered if was a soilder. She quickly ducked behind a tree stump.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dark Lancer
    Yuffi ran through radiant garden trying to get to leon and the gang, suddenly she ran into Sora.
    "Hiya Sora!"
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Dark Lancer
    "None of your buissness now get out or ill kill you!" He lunged at Sering with a dagger.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Dark Lancer
    ((ILL START!))

    Drake slowly walked through the wood looking for herbs for her people as a sickness spreded over them. For days now the preists been praying to the gods as the "Curse" Spreaded on them. She always hoped nothing would happen to the forest but now it was slowly being destroyed and plants and animals died because of the dark shroud that sweeped over the land blocking the sun and turning it firey red.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dark Lancer
    Master BooKoo's expression changed quickly.
    "I am NOT a pervert theres a reason shes down here."
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dark Lancer


    Dark Lancer remained on the ground still weak. She looked up and noticed a man walking near her. She quickly scrammbled to her feet and moved away like a scared animal.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dark Lancer
    "Who am I? Who am I?" He said boastfully.
    "I am Master Bookoo.." He said proudly.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dark Lancer



    Germain and Dark Lancer escaped to another part of the lands they hoped on making a new organization only better.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dark Lancer

    Naruto rpg

    I will.....
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dark Lancer
    "What are you doing here! In here of all places!?" The man seemed angry.
    "And boy wo taught you to talk that why!?" he looked at Serin As he looked down
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dark Lancer


    The copy laid on the ground and started to speak random gibberish. Suddenly an air ship came and people wearing black came out with a strecher.
    The copy smirked at Donella as they put her on it. It was like her death threat.

    ~Meawhile in LAB 9~
    Dark Lancer finally broke out of her chains but not the lab itself. She was weak using her power like that so she collapsed unable to get up she started to tear up again.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dark Lancer
    "What are you doing here?" Footsteps are heard behind you.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dark Lancer
    Selene walked away still mad.
    "What does he think he is!?"
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dark Lancer
    totally Yuffie!!!
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Dark Lancer
    Name: Jaden
    Age: 17
    Weapon: Battle fans
    Good or Evil: Good
    Abilite's: Controls other weapons, fire magic, cure
    Character's Story: Her race is slowly dying and is forced to hide in the army until its safe to come home
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Dark Lancer


    ~LAB 9~
    Dark Lanner sat there for sometime feeling sorry for herself when suddenly she relized she could get out of this. All she had to do was get pissed off to the point where she'll go out into a zone then she could escape. She sat there thinking of everything that made her pissed until her eyes started to glow.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dark Lancer


    It was only the copy but what did he know.....
    "Hi Kyo..." The copy said queitly. The copy was identical to Dark Lancer all but 1 thing the voice. She moved closer to Kyo the closer she got the more his Bar Code burned.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dark Lancer


    ~Meanwhile with Saria~

    "Let go of me! God damnt!" Dark lancer glared at Saria as she laughed.
    "Let me think about it.....NO!" She laughed hystarically.
    Dark Lancer tried to wiggle out of her bonds but they only got tighter.
    "Where are we?" Dark Lancer glared at Saria as she turned back to normal.
    "In lab 9 of the organization.....You know i do beilive this IS the lab you were created. Too bad they made a new verion of you....." She pressed a button that opened a door that covered to what looked like to be a speicim tube. Inside was a identical girl to Dark Lancer. Dark Lancers eyes widen.
    "Shes not me she'll never be!" Dark Lancer became frusterated as Saria laughed even more.
    "You lets run a test run on her shall we? Your friends will never know the diffrence!" She pushed the button, suddenly the blue water drained and the Copy fell onto the floor.
    "No! they wont they know me, well Kula does but No! This isnt fair! Dont do this!" Dark Lancer screamed as Saria and the copy walked out of the lab leaving Dark Lancer alone in the dark. Dark Lancer started to cry wishing she was dead already. Someone silently phased into the room.
    "Lance is that you?" The voice was hush but Dark Lancer knew it ever so well.
    "ADRAIN!" Dark Lancer looked up to see him and his warm smile.
    "So sister what are you doing all tied u-" He paused sitting next to her.
    "Dont tell me that thier gonna..."
    Dark Lancer noded as she tried not to cry again.
    "How did you figure it out?" She said quietly.
    "Your crying... remeber were not built with feelings and emotions other wise i would be sad for you.." He said getting up.
    "I got to go before they see me.....See your copie around.." He said leaving again.
    Dark Lancer started to cry again putting her head in her lap.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dark Lancer
    She let her head hang.
    "Or really?" A voice came from behind them.
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dark Lancer


    Kula nodded.
    "Kyo want me to go ahead to spot air troops?"
    Post by: Dark Lancer, Mar 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home