She smile still watching him hoping he would get up soon.....
Selene laughed heading towards the kitchen."Wonder what this place has.."
Off Topic- Its Back!^^
The clone looked around but saw no one. She walked back into the room. "Its cleared.."
She nodded looking down.
"Oh no!" She started to run back to the village before anything bad happens.
Selene laughed. "Lets go get you something to eat." She started back up the stairs.
Onii-Chan watched Futaro sleep while sitting on the bed. She adored watching him.
"so what do you want to do?" She smirked looking at his eyes.
She slowly sat up and sat on the bed. She smiled at Futaro.
She flinched and tried to move again. Suddenly Dark Lancers copy came in. The copy smirked at him.
Drake talked to herself about her father and the soilders.
Drake walked away passing the two elves.
"Let me go!" Dark Lancer screamed at him.
Dark Lancer tried to get up. "Thank you but he'll find me again.."
"But father!" "Drake be quiet and go greet our guests!" His face became red as she walked off. She bumped into a soilder as he walked into the village.
Drake ran to her father. "What are they doing here!" She sounded mad. "They just came It wasnt my decision!"
She ran towards the village and was shocked Soilders were there and they had wings!
She noded and followed kindof.
She looked down and didnt say a word.